Prosiectau Ymchwil

Gwaith a marchnadoedd llafur

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Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth 2024

Trosolwg O ystyried newidiadau cymdeithasol a pholisïau diweddar, mae’r DU yn wynebu angen cynyddol i wybod sut mae’r byd gwaith wedi newid.  Nod cyffredinol yr Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth 2024 (ASC2024) yw casglu data arolwg cadarn ar sgiliau a phrofiadau cyflogaeth pobl 20-65 oed sy’n gweithio ym Mhrydain yn 2024. Bydd ASC2024 yn ychwanegiad gwerthfawr…

New Emerging Citizenship Regimes

New Emerging Citizenship Regimes explores five citizenship ideal types (Pandemic, Algorithmic, Liquid, Metropolitan, and Stateless) stemming from critical/radical social innovation perspective by employing fieldwork action research in six specific city-regional cases. COVID-19 has hit European citizens dramatically, not only creating a general risk-driven environment encompassing a wide array of economic vulnerabilities but also exposing them…

Hwb Deilliannau Cynhyrchedd Ymarfer, Ymgysylltu a Dysgu yn y Gweithle (PrOPEL)

Yn dechrau fis Ionawr 2020, mae WISERD yn rhan o gydweithrediad a ariennir gan ERSC o’r enw Hwb Deilliannau Cynhyrchedd Ymarfer, Ymgysylltu a Dysgu yn y Gweithle (PrOPEL). Dan arweiniad Prifysgol Strathclyde, mae Hwb PrOPEL yn dod â phump o fuddsoddiadau ynghyd a ariannwyd gan ESRC yn ddiweddar sy’n gweithio ym maes cynhyrchedd.  Nod Hwb…

Apeliadau Brys: Data a Phrosiect Rhannu Dysgu ESRC GCRF

Mae hwn yn brosiect gan gydweithwyr yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd a WISERD mewn cydweithrediad â’r  Ymgyrch Dillad Glân (CCC). Mae’n seiliedig ar ddyfarniad IAA cynharach ESRC a gwblhawyd ym mis Mawrth 2019. Ffocws ein gwaith yw gwella a datblygu’r gronfa ddata a ddefnyddir gan CSC i gofnodi a monitro ei fecanwaith Apeliadau Brys. Mae CSC…

Gweithredoli Hawliau Llafur ESRC GCRF

Mae hwn yn brosiect ymchwil rhyngwladol a ariennir gan yr ESRC o dan gylch gwaith y Gronfa Ymchwil Heriau Byd-eang (GCRF). Mae’n gydweithrediad rhwng ymchwilwyr yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd a WISERD a’n partneriaid yn Cividep-India. Mae’r ymchwil yn unigryw gan ei fod yn astudiaeth hydredol, sy’n canolbwyntio ar y gweithle, o fynediad at feddyginiaeth ar…

Operationalising Labour Rights: Access to Remedy at the Workplace

The research investigates workplace the grievances of garment workers employed in factories in the city of Bangalore, south India. Specifically it examines access to remedy at the workplace, and seeks to illuminate local conditions against the backdrop of national and international forms of regulation.

Understanding the Gender Pay Gap within the UK Public Sector

WISERD researchers, Melanie Jones and Esgi Kaya have evaluated the size of the gender pay gap within UK public sector occupations such as teaching and nursing after they successfully secured a research grant from the Office of Manpower Economics (OME). The research has informed the work of the independent public sector pay review bodies. They used large…

Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth 2017

Trosolwg Mae’r Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth (2017) yn casglu data am beth mae pobl yn ei wneud yn y gwaith, pa sgiliau maen nhw’n eu defnyddio a sut maen nhw’n gweithio. Arolwg 2017 yw’r seithfed mewn cyfres o arolygon a ddechreuodd ym 1986. Cymerodd cyfanswm o 3,306 o weithwyr ran yn yr arolwg diweddaraf. Mae’r…

Trade Union Membership, Associational Life and Wellbeing

Overview This project builds on previous WISERD research into geographical variations in trade union membership in Wales. (Beynon, Davies and Davies, 2012). The research programme derives from this analysis, which suggested that in South Wales collective understandings, rooted in an earlier period of unionisation, are spilling over into the contemporary period. This work was supported…

Social Enterprise in Wales, the UK and Europe

This project utilised a range of econometric approaches to analyse entrepreneurial activity, the growth in Social enterprise and the changing role of the third sector. Research focused on the early stages of entrepreneurial activity and also on the survival and performance of small businesses in Wales (and beyond) as a means to contribute to economic growth…

Graduate Employability and Skills

The overall aim of the project was to provide an analytical review of the research literature on graduate employability and skills, with due attention to the diversity of the approaches that have been adopted. In particular, the review was designed to draw out the implications of the general literature for the specific circumstances of Wales. It also…

Goblygiadau i’r Farchnad Lafur yn sgîl newidiadau yn y Sector Cyhoeddus: Anghydraddoldeb

Y Bwlch Cyflog rhwng y Rhywiau yn y DU yn ystod y cyfnod 1998-2013 : Beth yw rôl y sector cyhoeddus? Defnyddiwyd yr Arolwg o’r Llafurlu Chwarterol i gymharu’r bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau yn y sectorau cyhoeddus a phreifat rhwng 1998 a 2013 ac i nodi cyfraniad y dyraniad cyflogaeth sectoraidd i’r bwlch cyflog…

Labour Market Implications of Changes in the Public Sector

In 2010 the UK coalition Government committed itself to an active policy of fiscal consolidation designed to ‘eliminate’ the structural deficit by the end of the current parliament (HM Budget, March 2011). As part of their consolidation plans the Government announced its intention to promote a rebalancing of the UK economy, away from public sector…

Labour Market Implications of Changes in the Public Sector: Public Sector Pay

Pay determination and outcomes in the public sector Data from the Labour Force Survey was used to investigate public sector wage differential in the UK 1994 to 2012. In the first of a set of analyses, three separate sub-periods are considered in detail, each characterise broadly different government policy stances towards the public sector and different…

Unlocking the potential of the Welsh Local Labour Force Survey: an investigation into labour market transitions in Wales

The project aimed to highlight the potential value of an important but currently underutilised dataset, the Welsh Local Labour Force Survey (WLLFS). The main aim was to provide new evidence relating to labour market transitions in Wales. In terms of the analysis we propose two separate pieces of research that both use the WLLFS to examine ‘at…

ERDF Business Survey

Overview In partnership with Old Bell 3 Ltd and IFF Research, WISERD undertook a survey of ERDF assisted businesses under the Convergence and Competitiveness Programmes for WEFO. The survey findings supplement existing Programme monitoring data to assess the effectiveness of the ERDF Enterprise, Business Finance, and R&D and Innovation Priorities. The survey also provided useful information to WEFO…

Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth 2012

Mae’r Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth (2012) yn casglu data am beth mae pobl yn ei wneud yn y gwaith, pa sgiliau maen nhw’n eu defnyddio a sut maen nhw’n gweithio. Dyma’r chweched mewn cyfres o arolygon sampl cynrychioliadol o weithwyr ym Mhrydain sy’n ymestyn yn ôl dros 30 mlynedd. Mae’r arolygon trawstoriadol hyn yn cynnig ffordd…

Knowing Localities: Responses to Redundancy at AA

Overview This project was concerned with the impact on workers, their families and neighbourhoods of the closure of the Anglesey Aluminium (AA) smelter in September 2009, formerly one of the major employers in the Holyhead area. Previous studies of the impact of factory closure on local communities have focused on the individual impacts of redundancy as…

Welsh Graduate Migration

Overview The existence of a ‘brain drain’ of graduate labour from Wales has long been a focus of debate (for example, Drinkwater and Blackaby, 2004, c.f. Fevre, 2004). Welsh and English higher education and labour markets are interconnected (for example, Rees and Taylor, 2006) and Wales is a ‘loser’ region generating more undergraduates than it…