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Civil Society Organizations’ Experiences of Participative Environmental Mainstreaming: A Political Systems Perspective of a Regional European Polity

This paper addresses a lacuna in the literature on environmental policy integration by exploring civil society organizations’ (CSOs) experiences of participative environmental mainstreaming – a policy imperative to embed environmental concerns in all aspects of policy-making. A raft of international treaties and laws require this to be operationalized through knowledge exchange and critical engagement between…

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Urban growth strategies in rural regions: building The North Wales Growth Deal

This paper discusses the creation of a growth deal for North Wales (The North Wales Growth Deal – NWGD). North Wales is primarily a rural region within the UK, withoutacore-city or large metropolitan centre.The paper examines how this urban dynamic, fostered around a pushing of the agglomerative growth model out of the city-region, is being…

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Attitudes Towards Asylum Seekers: Understanding Differences Between Rural and Urban Areas

This paper examines spatial differences in the attitudes of the public towards asylum seekers using data from the British Social Attitudes Survey. Initial analysis reveals some statistically significant variations across geographical areas, with people living in London, the South East of England and Scotland displaying the most tolerant views. The spatial variations are then further…

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Collaboration for Sustainable Intensification: The Underpinning Role of Social Sustainability

Sustainable Intensification (SI) has been popularised in recent years as an approach seeking to balance the potentially conflicting demands of enhancing agricultural outputs with reducing the negative impacts arising from the current food system. Proponents have argued that SI can benefit from collaboration between farmers, but understanding is limited by a lack of data on…

Non-Technical Briefing Paper No.3: Civil Society and Good Governance in India and Bangladesh
Non-Technical Briefing Paper No.3: Civil Society and Good Governance in India and Bangladesh

This briefing is from the ‘Exploring effective practice’ project 2018-19 funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences/ Global Challenges Research Fund. It reports on the findings of fieldwork, including a workshop conducted at the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi in January 2019 – with academics drawn from India, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Australia. The workshop was…

Picture of American Neighbourhood crime watch sign
Resisting Digital Surveillance Reform: The Arguments and Tactics of Communications Service Providers

Communications surveillance in the UK has been an increasingly contentious issue since the early 2000s. The Investigatory Powers Act 2016 is the result of a long series of attempts by the UK government to reform communications surveillance legislation. The consultations on this legislation — and on its precursor, the Draft Communications Data Bill 2012 —…

Catalonia rescaling Spain: Is it feasible to accommodate its "stateless citizenship"?
Catalonia rescaling Spain: Is it feasible to accommodate its “stateless citizenship”?

The Spanish nation-state is gradually being rescaled by Catalonia’s “secession crisis.” Recently and dramatically, in the aftermath of the “illegal” and “constitutive referendum” that took place on 1 October 2017, 2,286,217 Catalan citizens attempted to exercise the “right to decide” to ultimately become “stateless citizens.” This paper examines this rescaling process that has been forming…

New Perspectives on Welfare and Governance in Contemporary China - front cover of working paper
New Perspectives on Welfare and Governance in Contemporary China

Introduction Over the last thirty years, China has undergone comprehensive and profound social and economic transformation. The rapid development of urbanization, marketization, informatization and globalization has brought China a series of major challenges. These include how to adjust the relationship between the state, market and society; how to narrow the gap between rich and poor;…

International Journal of Human Rights
India at the Crossroads? Civil Society, Human Rights and Religious Freedom: Critical Analysis of CSOs’ Third Cycle Universal Periodic Review Discourse 2012-2017

In order to provide a timely assessment of India’s fulfilment of international obligations on religious freedom this article explores the nature and ‘issue-salience’ of different human rights ‘pathologies’. It uses critical frame analysis of the corpus of civil society organisations’ (CSOs) submissions to the third cycle Universal Periodic Review (UPR). The findings reveal CSOs’ concerns…

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Recovering Tradition in Globalising Rural China: Handicraft Birdcages in Da’ou village

This article explores a historic rural craft tradition as the focus of economic development through the valorisation of the local cultural heritage, or culture economy. The case‐study traces the revival of bamboo birdcage making in Da’ou village in Shandong Province, where the craft knowledge of making birdcages once prized by the Chinese imperial court has…