
Mae astudiaeth ryngwladol yn datgelu lefelau isel o les ymysg plant yng Nghymru

Mae arolwg o 128,000 o blant ar draws 35 o wledydd yn codi cwestiynau ynghylch lefelau lles a brofir ar draws gwahanol feysydd o fywydau plant yng Nghymru. Yn ôl tîm o ymchwilwyr WISERD mae gan blant yng Nghymru rai o’r lefelau isaf o les ymysg plant ar draws 35 o wledydd. Holodd y tîm…

Well-being of school children in Wales: European comparisons

Recent results from the Children’s Worlds study revealed that children in Wales have some of the lowest levels of well-being amongst children surveyed in 35 countries. Children’s Worlds is an international study of children’s subjective well-being, with the third and most recent survey including over 128,000 children, surveyed between 2016 – 2019. This is the…

Well-being of school children in Wales: bullying

As the start of another school year approaches, amongst the many challenges that providing a COVID-safe educational environment poses, reintegrating learners into a safe and secure learning environment will be key. Concerns have rightly been raised about young people’s mental health and welfare during these unprecedented times. Our research with children and young people as…

COVID-19 and the uncertainty for new Welsh undergraduates

Note: This blog has been updated on 28 July to include Student Loan Company data to the end of June 2020. There has been much discussion, forecasting and concern around the impact of COVID-19 on the higher education sector. With many universities beginning to slowly lay out their intended teaching and learning practices for the…

Labordy Data Addysg WISERD yn lansio cyfres blog

Mae Lab Data Addysg WISERD, sydd newydd ei sefydlu, wedi lansio cyfres o negeseuon blog i rannu ei ddadansoddiadau diweddaraf â chynulleidfa ehangach. Mae’r labordy yn bwriadu cynhyrchu tystiolaeth sy’n seiliedig ar ymchwil o safon uchel gan ddefnyddio data gweinyddol o’r sector addysg i gefnogi’r sector yng Nghymru. Er mwyn ymgymryd â’r gwaith hwn, mae…

Patterns of school non-attendance over the educational lifecourse

This blog outlines preliminary findings from a larger WISERD Education Data Lab project exploring non-attendance and school exclusions. Here we draw on annual attendance data and pupil level data. We explore the total number of school sessions missed by a cohort of young people over an 11-year period, from age 5 years old (Year 1)…

Early GCSE entry: patterns over time

GCSE entry practices in Wales have meant that many pupils may have sat their GCSE examinations, and thereby certified, before the traditional end-of-Year-11 point of their academic career. Not only have some pupils experienced early entry, some have been entered multiple times in order to maximise the final grade achieved. Influences on the practice of…

An introduction to the WISERD Education Data Lab

By generating high quality research-based evidence, the newly established WISERD Education Data Lab aims to help inform and challenge our understanding of educational processes and outcomes and to support the Wales education sector to meet the aims set out by the Welsh Government in their national mission for 2017-2021. In order to undertake this work,…