
Patterns of participation

WISERD PhD student, Sian Evans, recently presented her PhD research as part of the WISERD Cardiff lunchtime seminar series. She explores whether the Omnivore Thesis can be found within the field of social participation.    The Omnivore Thesis was originally identified in the context of cultural participation – music tastes, attendance at the theatre, cinema,…

“They should’ve let us vote”

– College student, Heads of the Valleys. The dominant view among young people with regard to Brexit, is one of anger or frustration at not being allowed to vote. As part of a broader WISERD project exploring education, language and identity, a research team at Aberystwyth University has been travelling around the country to interview under-18s…

Brexit dominates British politics – but the young are least likely to think it should

In recent blogs, we have explored the impact of Brexit, and the stances taken by the Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties towards the triggering of Article 50, on the political support of young voters. Those blogs showed that while there have been some small changes, for the most part Brexit has had little impact: younger voters still overwhelmingly…

Public Uni – reflections on public engagement

Dr Ceryn Evans presented her research on higher education and civil society at Public  Uni’s 15th event at Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff. Public Uni is an event organised by Cardiff University and aims to provide researchers with an opportunity to communicate    their research in engaging, bite-sized ‘chunks’ to a ‘lay audience’. Each presenter has just…

Climate change and poverty are as much of a threat as terrorism for many young people

It will probably come as little surprise that recent surveys have found the majority of adults in Europe think that international terrorism is the most pressing threat to the continent.  Though this is valuable information about what adults think, little is known about what children and young people perceive as the greatest threats to life and democracy…

WISERD Civil Society: Social Media Research Series – How do trade unions use Twitter?

As part of the WISERD Cardiff lunchtime seminar series, Dr Wil Chivers recently reported early findings from his research into trade unions on Twitter.   Back in September I introduced the Social Media Research Series of blogs here at WISERD. Following a period of data collection for WISERD Civil Society work package 3.3 at the beginning of the year,…

Without European intervention, equality for disabled people in Britain would be a distant dream

The representation of disabled people in government has never been more important. In 2014, 19% of British residents said that they were disabled. The country also has an ageing population and 42% of state pension age adults – 5m people altogether – are living with disabilities. Before the EU referendum, fears abound that the laws in place to help and protect…