Martina studied law at the University of Tübingen before completing an MSc in Criminology and Criminal Justice at the University of Edinburgh in 1999, and a DPhil on the influence of the media on public perceptions of crime and criminal justice at the University of Oxford in 2008.

She worked as a research officer at the Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford for six years on numerous projects funded by the Youth Justice Board, the Home Office, and the Nuffield Foundation. She joined the Bangor University in 2007 and has since undertaken a range of research projects relating to the workings of the criminal justice system in North Wales, including policing and penal policy.

Martina is a member of the ESRC funded WISERD Civil Society Centre; is a network co-ordinator at the Welsh Centre for Crime and Social Justice; and a co-applicant on the ESRC-funded seminar series: DATA – PSST! Debating and Assessing Transparency Arrangements – Privacy, Security, Surveillance, Trust.


Cyfweliad gyda’r Athro Martina Feilzer, Prifysgol Bangor

Mae’r Athro Martina Feilzer o Brifysgol Bangor yn trafod ei hymchwil ar gefnogaeth sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil i ffoaduriaid a mudwyr mewn nifer o wledydd yn Ewrop, a sut yr arweiniodd hyn at ffocws annisgwyl ar brofiadau’r gymuned Roma. Bydd yr ymchwil hon yn rhoi gwybodaeth a thystiolaeth i sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil, a’r gallu i ymgysylltu â llunwyr polisïau am eu cymunedau.

Martina Feilzer Bio