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Better Data Better Results: An options appraisal for a national data and monitoring system for street homelessness in Scotland
Better Data Better Results: An options appraisal for a national data and monitoring system for street homelessness in Scotland

In June 2018, the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Group (HARSAG) published a report outlining 70 recommendations for the Scottish Government to implement in order to end rough sleeping, transform the use of temporary accommodation in Scotland and end homelessness altogether. Among these was a recommendation to improve data collection on street homelessness at a…

Report Cover
Early Childhood Education and Care: Policy Development

This briefing is the third in a series providing a quick guide to early childhood education and care (ECEC). The first two papers considered how ECEC services can be structured, organised and delivered. This final paper looks at the key policy questions around ECEC including who it is really for, how available and accessible it…

New Perspectives on Welfare and Governance in Contemporary China - front cover of working paper
New Perspectives on Welfare and Governance in Contemporary China

Introduction Over the last thirty years, China has undergone comprehensive and profound social and economic transformation. The rapid development of urbanization, marketization, informatization and globalization has brought China a series of major challenges. These include how to adjust the relationship between the state, market and society; how to narrow the gap between rich and poor;…

International Journal of Human Rights
India at the Crossroads? Civil Society, Human Rights and Religious Freedom: Critical Analysis of CSOs’ Third Cycle Universal Periodic Review Discourse 2012-2017

In order to provide a timely assessment of India’s fulfilment of international obligations on religious freedom this article explores the nature and ‘issue-salience’ of different human rights ‘pathologies’. It uses critical frame analysis of the corpus of civil society organisations’ (CSOs) submissions to the third cycle Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The findings reveal CSOs’ concerns…

Journal cover
Recovering Tradition in Globalising Rural China: Handicraft Birdcages in Da’ou village

This article explores a historic rural craft tradition as the focus of economic development through the valorisation of the local cultural heritage, or culture economy. The case‐study traces the revival of bamboo birdcage making in Da’ou village in Shandong Province, where the craft knowledge of making birdcages once prized by the Chinese imperial court has…

Report for the Office of Manpower Economics
Understanding the Gender Pay Gap within the UK Public Sector

By applying established regression and decomposition methods to secondary data from the 2018 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) and the 2016-2018 Quarterly Labour Force Survey (QLFS) this report aims to enhance our understanding of the drivers of the contemporary gender pay gap (GPG) within the UK public sector. This is done in several…

Publication Image
Language policy in multi-level systems: A historical institutionalist analysis

Efforts are underway to develop a stronger political science perspective regarding the practice of language policy to establish language policy as a distinct field of public policy studies. The article’s original theoretical contribution is to develop a framework, grounded in historical institutionalism, to analyse the multi-level institutional factors that influence language policy choices relating to…

RUDN Journal of Philosophy 23(4) cover
Simone Weil’s Lectures on Philosophy: A Comment

The purpose of this article is to introduce the reader to some intellectual origins of Simone Weil’s philosophy through a summary of and comment on her Lectures on Philosophy (1978) given when she was a teacher at a girls’ school at Roanne in the Loire region of central France. The article provides a comment on…

Studies in Higher Education 45(7)
The ‘civic premium’ of university graduates: the impact of massification on associational membership

Considerable attention has been paid to the economic benefits of participating in higher education, particularly the ‘economic premium’ of graduates compared to non-graduates. Although the civic contribution of graduates has been widely acknowledged and discussed, there has been a dearth of empirical analysis that investigates this contribution. Furthermore, the massification of higher education in the…

Journal Cover
Rewilding – departures in conservation policy and practice? An evaluation of developments in Britain

Rewilding has been hailed as ‘radical’ and ‘agenda-setting’ in the challenge it poses to mainstream conservation. This paper questions whether that is still the case, or if rewilding is now being mainstreamed and with what consequences? Our analysis focuses upon developments in Britain, up until 2018, discussing what changes have become manifest and the barriers…