
Cynnal 10fed Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD

Cynhaliwyd 10fed Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD ar 3 a 4 Gorffennaf yng Nghanolfan Gynadledda Medrus ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Thema’r gynhadledd eleni oedd Cymdeithas Sifil a Chymryd Rhan, a denodd y digwyddiad, sef cynhadledd y gwyddorau cymdeithasol fwyaf Cymru, dros 100 o gynadleddwyr o’r sectorau academaidd, polisi, cyhoeddus, preifat a’r trydydd sector. Dechreuodd y gynhadledd gyda dwy…

Dr Nigel Newton talks about closing the attainment gap on BBC Radio Wales

Following on from the previous Eye On Wales programme last month, when Dr Nigel Newton was involved in a discussion which introduced the new education system, Dr Newton now discusses whether or not the new curriculum will help to close the attainment gap. Almost two-thirds of teachers at schools that have trialled Wales’ new curriculum feel it will…

Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2019 i’w chynnal ar 3ydd-4ydd Gorffennaf

Ymhen pythefnos, bydd WISERD yn cynnal ei Gynhadledd Flynyddol yng Nghanolfan Gynadledda Medrus ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Thema eleni yw Cymdeithas Sifil a Chyfranogiad. Bydd cyfle i’r cynadleddwyr drafod ymchwil arloesol, rhyngddisgyblaethol o Gymru a thu hwnt, gan ganolbwyntio ar ymagweddau at gymdeithas sifil a chyfranogiad sydd wedi’u mabwysiadu mewn ystod eang o feysydd polisi. Bydd…

How well is Wales monitoring its fulfilment of the Convention on the Rights of the Child? A view from Dr Rhian Barrance and Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales

Sally Holland, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and Dr Rhian Barrance, WISERD Research Associate, discuss how Wales has gone further than any other UK country in implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) by introducing the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure in 2011. This requires that ministers…

Why are primary school children in Wales so worried about tests?

WISERD recently conducted a survey of almost 10,000 children aged between 7 and 18-years-old in Wales for the Children’s Commissioner for Wales. The aim of the survey was to identify the most significant issues facing children in Wales in order to guide the Commissioner’s 3 year workplan for children and young people. The 11-18 year…

Live on BBC Radio Wales – Dr Rhian Barrance discusses the impact of national tests on children in Wales

Dr Rhian Barrance talks on BBC Radio Cymru and BBC Radio Wales about new research findings from her work with the Children’s Commissioner for Wales on the impact of national tests on children in Wales. BBC Radio Cymru, ‘Post Cyntaf’, 8am, 09/05/19: BBC Radio Wales, ‘Good Evening Wales’, 5pm, 09/05/19:

Childhood in Wales is changing, Wales’ services must change too

New data from over 10,000 children and young people in Wales reveal the impact pressures of modern life are placing on their mental health. WISERD Research Associate, Dr Rhian Barrance carried out the Beth Nawr, 2019 survey for the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, which collected data to help shape the Commissioner’s new three-year work plan….