
If your sexual orientation is accepted by society you will be happier and more satisfied with your life

In recent years LGBT+ rights have improved dramatically. Same-sex marriage is now legally performed and recognised in 28 countries. Equality laws protect LGBT+ people at work and increased media coverage is improving knowledge and awareness of sexual orientations. More is to be done, however, to ensure equality for all, and researchers have been looking into…

Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2019 i’w chynnal ar 3ydd-4ydd Gorffennaf

Ymhen pythefnos, bydd WISERD yn cynnal ei Gynhadledd Flynyddol yng Nghanolfan Gynadledda Medrus ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Thema eleni yw Cymdeithas Sifil a Chyfranogiad. Bydd cyfle i’r cynadleddwyr drafod ymchwil arloesol, rhyngddisgyblaethol o Gymru a thu hwnt, gan ganolbwyntio ar ymagweddau at gymdeithas sifil a chyfranogiad sydd wedi’u mabwysiadu mewn ystod eang o feysydd polisi. Bydd…

WISERD yng Nghynhadledd Rhwydwaith Cyd-gynhyrchu Cymru

Denodd stondin arddangos WISERD lawer o ddiddordeb yng nghynhadledd flynyddol Rhwydwaith Cyd-gynhyrchu Cymru yn Wrecsam heddiw. Gallwn Gyda’n Gilydd: Cynigiodd Dathliad o Gyd-gynhyrchu a Chynhwysiant yng Nghymru gyfleoedd allweddol i rwydweithio a chysylltu ein gwaith â sefydliadau o’r trydydd sector a’r sector cyhoeddus. Nod y diwrnod oedd ystyried llunio polisïau a gwasanaethau ar y cyd,…

WISERD researchers secure places at the 2019 GW4 Crucible

Three WISERD researchers – Constantino Dumangane, Wil Chivers and Ian Thomas – have successfully secured places on the 2019 GW4 Crucible. The GW4 Crucible is a competitive annual programme that seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaboration between early career researchers from Cardiff, Bristol, Bath and Exeter universities. This year’s programme comprises three two-day residential labs. 30…

New Fellowship at the National Assembly for Wales

WISERD researcher, Dr David Dallimore, from the School of History, Philosophy and Social Sciences at Bangor University has been awarded a Fellowship at the National Assembly for Wales. During 2019 he will be working with the Assembly Research Service to provide information about early childhood education and care (ECEC). Policy in this area has developed…

WISERD at 10

This year WISERD celebrates a decade of influencing policy and debate. To mark this important anniversary, a variety of external stakeholders were invited to join WISERD colleagues, old and new, for WISERD at 10, at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay. The event marked the launch of Changing Wales: WISERD at 10, a new publication showcasing…

WISERD welcomes Gwyther Rees – Honorary Research Fellow

Earlier this month Cardiff University announced they are conferring an honorary title upon Gwyther Rees. Gwyther is an internationally renowned expert on children’s subjective wellbeing, he has been researching children’s wellbeing in the UK and internationally for nearly thirty years. Gwyther has considerable experience of working in the third sector with various organisations such as…

Strong WISERD presence at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Annual Research Conference

Work from WISERD’s Civil Society Research Programme features prominently at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Annual Conference in London, taking place today and tomorrow September 6-7. The WISERD stand (pictured) is doing brisk business with high levels of interest from conference-goers.     WISERD researchers will be presenting a raft of papers. For…