
New research on civil society, welfare and the rights of persons with disabilities in the former Soviet Union

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney, analyses civil society organisations’ perspectives on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in nine former Soviet republics, latterly renamed the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Namely, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Over the past…

Localities and histories: Why census data is important to understanding Trade Union membership

Within England and Wales, March 21st, 2021 is census day. Taking place every 10 years, the census provides the most accurate estimate of the population and a detailed account about people and the households in which they live. The data is vital to understanding our society and in providing information that is necessary to support the…

Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil y Senedd yn mapio mynediad at wasanaethau bancio yng Nghymru

Dros y degawd diwethaf mae cylchoedd olynol o gau banciau a thueddiadau cynyddol i ddarparu peiriannau codi arian â ffi wedi denu sylw helaeth yn y cyfryngau ac yn wleidyddol. Mae ymchwilydd WISERD, Mitchel Langford, Athro Cysylltiol ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru, wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad ar fynediad at wasanaethau bancio o ganlyniad i’w Gymrodoriaeth Academaidd ddiweddar…

The Child Friendly City initiative: Expanding the presence of children and young people in urban governance

Cardiff is working to become recognised as a Child Friendly City. This blog looks at how the initiative has been implemented in Finland and how that experience could inform Cardiff city council’s work in this area. The UNICEF initiative was launched in 1996 with the overarching goal to ensure the rights of the child are taken…

Exploring the issues facing third sector adult social care providers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Wales and Northern Ireland

  Research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney, Dr Christala Sophocleous, and Professor Daniel Wincott, provides new insights into the issues facing third sector community-based adult care services in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic in Wales and Northern Ireland. The findings come from two ESRC-funded studies that are part of WISERD’S civil society research programme. The first…

New study on the electoral politics of refugees and asylum seekers reveals distinctive approaches to welfare in the different countries of the UK

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney analyses political parties’ policy record on refugees and asylum seekers in party manifestos for post-war Westminster, and post-1998 Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish elections. A refugee is someone who is outside her or his country of nationality due to a well-founded fear of persecution and who is…

Ymchwilwyr yn datblygu model newydd i ddadansoddi darpariaeth lles cymdeithas sifil mewn gwledydd datganoledig

Mae astudiaeth ymchwil empirig gan Gyd-Gyfarwyddwr WISERD, yr Athro Professor Paul Chaney, Dr Christala Sophocleous a Daniel Wincott,yn cyflwyno model damcaniaethol newydd ar gyfer dadansoddi’r ffordd y mae cymdeithas sifil yn rhoi cymorth lles i ddinasyddion mewn gwledydd datganoledig. Yn rhyngwladol, systemau lles datganoledig yw’r drefn fel arfer. Mae’r ymchwil newydd hon yn ceisio archwilio ehangder y ffactorau…

Ymchwil yn tynnu sylw at atal cymdeithas sifil a thorri hawliau dynol pobl LGBT+ ym Mangladesh

Mae ymchwil newydd gan Gyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD, yr Athro Paul Chaney, Dr Sarbeswar Sahoo (Sefydliad Technoleg Indiaidd, Delhi) a Dr Seuty Sabur (Prifysgol BRAC, Dhaka) yn dadansoddi safbwyntiau sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil ar y sefyllfa gyfoes sy’n wynebu pobl LGBT+ ym Mangladesh. Er iddo gael ei anwybyddu i raddau helaeth mewn gwaith academaidd hyd yn hyn, mae’n fater sydd…