
Localities and histories: Why census data is important to understanding Trade Union membership

Within England and Wales, March 21st, 2021 is census day. Taking place every 10 years, the census provides the most accurate estimate of the population and a detailed account about people and the households in which they live. The data is vital to understanding our society and in providing information that is necessary to support the…

Gwir effaith y coronafeirws ar genhedlaeth o blant o Gymru

Ar gyfweliad Ar-lein Cymru, dywedodd Dr Catherine Foster fod bywyd wedi “newid yn ddramatig” i lawer o bobl ifanc a ddioddefodd effeithiau fel unigrwydd a cholli trefn arferol. Dywedodd: “Er bod rhai plant wedi gallu parhau i fynd i’r ysgol o leiaf rhan o’r amser, mae’r mwyafrif wedi colli’r drefn a’r strwythur y mae presenoldeb…

COVID: Mae pobl ifanc di-waith yng Nghymru yn ‘wynebu cael eu creithio’

Mae Dr Sioned Pearce yn tynnu sylw at effaith COVID-19 ar ddiweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc. Mewn cyfweliad â BBC Cymru, dywedodd fod y pandemig wedi “gwaethygu materion ansicrwydd” i bobl ifanc sydd â chontractau sero awr, gwaith rhan-amser a swyddi â chyflog isel.  

Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil y Senedd yn mapio mynediad at wasanaethau bancio yng Nghymru

Dros y degawd diwethaf mae cylchoedd olynol o gau banciau a thueddiadau cynyddol i ddarparu peiriannau codi arian â ffi wedi denu sylw helaeth yn y cyfryngau ac yn wleidyddol. Mae ymchwilydd WISERD, Mitchel Langford, Athro Cysylltiol ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru, wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad ar fynediad at wasanaethau bancio o ganlyniad i’w Gymrodoriaeth Academaidd ddiweddar…

The Child Friendly City initiative: Expanding the presence of children and young people in urban governance

Cardiff is working to become recognised as a Child Friendly City. This blog looks at how the initiative has been implemented in Finland and how that experience could inform Cardiff city council’s work in this area. The UNICEF initiative was launched in 1996 with the overarching goal to ensure the rights of the child are taken…

Dyfynnwyd yr Athro Chris Taylor mewn erthygl BBC ynghylch effaith cau Ysgolion ar ddisgyblion dan anfantais.

Dywedodd yr Athro Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Chris Taylor, o Brifysgol Caerdydd, fod y bwlch hwn yn parhau i ehangu. “Mae cau ysgolion, wrth gwrs, yn datgelu ac yn pwysleisio’r anfantais ddofn sydd gan lawer o deuluoedd ledled Cymru yn y gwahanol amgylchiadau y maen nhw ynddynt,” meddai. Erthygl y BBC

New study explores civil society perspectives on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in India

New research by WISERD Co-Director Professor Paul Chaney analyses civil society organisations’ perspectives on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) that was ratified by India in 2008. This is a benchmark study; the first to systematically examine the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights…