
Complex special education needs – type and timing are important factors

Characteristics closely linked to educational outcomes can vary by individual pupils’ situations and can be the result of a complex interplay between a number of risk factors. For example, being classified as having a disability such as communication difficulties, and experiencing behavioural and mental health problems can increase the risk of losing school days, which…

Cyllid £17 miliwn ar gyfer ymchwil data cydweithredol yng Nghymru

Mae disgwyl i fenter sydd wedi trawsnewid sut y gall data gweinyddol dienw gael eu defnyddio’n ddiogel i roi cipolwg ar faterion cymdeithasol ac economaidd yng Nghymru barhau, diolch i fuddsoddiad o bron £17 miliwn. Mae Ymchwil Data Gweinyddol Cymru (YDG Cymru) wedi cael £16,985,944 tan 2026 fel rhan o fuddsoddiad Ymchwil Data Gweinyddol y DU (ADR UK)…

Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2022 – Galwad am Bapurau

Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi bod y galwad am bapurau nawr AR AGOR ar gyfer Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2022. Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2022 Prifysgol Abertawe   Dydd Mercher 6 Gorffennaf a dydd Iau 7 Gorffennaf 2022 Thema ein Cynhadledd Flynyddol yw ‘Cymdeithas sifil a chymryd rhan: materion cydraddoldeb, hunaniaeth a chydlyniant mewn tirwedd gymdeithasol sy’n newid‘….

Understanding Welsh Places: Filling the evidence gap for places in Wales

A shortage of robust, nationally consistent evidence at a town level has been a longstanding problem in the UK. Without evidence it is difficult for town stakeholders, such as planners, town councils, third sector organisations and community groups, to determine local needs, evaluate the effectiveness of town management strategies and to learn from past success….

How special education needs change over time

Pupil needs can vary significantly and might require for the provision of individually tailored special education and/or additional support. Special education needs (SEN) have been linked with a number of adverse outcomes including poor mental health and loss of school days, which in turn can lead to deterioration of mental health, highlighting the need to…

Data from the EU Settlement Scheme Demonstrates the Challenge of Estimating the Population of EU Migrants Living in Wales

In this blog, Stephen Drinkwater, Professor of Economics at the Business School in the University of Roehampton and academic lead for the EU Settlement Scheme Data Linkage Project, looks at the latest data available on applications made to the Home Office for EU Settled Status and how this data is helping to shape the project…

Do young people trust COVID-19 vaccines?

On September 13th, the UK’s four chief medical officers concluded that children aged 12 and over can be offered one dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination. There has been much debate about whether all children and younger teenagers should be offered vaccinations, with discussion about the safety of vaccines, consent from children and the need…

Is there a geography of volunteering in Wales?

In Wales as elsewhere, the role of volunteers has been brought to the fore during the COVID-19 pandemic as people offered their services to help address the needs of vulnerable groups within their communities. Concerns surrounding the sustainability of such volunteering efforts have drawn attention to the types of infrastructure that could help facilitate and…

Special education needs of excluded children in Wales

Pupils differ significantly in terms of their individual characteristics and needs. It’s therefore important for schools to be able to identify and assess the level of need/disability, and provide for pupils with learning difficulties that call for special education provision, described as special education needs (SEN). Under the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales)…

Cystadleuaeth Poster PhD WISERD 2021

Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi enillydd ein Cystadleuaeth Poster PhD WISERD 2021 flynyddol. Muhao Du o Brifysgol Caerdydd sydd wedi ennill y wobr am ei boster – ‘Finding Harmony in Hardship: experiences of expatriates in subsidiaries of Chinese MNCs in the high technology sector’. Mae Emma Reardon o Brifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant wedi ennill…