
Civil society activism and animal welfare policy divergence

As part of a series of blog posts on WISERD’s civil society and animal welfare research, here we look at the “territorialisation” of animal welfare rights and how this is being driven by civil society activism. In other words, civil society organisations (CSOs) successfully lobbying for distinctive laws and policies that convey contrasting protections in…

New analysis: Animals in sport – exploring civil society welfare campaigning

As part of a series of blog posts on civil society and animal welfare, here we look at emerging findings from our analysis of civil society organisations’ (CSOs’) campaigning to ban greyhound racing in Wales and Scotland. This is prompted by welfare concerns and relatedly, because races in these countries are not subject to statutory…

International, Comparative and Action Research: Triangulating Wales with the Basque Country and California

International, comparative and action research can be shaped through an unexpected and highly unpredictable rationale when conducting fieldwork research. In 1946, Kurt Lewin defined action research as ‘transformative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action that employs a spiral of steps, each consisting of a cycle of planning, action, and…

Disability and trade union membership in the UK

Disability is associated with significant labour market disadvantage internationally but despite arguments that trade unions act as a ‘sword of justice’ and protect the most disadvantaged employees, there has been relatively limited exploration of the relationship between trade unions and disability-related labour inequality. Our latest analysis provides new evidence for the UK with important insights…

Llyfr gan yr Athro W. John Morgan wedi’i gyhoeddi ym Mrasil

Mae llyfr yr Athro W. John Morgan ar yr athronydd ac addysgwr Iddewig enwog o Awstria, Martin Buber, Buber and Education: Dialogue as Conflict Resolution,  (gyda Alexandre Guilherme), Routledge, 2014, wedi’i gyfieithu i Bortiwgaleg a’i gyhoeddi ym Mrasil gan Wasg Prifysgol PUCR, Porto Allegre, gyda chefnogaeth Comisiwn Cenedlaethol Brasil i  UNESCO. Roedd Martin Buber yn…

Datganoli a lobïo ym maes lles anifeiliaid: archwilio barn ymgyrchwyr y gymdeithas sifil

Fel rhan o gyfres o flogiau ar ein hymchwil ar weithrediaeth cymdeithas sifil a hawliau lles anifeiliaid, dyma rannu rhai canfyddiadau sy’n dod i’r amlwg ar effaith datganoli yn y DU. Canfyddiad allweddol o’n cyfres o gyfweliadau manwl gydag ymgyrchwyr sy’n cynrychioli sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil yw eu rhwystredigaeth gyda San Steffan a safbwyntiau cadarnhaol yn…

Shifting public attitudes to animal welfare? New research explores the views of civil society campaigners

While academic literature on environmentalism has long emphasised the interdependence and fragility of all life forms on earth, scholarly work on civil society has largely overlooked the position of non-humans. Our research is seeking to address this by examining contemporary civil society advocacy for animal welfare rights in the UK. As part of a series…

Dadansoddi Plaid Cymru yn y cyfryngau

Dadansoddiad o Blaid Cymru a’i harweinydd newydd gan gyd-gyfarwyddwr CWPS-WISERD, Dr Anwen Elias a Dr Elin Royles o Ganolfan Gwleidyddiaeth Cymru a The Conversation ar 17 Gorffennaf. Cafodd hefyd ei ailgyhoeddi yn Golwg ar 20 Gorffennaf a’r Western Mail ar 22 Gorffennaf.    

Pŵer meddal, diplomyddiaeth gyhoeddus, a moderniaeth yn Tsieina a Rwsia

Mae John Morgan, Athro Anrhydeddus a Chymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme yn WISERD, ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, wedi ysgrifennu traethawd adolygu llyfrau sydd wedi’i gyhoeddi yng nghyfnodolyn, Eurasian Geography and Economics. Dywed yr Athro Morgan: “Erbyn hyn mae llenyddiaeth helaeth ar gysyniadau cysylltiedig pŵer meddal a moderniaeth” ac mae’r traethawd hwn yn adolygu rhai enghreifftiau nodedig. Mae ‘Soft…