
Social Media & Society Conference 2017

The 28-30th July marked the 8th annual Social Media & Society Conference. The conference is organised by the Social Media Lab at Ryerson University in Toronto and this year it returned home to Canada after last year’s excursion to Goldsmiths in London. WISERD Research Associate, Dr Wil Chivers presented at both of these conferences and in his latest blog he reveals his highlights…

Digital sexuality: the Internet as an intermediary and mediator of sex

As part of the WISERD Cardiff lunchtime seminar series, Dr Ian Thomas reported recent findings from his exploration into the Internet’s effects on sexuality. He questions whether the Internet is an intermediary and/or a mediator, and whether it is altering our understanding of sexuality. In my WISERD lunchtime seminar, I began by drawing on the…

What would a Cultural Participation Research Network look like, and why should we have one?

Dr Eva Elliott and Dr Ellie Byrne introduce The Cultural Participation Research Network, which was established in June 2017 with help from Cardiff University’s Strong Communities, Healthier People Flagship Engagement Project. The network aims to bring a range of individuals and organisations together in Wales to develop a programme of research around cultural participation and what it…

‘It’s bringing new life in’ Teenage parents and inter-generational values of family life

WISERD was joined by Dr Sally Brown from Edinburgh Napier University for the latest Civil Society Seminar, which looked at teenage pregnancy and intergenerational relations. Read her blog to discover more about the findings from her qualitative interviews with teenage mothers and mothers-to-be from different generations. The paper I gave recently at WISERD stems from my…

Trust in the establishment and political interest among young people

Public trust in the political establishment is an integral part of voter choice in any election or referendum, but more crucially it upholds the democratic process. Without some degree of trust in politicians, political parties, experts and the media, state-societal relations would hit a gridlock. Without trust, people would be less likely to vote and…

General election results weren’t down to youth turnout alone

It is difficult to think of an election in which the votes of young people – age 18 to 25 – have caused more of a stir. Of course, the youth vote was expected to be important in the EU referendum, the Scottish independence referendum and just about every general election since the voting age was lowered…

Civic engagement in Russia

Professor Grigori Kliucharev recently presented as part of the WISERD Civil Society seminar series. His presentation, ‘Social and political participation in building democracy in Russia: The role of literacy programmes and educational reforms’, is based on research data on literacy, and social and political participation in Russia. This was conducted in 2014-2016 by Professor Grigori…

Higher education and social justice in China

Professor John Morgan recently presented his research on higher education and social justice in China at a WISERD lunchtime seminar. Professor Morgan has been collaborating with Dr Bin Wu, senior research fellow at Nottingham University Business School on this topic. China is a country marked by sharp differences in regional development and by social inequalities,…