
Ymgynghoriad y Llywodraeth yn cyfeirio at adroddiad gwaith cartref WISERD

Adroddiad WISERD ar Gweithio Gartref yn y DU: Cyn ac Yn ystod Cyfnod Clo 2020, fe nodwyd mewn ymgynghoriad gan y llywodraeth ar wneud gweithio hyblyg yn ddiofyn. Mae’r ymgynghoriad agored yn ceisio barn unigolion a busnesau am gynigion i ddiwygio rheoliadau gweithio hyblyg (Rheoliadau Gweithio Hyblyg 2014). Mae’r adroddiad, gan Alan Felstead o Brifysgol…

Anthropolegau Cymdeithasol Cymry – Gorffennol a’r Presennol

  Bydd Casgliad newydd o draethodau o’r enw Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present, a olygwyd gan yr Athro W. John Morgan a Dr Fiona Bowie, yn cael eu cyhoeddi y  mis hwn yngNghyfres’Country Series’ y Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol.  Mae gwreiddiau’r llyfr mewn cyd-golocwiwm o’r Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol, WISERD, Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru, a…

Play 2021: The right to play and the child-friendly city

I recently attended Play 2021 (a new conference hosted by community interest company Playful Planet) which brought together researchers, policymakers and practitioners interested in ‘child-friendly’ urban design and children’s play. One of our interests as part of our WISERD research project has been the concept of the ‘child-friendly city’ and what an enabling environment for the…

Leverage campaigns and how they work

In this third and final part of my blog series exploring the recent election of new Unite leader, Sharon Graham, I’ll be focusing on leverage campaigns and how they work. As a highly contentious topic, they form a key part of Graham’s strategy for organising Unite into a union of “strike ready workplaces”, but are…

Unite’s shock election result

With both the TUC and Labour holding annual conferences one after the other, much attention was on the unions’ newest leader, Sharon Graham. Her election as general secretary of the UK and Ireland’s most important union, Unite, came as a shock to most of the commentariat. In this, the first part of a three-post blog…

Data from the EU Settlement Scheme Demonstrates the Challenge of Estimating the Population of EU Migrants Living in Wales

In this blog, Stephen Drinkwater, Professor of Economics at the Business School in the University of Roehampton and academic lead for the EU Settlement Scheme Data Linkage Project, looks at the latest data available on applications made to the Home Office for EU Settled Status and how this data is helping to shape the project…

Adnewyddu sylfaenol: Trawsnewid systemau dibyniaeth yn sgîl COVID-19

Bu trydedd gynhadledd WISERD am yr economi sylfaenol, a gynhaliwyd ar-lein yn gynharach y mis hwn, yn dod ag ymchwilwyr ac ymarferwyr o bob rhan o’r DU a’r tu hwnt ynghyd i drafod sut y gellir ailadeiladu, gwella a chynnal yr economi sylfaenol mewn ymateb i heriau newydd a hen sydd wedi’u gwaethygu gan y…

Do young people trust COVID-19 vaccines?

On September 13th, the UK’s four chief medical officers concluded that children aged 12 and over can be offered one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination. There has been much debate about whether all children and younger teenagers should be offered vaccinations, with discussion about the safety of vaccines, consent from children and the need…