
Unite’s shock election result

With both the TUC and Labour holding annual conferences one after the other, much attention was on the unions’ newest leader, Sharon Graham. Her election as general secretary of the UK and Ireland’s most important union, Unite, came as a shock to most of the commentariat. In this, the first part of a three-post blog…

Data from the EU Settlement Scheme Demonstrates the Challenge of Estimating the Population of EU Migrants Living in Wales

In this blog, Stephen Drinkwater, Professor of Economics at the Business School in the University of Roehampton and academic lead for the EU Settlement Scheme Data Linkage Project, looks at the latest data available on applications made to the Home Office for EU Settled Status and how this data is helping to shape the project…

Adnewyddu sylfaenol: Trawsnewid systemau dibyniaeth yn sgîl COVID-19

Bu trydedd gynhadledd WISERD am yr economi sylfaenol, a gynhaliwyd ar-lein yn gynharach y mis hwn, yn dod ag ymchwilwyr ac ymarferwyr o bob rhan o’r DU a’r tu hwnt ynghyd i drafod sut y gellir ailadeiladu, gwella a chynnal yr economi sylfaenol mewn ymateb i heriau newydd a hen sydd wedi’u gwaethygu gan y…

Do young people trust COVID-19 vaccines?

On September 13th, the UK’s four chief medical officers concluded that children aged 12 and over can be offered one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination. There has been much debate about whether all children and younger teenagers should be offered vaccinations, with discussion about the safety of vaccines, consent from children and the need…

Yr Athro John Morgan yn cyflwyno darlith yng nghynhadledd Eidalaidd

Ddydd Sadwrn 4 Medi 2021, cyflwynodd yr Athro John Morgan ddarlith a gweithdy ar Ddelfrydiaeth a Realaeth mewn Cyfnewid Addysgol a Diwylliannol: Cydweithrediad deallusol rhyngwladol neu ‘bŵer meddal?‘, i’r gynhadledd: Cyd-fyw ag amwysedd – Diwylliannau gwahanol a gwerthoedd cyffredin?, a drefnir gan y Fondazione Intercultura Onus, Fflorens, yr Eidal (2–4 Medi). Mae’r Ddarlith yn ganlyniad…

Wales is having a rethink about its place in the UK – could it lead the way for everyone else?

Anwen Elias, Aberystwyth University and Matt Wall, Swansea University Can the United Kingdom survive Brexit? This remains one of the great unanswered questions of our time. Politically, two major narratives have dominated. The first is that the UK is on a break-up trajectory. Brexit has revived the Scottish independence movement and destabilised Northern Irish politics. Clashes between UK and…

Active citizenship through community supported agriculture networks

COVID-19 has exposed the vulnerabilities of global supply chains, including our food system. In the UK, the dual impact of the pandemic and Brexit have led to considerable losses in food and drink trade, closures of hospitality venues and growing food insecurity among the population. In front of this backdrop, the demand for more crisis-resilient…

Erthygl gan yr Athro John Morgan wedi’i chyhoeddi heddiw yn un o bapurau newydd dyddiol blaenllaw yr Eidal, Il Corriere Della Sera

    ‘Learning to live: An era poised between enlightenment and obscurantism’ gan yr Athro John Morgan wedi’i chyhoeddi heddiw yn un o bapurau newydd dyddiol blaenllaw yr Eidal, Il Corriere Della Sera.      

Roma civil society organisations in Europe: Navigating uncertainty in times of Brexit and COVID-19

Although European leaders have committed to creating more inclusive societies through the recently adopted 2020-2030 EU Roma Strategic Framework (October 2020), civil society organisations (CSOs) challenging Roma exclusion are facing a series of new uncertainties: the withdrawal of the UK from the EU (Brexit) and the COVID-19 pandemic. Across Europe, the exclusion of Roma is…