
More opportunities but same standard of living: young people’s perceptions of generational differences

The news often paints a rather grim future for Gen Z, the generation born between the late 1990s and early 2010s. There is low perceived job security, housing costs continue to rise relative to wages, and the 2012 tuition fee increase means that many now graduate with more debt than previous generations. The ongoing impacts…

Gŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol ESRC 2021

  Mae ymchwilwyr WISERD yn cynnal tair Gŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a fydd yn rhoi sylw i ddiweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc a chymdeithas sifil yng nghyd-destun datganoli, systemau bwyd cymunedol lleol a phrosiect gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion sy’n archwilio monitro ansawdd aer. Diweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc a chymdeithas sifil yng nghyd-destun datganoli: cymhariaeth is-wladwriaeth 11 Tachwedd 2021 Mae’r…

Gender, age, economic position and education affect attitudes to climate change

In my previous blog post, I discussed regional variations in attitudes towards climate change, with people living in Wales appearing more sceptical in comparison to those in other parts of Britain. However, attitudes to climate change also differ according to people’s characteristics such as gender, age and educational level, and these will affect regional differences…

Does neb yn Ynys ar Adeg Pandemig

Mae’r Athro John Morgan, ynghyd â Dr Ana Zimmermann o Brifysgol São Paulo, Brasil, wedi cyhoeddi ‘No One is a Island at a Time of Pandemic’ mewn rhifyn arbennig o Peace Review: Cyfnodolyn Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ar effaith gymdeithasol a diwylliannol COVID-19. Mae’r erthygl yn ystyried y cwestiwn moesegol sylfaenol ynghylch sut y caiff y cyfrifoldeb…

Understanding Welsh Places: Filling the evidence gap for places in Wales

A shortage of robust, nationally consistent evidence at a town level has been a longstanding problem in the UK. Without evidence it is difficult for town stakeholders, such as planners, town councils, third sector organisations and community groups, to determine local needs, evaluate the effectiveness of town management strategies and to learn from past success….

Yr Athro Jean Jenkins i arwain Comisiwn Dyfodol Datganoli a Gwaith TUC Cymru

  Yr Athro Jean Jenkins, Cyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD ac Athro Cysylltiadau Cyflogaeth yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, i arwain comisiwn annibynnol ar ddyfodol hawliau cyflogaeth a datganoli yng Nghymru. Bydd y Comisiwn Dyfodol Datganoli a Gwaith, a sefydlwyd gan TUC Cymru, yn gyfrifol am ystyried yr effaith y mae’r trefniadau datganoli presennol yn ei chael ar ymdrechion…

How special education needs change over time

Pupil needs can vary significantly and might require for the provision of individually tailored special education and/or additional support. Special education needs (SEN) have been linked with a number of adverse outcomes including poor mental health and loss of school days, which in turn can lead to deterioration of mental health, highlighting the need to…

Ymgynghoriad y Llywodraeth yn cyfeirio at adroddiad gwaith cartref WISERD

Adroddiad WISERD ar Gweithio Gartref yn y DU: Cyn ac Yn ystod Cyfnod Clo 2020, fe nodwyd mewn ymgynghoriad gan y llywodraeth ar wneud gweithio hyblyg yn ddiofyn. Mae’r ymgynghoriad agored yn ceisio barn unigolion a busnesau am gynigion i ddiwygio rheoliadau gweithio hyblyg (Rheoliadau Gweithio Hyblyg 2014). Mae’r adroddiad, gan Alan Felstead o Brifysgol…

Anthropolegau Cymdeithasol Cymry – Gorffennol a’r Presennol

  Bydd Casgliad newydd o draethodau o’r enw Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present, a olygwyd gan yr Athro W. John Morgan a Dr Fiona Bowie, yn cael eu cyhoeddi y  mis hwn yngNghyfres’Country Series’ y Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol.  Mae gwreiddiau’r llyfr mewn cyd-golocwiwm o’r Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol, WISERD, Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru, a…