Alan Felstead yn cael ei gyfweld ar newyddion y BBC am yr ‘hawl i ddatgysylltu’

Mae llywodraeth newydd y DU wedi addo gweithredu i atal cartrefi rhag ‘troi’n swyddfeydd 24/7’. Mae’r risg o fod ar-lein drwy’r amser wedi cynyddu ers y pandemig gyda’r ffiniau rhwng gwaith a bywyd yn y cartref yn aneglur i lawer mwy o bobl sy’n gweithio. Mae tua chwarter y gweithwyr, er enghraifft, bellach yn dweud…

Offeryn ar-lein newydd sy’n paru pleidleiswyr â’u plaid wleidyddol ddelfrydol

Yn ystod ymgyrch yr Etholiad Cyffredinol, roedd gwybodaeth wleidyddol yn dod o bob cyfeiriad, ac roedd hyn yn achosi i lawer o bobl deimlo’n ddryslyd ynglŷn â pha bleidiau oedd yn cydweddu orau â’u barn hwy. Er mwyn mynd i’r afael â’r broblem hon, mae prosiect sy’n cael ei gyd-arwain gan Brifysgol Abertawe ac yn…

Pwysigrwydd ystyried anghenion iechyd heb eu diwallu mewn absenoldeb cyson o’r ysgol

Dr Robert French yw arweinydd academaidd rhaglen ymchwil addysg YDG Cymru. Yn y blog hwn, mae’n trafod ei gyfraniad i ymchwiliad a ddechreuwyd gan Senedd y DU yn archwilio absenoldeb cyson o’r ysgol.  Mae lefelau absenoldeb parhaus o’r ysgol ymhlith plant wedi dyblu ers pandemig Covid-19. Mae ystadegau gan yr Adran Addysg yn dangos, yn Lloegr,…

Cynhadledd Flynyddol 2024 WISERD

Ar y 3ydd a’r 4ydd o Orffennaf, fe wnaethon ni gynnal ein Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2024 ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru a chroesawu dros 140 o gynadleddwyr o bob cwr o’r DU a’r tu hwnt. Daeth dros 100 o bosteri a chyflwyniadau ardderchog at ei gilydd o dan y thema eleni, sef ‘Anelu at gyflawni cymdeithas…

Myfyrdodau ar fy interniaeth a phwysigrwydd ymchwil hygyrch

Ym mis Hydref 2023, dechreuais interniaeth gyda Cymorth i Ddioddefwyr. Rhan o fy rôl oedd cynnal adolygiad llenyddiaeth i baratoi ar gyfer cynhyrchu adroddiad hygyrch yn archwilio profiadau dioddefwyr troseddau casineb drwy ymchwil academaidd diweddar, sydd eisoes yn bodoli, yn y maes. Prif ffocws yr interniaeth oedd sicrhau bod gwybodaeth academaidd am droseddau casineb ar…

GE2024: Do party manifestos reflect ‘supermajority’ civil society demand for better animal protection?

WISERD Co-Director, Paul Chaney, has co-authored a new report in a project led by Dr Steven McCulloch (University of Winchester). The report entitled “Political Animals: The Democratic and Electoral Case for Strong Animal Welfare Policies in UK General Elections”[i] was commissioned as part of a campaign by 23 leading animal welfare NGOs. To locate this…

GE2024: Why party manifestos need to address civil society demands on animal welfare

WISERD Co-Director, Paul Chaney, has co-authored a new report in a project led by Dr Steven McCulloch (University of Winchester). The report entitled “Political Animals: The Democratic and Electoral Case for Strong Animal Welfare Policies in UK General Elections”[i] was commissioned as part of a campaign by 23 leading animal welfare NGOs. To locate this…

Erthygl ar ymchwil newydd yng nghyfnodolyn Population, Space and Place

Mae erthygl ar ymchwil newydd gan W. John Morgan, Cymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme yn WISERD ac Athro Anrhydeddus ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, ar y cyd â Dan Liu o Brifysgol Astudiaethau Tramor Guangdong a Qiuxi Liu o Brifysgol Amaethyddol Hunan, wedi’i chyhoeddi yn rhifyn diweddaraf  Population, Space and Place. Mae’r erthygl, ‘Why do Chinese overseas doctoral graduates…

Llyfr newydd WISERD: Cultural Cold Wars and UNESCO in the Twentieth Century

Bydd monograff newydd gan W. John Morgan, Athro er Anrhydedd yn Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Prifysgol Caerdydd a Chymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme yn WISERD, yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn hwyrach eleni. Mae hefyd yn Athro Emeritws yn Ysgol Addysg Prifysgol Nottingham, lle roedd yn Gadair Economi Wleidyddol Addysg UNESCO; ac Athro er Anrhydedd yn Ysgol Gwyddorau…

Ymchwil newydd y gymdeithas sifil ar ddiwylliannau ac ieithoedd brodorol yn India

Mae’r Athro Paul Chaney a’r Athro Sarbeswar Sahoo (Sefydliad Technoleg India, Delhi) wedi cael grant Her Fyd-eang newydd gan Academi’r Gwyddorau Meddygol ac maen nhw’n dechrau prosiect sy’n edrych ar gymdeithas sifil a diwylliannau ac ieithoedd brodorol yn India. Byddan nhw’n gweithio ar y cyd â Dr Reenu Punnoose (Sefydliad Technoleg India, Palakkad). Mae’r astudiaeth…

Darlith gyhoeddus ar ddyfodol y Deyrnas Unedig

“Fydd y Deyrnas Unedig yn goroesi?” yw’r pwnc llosg gwleidyddol a fydd yn destun darlith gyhoeddus ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Traddodir ‘Fractured Union’ gan yr Athro Michael Kenny, arbenigwr ar gyfansoddiad y DU, hunaniaeth genedlaethol a gwleidyddiaeth diriogaethol. Cynhelir y ddarlith gan Ganolfan Gwleidyddiaeth a Chymdeithas Cymru Prifysgol Aberystwyth, yn rhan o gyfres newydd o ddigwyddiadau…

Y gorffennol yn y presennol: Ystyried gwaith codi glo a streic y glowyr yn 1984-85

Ar 2 Mawrth 2024, cafodd y 40 mlynedd ers streic y glowyr ei nodi mewn cynhadledd WISERD yn Adeilad Bute, Prifysgol Caerdydd, gydag ymgyrchwyr, undebwyr llafur, ymchwilwyr a chynhyrchwyr ffilmiau’n bresennol. Agorwyd y gynhadledd drwy ddangos y ffilm, Breaking Point, a wnaed ac a gyflwynwyd gan y cyfarwyddwr enwog o Sweden, Kjell-Åke Andersson. Gwnaed y…

Oriel luniau: Y gorffennol yn y presennol

Detholiad o luniau o’n digwyddiad pen blwydd diweddar ‘Y gorffennol yn y presennol: Ystyried gwaith codi glo a streic y glowyr yn 1984-85’ a dynnwyd gan Natasha Hirst. Mae’r rhain yn cynnwys baneri o gyfrinfeydd y NUM o faes glo’r De (ar fenthyg gan Lyfrgell Glowyr De Cymru).

Cyhoeddiad newydd ar effeithiolrwydd y bartneriaeth rhwng y trydydd sector a’r llywodraeth yng Nghymru

Mae Dr. Amy Sanders wedi cyhoeddi’r papur: A Welsh Innovation in Inclusive Governance. Examining the Efficacy of the Statutory Third Sector-Government Partnership for Engaging the Third Sector in Policymaking. Mae’r erthygl hon yn ystyried i ba raddau y mae partneriaeth Llywodraeth Cymru â’r trydydd sector yn gweithio. Datblygiad arloesol a ddeilliodd o ddatganoli yw’r bartneriaeth,…

Methiannau COVID-19 y wladwriaeth yn datgelu anghydraddoldebau sy’n seiliedig ar oedran mewn gofal iechyd: Galw am Newid Radical

Roedd penderfyniadau llywodraeth y Prif Weinidog Mark Drakeford yn ystod y pandemig dan sylw fis diwethaf yn yr Ymchwiliad Covid-19 yng Nghaerdydd. Mae’r papur sydd newydd ei gyhoeddi yn tynnu sylw at fethiannau penderfyniadau’r wladwriaeth wrth waethygu cyflyrau iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol pobl hŷn, a oedd cyn pandemig COVID-19 eisoes yn eu rhoi mewn perygl…

Hacathonau Hyb PrOPEL yn helpu rheolwyr i gymryd camau i wella ansawdd swyddi

Ym mis Chwefror 2024, cynhaliodd cyd-gyfarwyddwyr WISERD, yr Athro Alan Felstead a Rhys Davies, hacathonau yn Sheffield a Belfast ar gyfer rheolwyr adnoddau dynol sydd â diddordeb mewn gwella ansawdd swyddi ar gyfer eu timau. Trefnwyd y digwyddiadau gan Hyb PrOPEL ac roedd bron i 100 o reolwyr o amrywiaeth o fusnesau yn y sector…

Rhaglen ar ITV yn rhoi sylw i streic y glowyr rhwng 1984 a 85

Yn dilyn ein digwyddiad diweddar, ‘Y gorffennol yn y presennol: Y diwydiant glo a streic y glowyr 1984-85’ cawsom sylw ar raglen arbennig ar ITV Wales, a ddarlledwyd dydd Llun 4 Mawrth yn canolbwyntio ar ddigwyddiadau 1984-85 a’u dylanwad o hyd ar economi, pobl, gwleidyddiaeth a chymunedau Cymru. Gwyliwch un o’n siaradwyr yn y digwyddiad,…

Y Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru yn cyhoeddi ei adroddiad terfynol

Ar 17 Ionawr, yn dilyn sgwrs genedlaethol ddwy flynedd o hyd, cyhoeddodd y Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru ei adroddiad. Roedd y cyhoeddiad yn amlinellu tri opsiwn posibl ar gyfer dyfodol cyfansoddiadol Cymru: rhagor o ddatganoli, DU ffederal a Chymru annibynnol. Mae Cyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD, Dr Anwen Elias, yn aelod o’r Comisiwn ac yn rhan…

CWPS i arwain prosiect newydd mawr i gefnogi datblygiad cynaliadwy cynhwysol yng Nghymru Wledig

Mae tîm dan arweiniad Cyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD-CWPS Michael Woods wedi derbyn dros £5m gan UKRI i sefydlu Cymru Wledig LPIP Rural Wales, y Bartneriaeth Polisi ac Arloesi Lleol ar gyfer Cymru Wledig. Mae’r bartneriaeth yn cynnwys aelodau CWPS Lowri Cunnington Wynn a Rhys Jones yn ogystal ag ymchwilwyr ym mhrifysgolion Aberystwyth, Bangor, Caerdydd a Swydd Gaerloyw…

Safbwyntiau cymdeithas sifil ar AI yn yr UE

Yn rhan o’r astudiaeth WISERD ‘Meysydd ehangu dinesig newydd: pobl, anifeiliaid a Deallusrwydd Artiffisial (AI)’, fe gyflwynon ni ymchwil newydd mewn digwyddiad WHEB ym Mrwsel y mis diwethaf. Mae’r ymchwil yn nodi barn a phryderon sefydliadau cymdeithas ddinesig (CSOau) am Ddeallusrwydd Artiffisial (AI) yn yr UE. Mae’r Comisiwn Ewropeaidd yn deddfu er mwyn cydlynu’r fframwaith…

WISERD yn cyflwyno ymchwil cymdeithas sifil i lunwyr polisïau ym Mrwsel

Ar 25 Ionawr, cynhaliwyd gweithdy gan Sefydliad Ymchwil Cymdeithasol ac Economaidd a Data Cymru (WISERD) ac Addysg Uwch Cymru Brwsel (WHEB) ar gyfer llunwyr polisïau ym Mrwsel, ac fe gyflwynwyd achos dros roi ymchwil cymdeithas sifil wrth wraidd cynlluniau ar gyfer yr Undeb Ewropeaidd. Yn ddiweddarach eleni, bydd aelodau’r Cyngor Ewropeaidd yn cyfarfod i gytuno…

”Nonsens ar stilts”? 75 mlynedd ers cyhoeddi’r Datganiad Cyffredinol o Hawliau Dynol

Yn Anarchical Fallacies (1796), dywedodd yr athronydd iwtilitaraidd Seisnig Jeremy Bentham fod y cysyniad o hawliau naturiol yn nonsens ac mai ‘nonsens ar stilts’ oedd hawlio hawliau nad ydynt wedi’u rhagnodi yng nghyfreithiau’r wladwriaeth. Dadleuodd fod drysu dymuno bod gennym hawl gyda bodolaeth yr hawl ei hun yn gamsyniad llwyr. Ar ben hynny, rhoddir yr…

Cyflwynwyd ymchwil Sefydliad Ymchwil Gymdeithasol ac Economaidd, Data a Dulliau Cymru (WISERD) yn y Senedd

Ar 30 Tachwedd, cyflwynodd yr Athro Mitch Langford, cyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru (PDC), ymchwil WISERD o’r prosiect a ariennir gan y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol (ESRC), ‘Anghydraddoldebau, colled ddinesig a lles’, i’r pwyllgor newid hinsawdd, amgylchedd a seilwaith yn y Senedd. Roedd digwyddiad Meysydd o Ddiddordeb Ymchwil (ARI) y Senedd yn cynnwys…

Adroddiad | Goblygiadau fframwaith cyfreithiol newydd i amddiffyn hawliau lleiafrifol

Y llynedd, 30 mlynedd ers i’r Cenhedloedd Unedig wneud datganiad ar Hawliau Personau sy’n Perthyn i Leiafrifoedd Cenedlaethol neu Ethnig, Crefyddol ac Ieithyddol, galwodd y Rapporteur Arbennig ar Hawliau Lleiafrifol, Fernand de Varennes, am gytundeb newydd i gydnabod a diogelu hawliau lleiafrifoedd yn well. Ar ran Sefydliad Coppieters, mae Dr Anwen Elias wedi ysgrifennu adroddiad sy’n ystyried…

Opera IDEAL ‘Y Bont/ The Bridge’

Yn gynharach eleni, fe berfformiodd y tîm IDEAL ‘The Bridge’, sef opera un act newydd am y profiad o fyw gyda dementia. Ysgrifennodd un aelod o’r gynulleidfa fod yr opera yn “ardderchog, yn procio’r meddwl ac mae angen ei darlledu ymhellach.” Mae’r tîm IDEAL wedi lansio ffilm o’r perfformiad Saesneg yn ddiweddar. Gwyliwch The Bridge…

Civil society and animal welfare lobbying in India

In October, as part of WISERD’s civil society and animal welfare research, a workshop was held in New Delhi. Academics present included co-investigators Professors Paul Chaney and Sarbeswar Sahoo, along with Research Associates Dr Pooja Sharma and Dr Debashree Saikia (pictured). Our work involves comparative analysis of developments in Wales, Scotland, England and India. We…

Monitro mynediad at fannau cynnes

Mae papur a gyhoeddwyd yn ddiweddar gan Dr Andrew Price a’r Athrawon Gary Higgs a Mitchel Langford ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru wedi tynnu sylw at amrywiadau daearyddol o ran mynediad at fannau cynnes yng Nghymru. Mae mannau cynnes yn rhoi cyfle i helpu aelwydydd i geisio lleihau effaith biliau ynni cynyddol yn ystod misoedd y…

Etholwyd yr Athro W. John Morgan yn Athro Er Anrhydedd ym Mhrifysgol Iorddonen

Mae’r Athro W. John Morgan, Cymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme, yn WISERD, wedi’i ethol yn Athro Anrhydeddus, Ysgol Gwyddorau Addysgol, Prifysgol Iorddonen. Mae hyni gydnabod ei gyfraniad at addysg gymharol a rhyngwladol a datblygiad cymdeithasol. Ymhlith ei benodiadau niferus, mae’r Athro Morgan wedi bod yn Gadeirydd Comisiwn Cenedlaethol y Deyrnas Unedig ar gyfer UNESCO; aelod o Bwyllgor…

Caerdydd yw dinas gyntaf y DU sy’n Gyfeillgar i Blant (UNICEF)

Mae cyfoeth o arbenigedd yn ymchwil y gwyddorau cymdeithasol wedi helpu Caerdydd i ddod yn Ddinas gyntaf y DU sy’n Gyfeillgar i Blant, sef un o raglenni UNICEF. Dyfarnwyd y statws o bwys i’r ddinas i gydnabod y camau y mae Cyngor Caerdydd a’i bartneriaid, gan gynnwys Prifysgol Caerdydd, wedi’u cymryd yn ystod y pum…

Covid-19 vaccine inequality found among people experiencing homelessness in Wales, study suggests

A year into the mass vaccination programme, people who experienced homelessness in Wales had rates of Covid-19 vaccine uptake that were almost 20% points less than people of similar characteristics. The study, led by Dr. Ian Thomas, also found that the rate at which the Covid-19 vaccine was provided was slower for people with recent…

Agweddau pobl ifanc tuag at y Gymraeg

Yr iaith Gymraeg a hunaniaeth Mae Astudiaeth Aml-garfan WISERD 2022 o blant ysgolion uwchradd ledled Cymru yn rhoi cipolwg gwerthfawr ar agweddau disgyblion tuag at y Gymraeg. Fel y disgwylid, mae’r canlyniadau yn amrywio yn ôl cyfrwng yr ysgol wrth i’r disgyblion ystyried os yw’r Gymraeg yn rhan o’u hunaniaeth Gymreig. Mae disgyblion mewn ysgolion…

Papur newydd yn galw am ddefnyddio cyfiawnder gofodol fel dull i fynd i’r afael ag argyfyngau lluosog yng nghefn gwlad Prydain

Mae papur newydd gan yr Athro Michael Woods wedi’i gyhoeddi yn The Geographical Journal. Mae’r papur hwn yn cynnig mabwysiadu cyfiawnder gofodol fel dull o ddeall yr argyfyngau lluosog sy’n wynebu cefn gwlad Prydain ac i ddatblygu ymatebion polisi. Mae’n amlinellu elfennau allweddol cyfiawnder gofodol gwledig ac yn ystyried ei ddefnydd wrth ddadansoddi heriau yng…


Mae ein fideo WISERD newydd yn ddiweddariad ar waith WISERD, gan gynnwys ein rhwydweithiau ymchwil, prosiectau cydweithredol gyda phartneriaid a’n hymrwymiad i feithrin capasiti a hyfforddiant. Bydd hefyd yn rhoi cipolwg byr ar rywfaint o’n hymchwil bresennol a’i effaith ar gymdeithas, a’n gweledigaeth ar gyfer y dyfodol.   Fideo hyd llawn     Fideo rhagolwg…

Anabledd ac aelodaeth o undebau llafur yn y DU

Mae anabledd yn gysylltiedig ag anfantais sylweddol yn y farchnad lafur yn rhyngwladol, ond er gwaethaf y ddadl bod undebau llafur yn gweithio fel ‘cleddyf cyfiawnder’ ac yn amddiffyn y gweithwyr sydd dan anfantais fwyaf, ychydig iawn o ymchwil sydd wedi’i gwneud i’r berthynas rhwng undebau llafur ac anghydraddoldeb sy’n gysylltiedig ag anabledd yn y…

Deall bylchau cyflog ethnigrwydd yn sector cyhoeddus y DU

Mewn prosiect ymchwil diweddar ar ran Swyddfa Economeg y Gweithlu gofynnwyd i ni ddarparu trosolwg a dealltwriaeth o natur yr amrywiadau yn nhâl gweithwyr yn y sector cyhoeddus, a sut roedd hyn yn amrywio yn ôl ethnigrwydd. Wrth i’n prosiect ddod i ben, rydyn ni’n manteisio ar y cyfle hwn i fyfyrio – beth rydyn…

Angen dull newydd o weithio’n hyblyg i atal anghydraddoldeb rhag ehangu

Mae angen i’r cyfle i weithio’n hyblyg fod ar gael i bawb er mwyn osgoi ehangu anghydraddoldebau, yn ôl adroddiad gan academyddion ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae canfyddiadau’r grŵp gwaith a chyflogaeth ReWAGE, sy’n cynnwys yr Athro Alan Felstead o Sefydliad Ymchwil Cymdeithasol ac Economaidd a Data Cymru (WISERD) un yn o’r cyd-awduron, yn nodi’r problemau…

Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2023

Ar y 28ain a’r 29ain o Fehefin, daeth dros 120 o gynrychiolwyr, cyflwynwyr ac arddangoswyr ynghyd ym Mhrifysgol Bangor ar gyfer Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD eleni. Thema eleni yw ‘Cymdeithas sifil a llywodraethu mewn oes o argyfwng’. Daeth cydweithwyr o bum prifysgol bartner WISERD a mwy ynghyd, a thros gyfnod o ddau ddiwrnod prysur, cyflwynwyd bron…

Civil society, animal welfare and Brexit

As part of a series of blog posts on WISERD’s civil society and animal welfare research, here we look at the views of campaigners with civil society organisations (CSOs) about the impact of Brexit on animal welfare. This matters, for it aligns with a key focus in the academic literature, namely, how shifting patterns and…

Civil society and animal welfare lobbying at Westminster

As part of a series of blog posts on WISERD’s civil society and animal welfare research, here we look at the views and experiences of civil society organisations (CSOs) lobbying Westminster for better animal welfare. These are emerging findings taken from a series of in-depth interviews with campaigners. This is worth studying because over recent…

Civil society activism and animal welfare policy divergence

As part of a series of blog posts on WISERD’s civil society and animal welfare research, here we look at the “territorialisation” of animal welfare rights and how this is being driven by civil society activism. In other words, civil society organisations (CSOs) successfully lobbying for distinctive laws and policies that convey contrasting protections in…

New analysis: Animals in sport – exploring civil society welfare campaigning

As part of a series of blog posts on civil society and animal welfare, here we look at emerging findings from our analysis of civil society organisations’ (CSOs’) campaigning to ban greyhound racing in Wales and Scotland. This is prompted by welfare concerns and relatedly, because races in these countries are not subject to statutory…

International, Comparative and Action Research: Triangulating Wales with the Basque Country and California

International, comparative and action research can be shaped through an unexpected and highly unpredictable rationale when conducting fieldwork research. In 1946, Kurt Lewin defined action research as ‘transformative research on the conditions and effects of various forms of social action that employs a spiral of steps, each consisting of a cycle of planning, action, and…

Disability and trade union membership in the UK

Disability is associated with significant labour market disadvantage internationally but despite arguments that trade unions act as a ‘sword of justice’ and protect the most disadvantaged employees, there has been relatively limited exploration of the relationship between trade unions and disability-related labour inequality. Our latest analysis provides new evidence for the UK with important insights…

Llyfr gan yr Athro W. John Morgan wedi’i gyhoeddi ym Mrasil

Mae llyfr yr Athro W. John Morgan ar yr athronydd ac addysgwr Iddewig enwog o Awstria, Martin Buber, Buber and Education: Dialogue as Conflict Resolution,  (gyda Alexandre Guilherme), Routledge, 2014, wedi’i gyfieithu i Bortiwgaleg a’i gyhoeddi ym Mrasil gan Wasg Prifysgol PUCR, Porto Allegre, gyda chefnogaeth Comisiwn Cenedlaethol Brasil i  UNESCO. Roedd Martin Buber yn…

Datganoli a lobïo ym maes lles anifeiliaid: archwilio barn ymgyrchwyr y gymdeithas sifil

Fel rhan o gyfres o flogiau ar ein hymchwil ar weithrediaeth cymdeithas sifil a hawliau lles anifeiliaid, dyma rannu rhai canfyddiadau sy’n dod i’r amlwg ar effaith datganoli yn y DU. Canfyddiad allweddol o’n cyfres o gyfweliadau manwl gydag ymgyrchwyr sy’n cynrychioli sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil yw eu rhwystredigaeth gyda San Steffan a safbwyntiau cadarnhaol yn…

Shifting public attitudes to animal welfare? New research explores the views of civil society campaigners

While academic literature on environmentalism has long emphasised the interdependence and fragility of all life forms on earth, scholarly work on civil society has largely overlooked the position of non-humans. Our research is seeking to address this by examining contemporary civil society advocacy for animal welfare rights in the UK. As part of a series…

Pŵer meddal, diplomyddiaeth gyhoeddus, a moderniaeth yn Tsieina a Rwsia

Mae John Morgan, Athro Anrhydeddus a Chymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme yn WISERD, ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, wedi ysgrifennu traethawd adolygu llyfrau sydd wedi’i gyhoeddi yng nghyfnodolyn, Eurasian Geography and Economics. Dywed yr Athro Morgan: “Erbyn hyn mae llenyddiaeth helaeth ar gysyniadau cysylltiedig pŵer meddal a moderniaeth” ac mae’r traethawd hwn yn adolygu rhai enghreifftiau nodedig. Mae ‘Soft…

Yr heriau’n wynebu Rhun ap Iorwerth cyn yr etholiadau nesa

Ganol mis Mehefin, cadarnhawyd Rhun ap Iorwerth yn arweinydd newydd Plaid Cymru. Mae’n olynu Adam Price a ymddiswyddodd yn dilyn adroddiad niweidiol a dynnodd sylw at broblemau difrifol o ran diwylliant mewnol y blaid, yn arbennig aflonyddu rhywiol, bwlio a misogynistiaeth. Blaenoriaeth ddi-oed, sydd wedi ei chydnabod gan ap Iorwerth wrth ddod i’r swydd, yw gweithredu 82 argymhelliad yn…

Mae ansawdd swyddi athrawon sy’n disgwyl arolygiad Ofsted, yn waeth yn ôl adroddiad

Mae ansawdd swyddi athrawon yn Lloegr, sy’n disgwyl arolygiad Ofsted yn y 12 mis nesaf, yn waeth a dwyster y gwaith yn uwch, yn ôl adroddiad. Dangosodd yr astudiaeth gan academyddion ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a Choleg Prifysgol Llundain (UCL) hefyd mai prin y mae’r amodau ar gyfer gweithwyr addysgu proffesiynol wedi newid ers y pandemig…

Ymchwil WISERD newydd ar droseddau hawliau dynol yn Nwyrain Affrica yn ystod y pandemig

Yn ddiweddar, cyflwynais ymchwil WISERD newydd ar hawliau dynol yn ystod y pandemig yng Nghyngres y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau Gwleidyddol Ryngwladol yn Buenos Aires. Roedd canfyddiadau fy ymchwil yn cyd-fynd â thema’r gynhadledd ‘Gwleidyddiaeth yn Oes Argyfyngau Trawsffiniol’ ac yn archwilio sut y defnyddiodd grwpiau elitaidd gwleidyddol yn Nwyrain Affrica yr argyfwng fel esgus dros atal…

Y cyhoedd yn galw am ddiwygio democrataidd

Cynhaliwyd Darlith Flynyddol y Ganolfan Gwleidyddiaeth a Chymdeithas Cymru, Prifysgol Aberystwyth i drafod y gobaith o ddiwygio democrataidd yn y Deyrnas Unedig. Traddodwyd y ddarlith gan yr academydd blaenllaw, yr Athro Alan Renwick, Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr Uned y Cyfansoddiad yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Llundain, ar y testun “Do the UK Public want Democratic Reform?”. Roedd canfyddiadau ymchwil…

Tyfu i fyny yng Nghymru: llywio amseroedd ansicr | Tystiolaeth o Astudiaeth Aml-garfan WISERD Addysg

Ar ddiwedd blwyddyn ysgol 2021-22, arolygon ni bobl ifainc ym Mlynyddoedd 8, 10 a 12 am eu profiadau o ddychwelyd i’r ysgol. Mae’r pandemig wedi cyfrannu at nifer uchel o absenoldebau ysgol ac ymddygiad heriol yn yr ystafell ddosbarth a gofynnon ni i’r disgyblion am faterion yn ymwneud ag absenoldebau a sut roedden nhw’n teimlo…

Yn ôl arolwg rhyngwladol, mae llesiant goddrychol plant Cymru yn ystod y pandemig yn is na’r cyfartaledd

Yn fy mlogiau blaenorol ym mhrosiect Bydoedd Plant, edrychon ni ar effaith y pandemig ar lesiant plant Cymru mewn perthynas â’r ysgol ac a ydyn nhw’n byw mewn ardaloedd trefol neu wledig yng Nghymru. Ar gyfer y drydedd ran hon, yr olaf, rydym bellach yn troi ein sylw at y modd y mae lefel gyffredinol…

Llwyddiant grant ymchwil i bartneriaeth rhwng academyddion ac ymarferwyr

Mae Dr Elizabeth Woodcock yn Gymrawd Ymchwil ar brosiect ymchwil Cymuned Ymarfer Rhagnodi Cymdeithasol. Arweinir y prosiect hwn gan Dr Koen Bartels, Athro Cyswllt yn y Sefydliad Llywodraeth Leol (Inlogov), Prifysgol Birmingham. The Active Wellbeing Society yw’r prif bartner ymchwil, sef Cymdeithas Budd Cymunedol a sefydlwyd yn 2017 gan Wasanaeth Lles Cyngor Dinas Birmingham. Meithrin…

Yr S.S. Empire Windrush a The London Trilogy a England, Half English gan Colin MacInnes

Ar 22 Mehefin eleni, mae’n 75 mlynedd ers dyfodiad yr S.S. Empire Windrush i Brydain; yn sgil hyn, rwyf wedi fy ysgogi i ailddarllen The London Trilogy gan Colin MacInnes, sy’n cynnwys City of Spades (1957), Absolute Beginners (1959) a Mr Love and Justice (1960).  Roedd MacInnes, a fu farw ym 1976, yn awdur a…

Mae’r bwlch cyflogau rhwng y rhywiau a dilyniant gyrfa yn ehangu gyda phrofiad yn y sector addysgu yng Nghymru

Defnyddiodd dadansoddiad diweddar gan ymchwilwyr YDG Cymru ddata gweinyddol i amcangyfrif cynnydd gyrfa a gwahaniaethau cyflog ymhlith athrawon benywaidd a gwrywaidd ac arweinwyr ysgolion yng Nghymru. Gan ddefnyddio data gweinyddol dienw o Gyfrifiad Blynyddol y 2019 a 2020 (SWAC), canfu ymchwilwyr addysg YDG Cymru fod 77% o’r gweithlu athrawon cymwys yn fenywod, fodd bynnag: Roedd gan 15% o…

Colli allan: yr aelwydydd sy’n profi amddifadedd lluosog yn ardaloedd lleiaf difreintiedig Cymru

Mynegai Amddifadedd Lluosog Cymru (MALlC) yw mesur swyddogol Llywodraeth Cymru o amddifadedd cymharol (‘mewn trefn’) ar gyfer ardaloedd bychain yng Nghymru. Defnyddir MALlC gan y llywodraeth a sefydliadau eraill i dargedu gwasanaethau ar gyfer mynd i’r afael ag anfantais gymdeithasol. Er enghraifft, fel rhan o’i raglen i gynyddu mynediad i addysg uwch, mae Cyngor Cyllido…

Ydy ansawdd swyddi’n well neu’n waeth ar ôl y pandemig?

Mewn papur mynediad agored newydd, mae Rhys Davies a’r Athro Alan Felstead yn rhannu ambell gipolwg ar ddata cwis a gasglwyd cyn ac ar ôl Covid-19 i archwilio pa effeithiau tymor byr y mae’r pandemig wedi’u cael ar ansawdd swyddi yn y DU. Mae’r canlyniadau’n dangos bod ansawdd nad yw’n gysylltiedig â thâl wedi gwella,…

Gallai pobl ifanc sy’n postio cynnwys cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn ddyddiol ac sydd mewn cysylltiad rheolaidd â ffrindiau ‘rhyngrwyd yn unig’ fod mewn perygl o ddioddef lles gwaeth

Mae Dr Emily Lowthian yn ddarlithydd ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe yn yr Adran Addysg ac Astudiaethau Plentyndod yn Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol. Cyflwynodd Emily ei hymchwil gyda Dr Rebecca Anthony, a Georgia Fee mewn seminar amser cinio WISERD ym mis Mawrth. Mae ymddygiadau cyfathrebu ar-lein, fel defnyddio cyfryngau cymdeithasol, yn aml yn cael eu derbyn yn…

Chwarae teg: gallai technegau newydd helpu i gynllunio darpariaeth cyfleusterau hamdden er mwyn gwella cyfranogiad

Mae ein hastudiaethau blaenorol sy’n archwilio’r amrywiad mewn mynediad at gyfleusterau chwaraeon mewn perthynas â phatrymau economaidd-gymdeithasol yng Nghymru wedi’u seilio ar dybiaeth mai teithio preifat yw’r dull trafnidiaeth a ddefnyddir. Rydym bellach yn cynnwys pellteroedd ac amseroedd teithio ar gyfer dulliau trafnidiaeth eraill fel rhan o’n cyfrifiadau hygyrchedd. Mae’r rhain yn deillio o archwiliad…

Plant Cymru yn llai bodlon â’r ysgol yn ystod y pandemig nag yr oeddent cyn y pandemig

Mae’r postiad blog hwn yn ail ran mewn cyfres sy’n cyflwyno canfyddiadau rhagarweiniol ar lesiant plant yng Nghymru cyn ac yn ystod pandemig Covid-19. Mae’n defnyddio data o’r Arolwg Rhyngwladol o Lesiant Plant (ISCWeB) — Bydoedd Plant, arolwg byd-eang ar les goddrychol plant, gyda’r don hon yn cynnwys 20 gwlad i gyd. Cynhaliwyd yr arolwg…

Comisiynydd yn trafod rôl gwirfoddolwyr mewn taclo rhaniadau cymunedol

Caiff cyfraniad mudiadau gwirfoddol at fynd i’r afael â pholareiddio mewn cymunedau lleol ei drafod gan Gomisiynydd Cenedlaethau’r Dyfodol yn Aberystwyth fis nesaf. Bydd academyddion Prifysgol Aberystwyth o Sefydliad Ymchwil a Data Cymdeithasol ac Economaidd Cymru (WISERD) yn cynnal symposiwm ar y cyd â phartneriaid o Rwydwaith Astudiaethau’r Sector Gwirfoddol ddydd Mercher 24 Mai yn…

Pen rheswm / gwrando’r galon: Darlunio Dyfodol Cymru

Arddangosfa yn Y Bandstand, Aberystwyth 13 –15 Ebrill 2023 Hon oedd yr arddangosfa gyntaf yn gysylltiedig â’n prosiect sy’n defnyddio ffotograffiaeth i ddeall sut mae pobl yn meddwl am annibyniaeth yng Nghymru, yr Alban a Chatalwnia. I’r cenhedloedd hyn, byddai annibyniaeth yn golygu gadael y wladwriaeth maen nhw’n perthyn iddi ar hyn o bryd (y…

Galwad am Bapurau: Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Mudo Cymru: Symposiwm Ymchwilydd Gyrfa Cynnar ac Ôl-raddedig

Mae Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Mudo Cymru yn falch o gyhoeddi symposiwm undydd ar gyfer ôl-raddedigion ac ymchwilwyr gyrfa gynnar (hunan-ddiffiniedig) sy’n gweithio ar agweddau ar fudo yng Nghymru neu wedi’u lleoli mewn sefydliadau yng Nghymru. Nod y symposiwm ar-lein yw darparu awyrgylch cefnogol i ymchwilwyr rannu eu syniadau ar waith drafft a derbyn sylwadau adeiladol. Bydd…

Mae ymchwilwyr WISERD yn cyflwyno eu canfyddiadau am ansawdd swyddi athrawon

Cyflwynodd Katy Huxley, Alan Felstead (WISERD) a Francis Green (UCL) ganlyniadau cyntaf eu hymchwil ar newid yn ansawdd swyddi athrawon mewn digwyddiad ymylol yng nghynhadledd flynyddol yr Undeb Addysg Cenedlaethol (NEU) yn Harrogate heddiw (3 Ebrill 2023). Mae’r dystiolaeth yn seiliedig ar brosiect ymchwil a gynhaliwyd gan WISERD ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ac UCL. Mae’r canlyniadau’n…

Ymchwil ar gefnogaeth wledig i wleidyddiaeth aflonyddgar yn ennill grant Ewropeaidd sylweddol

Bydd y berthynas rhwng anfodlonrwydd etholwyr mewn ardaloedd gwledig a chefnogaeth i symudiadau gwleidyddol aflonyddgar yn Ewrop a’r Unol Daleithiau, yn destun astudiaeth o bwys gan athro o Brifysgol Aberystwyth, yn sgil dyfarnu grant uchel ei fri. Mae’r Athro Michael Woods wedi sicrhau cyllid o bron i €2.5 miliwn gan y Cyngor Ymchwil Ewropeaidd (ERC)…

Mae’n bryd ailfeddwl beth yw gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion mewn gwirionedd

Mae gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion yn ddull poblogaidd o gasglu data ar gyfer gwyddonwyr naturiol a chymdeithasol, ac mae nifer y prosiectau a’r cyhoeddiadau a gynhyrchir yn tyfu o flwyddyn i flwyddyn. Mae prosiect gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion nodweddiadol yn defnyddio gwirfoddolwyr i gasglu data a fyddai, fel arall, yn anfforddiadwy neu’n anhygyrch. Ond, yn seiliedig ar y dystiolaeth…

Pa mor bell allwch chi deithio o ble rydych chi’n byw ar wahanol ddulliau teithio? Mae Deall Lleoedd Cymru nawr yn dangos i chi

Mae’n debyg nad yw’n syndod clywed y gallwch deithio ymhellach mewn llai o amser wrth deithio ar drafnidiaeth breifat, megis mewn car, nag ar drafnidiaeth gyhoeddus gan ddefnyddio bws neu drên. Fodd bynnag, a ydych chi erioed wedi meddwl sut olwg sydd ar y gwahaniaeth hwn yn weledol ar gyfer y lle rydych chi’n byw…

Ben Bowen Thomas, Cymru, ac UNESCO

Papur newydd gan yr Athro W John Morgan, Athro Anrhydeddus, Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, a Chymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme, WISERD, ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, yn ystyried bywyd a gyrfa’r addysgwr oedolion, gwas sifil a diplomydd diwylliannol amlwg yng Nghymru, Syr Ben Bowen Thomas (1899-1977). Bu’r Athro Morgan yn Gadeirydd Comisiwn Cenedlaethol UNESCO y Deyrnas Unedig, 2010-2013. “Heb…

Chweched Cynhadledd yr Economi Sylfaenol: Archwilio’r Economi Sylfaenol ar gyfer Pontio Cyfiawn

14-16 Medi 2023 Prifysgol Technoleg, Fienna (TU Wien), Awstria Galwad am Bapurau a Chyfraniadau Rhwng 14 a 16 Medi 2023, byddwn yn croesawu’r 6ed Cynhadledd Economi Sylfaenol yng nghanol Fienna! Yn ystod ein cynhadledd bydd prif siaradwyr a sesiynau llawn, sesiynau cyfochrog yn ogystal â gweithgorau a theithiau cerdded yn y ddinas. Mae argyfyngau lluosog…

Llongyfarchiadau i’r Athro Mitch Langford

Llongyfarchiadau mawr i Gyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD Mitchel Langford sydd wedi bod yn llwyddiannus yn y penodiadau Gwobrau Academaidd Uwch diweddaraf Mae Mitchel Langford wedi derbyn y teitl Athro mewn Dadansoddi Gofodol a Geo-wybodeg ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru. Mae diddordebau ymchwil Mitch yn cynnwys modelu hygyrchedd daearyddol a dadansoddi geo-ofodol ym meysydd gofal iechyd, anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol a…

Ymchwil newydd yn edrych ar effeithiolrwydd arweiniad gyrfaoedd a sut mae’n cael ei flaenoriaethu

Mae ymchwil newydd a wnaed gan YDG Cymru wedi edrych ar effeithiolrwydd arweiniad gyrfaoedd wrth gefnogi cyfranogiad mewn addysg a hyfforddiant ôl-orfodol a sut caiff arweiniad gyrfaoedd ei flaenoriaethu. Defnyddiodd y gwaith, a wnaed gan ymchwilwyr YDG Cymru, Dr Katy Huxley a Rhys Davies, ddata dienw Gyrfa Cymru i archwilio sut mae’r cymorth gyrfaoedd a ddarperir i ddisgyblion cyfnod allweddol…

Mae popeth yn dechrau gyda hedyn…

Mae popeth yn dechrau gyda hedyn…ac felly hefyd ein hanturiaethau fel tîm ymchwil newydd sydd wedi’i leoli yn y DU a De Affrica, a ddaeth at ei gilydd drwy raglen Ffermio dros Gyfiawnder Hinsawdd 2021-2022 y British Council. Cydlynwyd y tîm gan dîm trawsddisgyblaethol o ymchwilwyr profiadol o’r Ganolfan Agro-ecoleg, Dŵr a Gwytnwch (CAWR) ym…

Effaith barhaus deddfwriaeth tryloywder ynghylch y bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau

Ers mis Ebrill 2017, mae’n ofynnol i gyflogwyr y DU sydd â thros 250 o weithwyr roi gwybod i’r cyhoedd yn flynyddol am eu bylchau cyflog rhwng y rhywiau. O ran datblygiadau yn ymwneud â pholisïau a chanddynt y nod o fynd i’r afael â’r bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau, mae’n ddiamau mai cyflwyno deddfwriaeth…

Mae Dr Igor Calzada yn cyflawni’n llwyddiannus ei rôl fel Ysgolhaig Fulbright yng Nghaliffornia

Mae Dr Igor Calzada, Prif Gymrawd Ymchwil yn WISERD, wedi cwblhau ei rôl fel Ysgolhaig-preswyl Fulbright (S-I-R) 2022-23 ym Mhrifysgol Talaith California, Bakersfield (CSUB) drwy Gomisiwn Fulbright yr UD-DU. Cafodd Dr Calzada ei groesawu’n ffurfiol gan y brifysgol yn ystod derbyniad ar 10 Hydref 2022 (gallwch ddarllen y cyfweliad a gynhaliwyd cyn y digwyddiad, gwylio’r…

Arolwg rhyngwladol yn canfod bod plant mewn ardaloedd trefol yng Nghymru’n nodi gostyngiad yn eu lles cyffredinol yn ystod y pandemig

Does dim gwadu bod yr aflonyddwch i fywyd bob dydd a achoswyd gan bandemig y coronafeirws wedi cael dylanwad dwys ar les plant, gydag amryw o sefydliadau rhyngwladol (e.e. WHO, UNESCO, WFP, UNICEF) yn gofyn bod mwy yn cael ei wneud i gynorthwyo plant i ymdopi â hyn, er mwyn osgoi canlyniadau negyddol hirdymor. Yng…

Cynhadledd Ymchwil ar Dai Cymru 2022

Ar 19 Rhagfyr, cynhaliwyd Cynhadledd Ymchwil Tai Cymru 2022 yn Adeilad Morgannwg Prifysgol Caerdydd. Roedd yn gyfle i gynrychiolwyr ddod ynghyd a rhannu tystiolaeth ymchwil o rai o’r materion mwyaf pwysig sy’n ymwneud â thai Cymru. A hithau wedi’i chynnal gan Rwydwaith Ymchwil Tai Cymru WISERD ar y cyd â Chanolfan Gydweithredol y DU ar…

Bydd Astudiaeth yn Ymchwilio i Effaith Cynnwrf Economaidd ar y Profiad o Waith

Bydd profiadau gweithwyr yn cael eu hastudio’n rhan o arolwg mawr dan arweiniad Prifysgol Caerdydd ac a ariennir yn bennaf gan y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol (ESRC). Bydd Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth 2023 (SES2023), sydd hefyd yn cynnwys ymchwilwyr yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Llundain, Prifysgol Rhydychen a Phrifysgol Surrey a’r Canolfan Genedlaethol Ymchwil Gymdeithasol, yn…

Comparing the changing fortunes of trade unions across Great Britain

In our last blog post we looked at how WISERD’s free interactive mapping tool UnionMaps reveals the complex patterns in trade union membership that exist across Great Britain. Analysis revealed that the overall downward trend in union density that is observed across Great Britain as a whole masks very different local fortunes for the trade…

Mapping the uneven decline of union membership in Great Britain

Recent waves of strike action by nurses, train drivers, ambulance drivers, university lecturers, teachers and others besides has highlighted the prominent position that trade unions continue to hold within the UK. An important factor that determines the power and influence of trade unions, either within an organisation or across a sector, is the proportion of…

Mae’r dull trafnidiaeth yn dylanwadu ar gyfleoedd hamdden

Cyhoeddwyd papur newydd yn WISERD gan Andrew Price, Mitchel Langford a Gary Higgs ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru yn ddiweddar yn y cyfnodolyn, Case Studies on Transport Policy. Gan ddefnyddio data cyfleusterau chwaraeon gan Chwaraeon Cymru a data ffynhonnell agored ar leoedd gwyrdd, mae’r tîm yn ymchwilio i’r amrywiadau o ran y gallu i fwynhau cyfleoedd…

Senarios IMAJINE yn cael eu cyflwyno yng Nghynhadledd Polisi Cydlyniant yr UE

Yn nhrydedd Gynhadledd Polisi Cydlyniant yr UE yn Zagreb ym mis Tachwedd, cyflwynodd yr Athro Michael Woods ganfyddiadau prosiect IMAJINE Horizon 2020, sy’n cael ei arwain gan Ganolfan Gwleidyddiaeth a Chymdeithas Cymru (CWPS) a WISERD. A hithau wedi’i threfnu ar y cyd gan Gyfarwyddiaeth Gyffredinol Polisi Rhanbarthol a Threfol y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd, y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau…

Adroddiad newydd WISERD ar Fargen Twf Gogledd Cymru

Fel rhan o raglen ymchwil Canolfan Cymdeithas Sifil a ariennir gan ESRC WISERD, mae tîm o ymchwilwyr WISERD wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad newydd ar y broses o ddatblygu a gweithredu Bargen Twf Gogledd Cymru (NWGD), yn seiliedig ar arsylwadau o gyfres o gyfweliadau gyda rhanddeiliaid rhwng mis Gorffennaf i fis Rhagfyr 2021. Cynhaliwyd pymtheg cyfweliad o…

Cynhadledd Lansio Cynghrair Economi Sylfaenol Cymru

Gyda dros 40 o gynrychiolwyr a rhagor o gyflwynwyr a chynrychiolwyr yn ymuno ar-lein, lansiodd y gynhadledd hybrid brosiect y Cynghrair Sylfaenol o adeiladu cynghreiriau ar gyfer newid ac adnewyddu sylfaenol yng Nghymru. Tynnodd cyfuniad o gyflwyniadau a phynciau trafod mewn gweithdai sylw at amcanion sylfaenol a ffyrdd o weithio sy’n gallu cynnal y gallu…

Papur newydd ar ffoaduriaid, hil a chyfyngiadau cosmopolitaniaeth wledig yng Nghymru ac Iwerddon

Mae Cyd-Gyfarwyddwr CWPS-WISERD, yr Athro Michael Woods, wedi cyhoeddi papur mynediad agored yn y Journal of Rural Studies sy’n edrych ar ffoaduriaid a cheiswyr lloches yn ymgartrefu mewn tair tref fechan yng Nghymru ac Iwerddon, yn cynnwys Aberystwyth a’r Drenewydd. Mae’r papur yn adeiladu ar erthygl gynharach a oedd yn cyflwyno’r syniad o gosmopolitaniaeth wledig…

Papur newydd yn amlygu effaith trawsnewid diwydiannol mewn ardaloedd gwledig

Mae papur newydd yn y Journal of Rural Studies yn adrodd ar ymchwil o brosiect Global-Rural yr ERC a arweiniwyd gan CWPS-WISERD i archwilio trawsnewidiad diwydiannol pentref yn nwyrain Tsieina yng nghyd-destun globaleiddio. Cyd-awduron y papur yw Cyd-Gyfarwyddwr CWPS-WISERD, yr Athro Michael Woods, ynghyd â chyn-ôl-ddoethur CWPS-WISERD, Dr Francesa Fois (sydd bellach ym Mhrifysgol Salford),…

20fed Penblwydd Gŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol ESRC

I ddathlu 20 mlynedd o Ŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol (ESRC), cynhaliodd WISERD ddau digwyddiad yn yr Ŵyl eleni, gyda’r nod o dynnu sylw at un o’n prosiectau ymchwil addysg parhaus ac adnodd data defnyddiol sy’n ein helpu i ddeall ein trefi a’n hardaloedd lleol yn well. Dechreuon ni gyda gweminar…

Trafod ac ymdrin â materion hil a hiliaeth: Arolwg WMCS yn datgelu gwahaniaethau mawr rhwng ysgolion yng Nghymru

Ym mis Hydref 2022, cyhoeddodd Llywodraeth Cymru y byddai dysgu proffesiynol gwrth-hiliol yn orfodol i bob athro ysgol yng Nghymru fel rhan o Gynllun Gweithredu Gwrth-hiliol Cymru. Mae tystiolaeth o gasgliad diweddaraf Astudiaeth Aml-garfan Addysg WISERD (WMCS) yn awgrymu bod gwir angen hyfforddiant cyffredinol a gorfodol o’r fath. Yn ystod haf 2022, gofynnwyd i 1,100…

Trafod cryfhau democratiaeth yng Nghymru mewn cynhadledd am y cyfryngau

Bydd Cyd-Gyfarwyddwr CWPS-WISERD yn trafod sut i gryfhau democratiaeth yng Nghymru mewn cynhadledd amlwg ynghylch y cyfryngau yr wythnos hon. Cynhelir ‘Lleisiau’r Dinasyddion, Newyddion y Bobl: Sicrhau bod y Cyfryngau’n Gweithio dros Gymru’ yn y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig yng Nghaerdydd ddydd Iau 17 Tachwedd, ac mae’n cynnwys areithiau o bwys gan Ddirprwy Weinidog y Celfyddydau…

Mudiadau cymdeithas sifil y Roma, Sipsiwn a Theithwyr: Trin a thrafod profiadau a heriau yn Ewrop heddiw

Ar 28 a 29 Medi, cymerodd cynrychiolwyr sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil ran yn ein digwyddiad ym Mhrifysgol Bangor i ystyried y profiadau a’r heriau mae’r Roma, Sipsiwn a Theithwyr yn eu hwynebu yn Ewrop heddiw. Dros gyfnod o ddeuddydd, daeth y digwyddiad hwn â sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil, academyddion, llunwyr polisïau ac aelodau o’r gymuned at ei…

Ymchwilwyr WISERD yn creu gwefan newydd i ymchwilio i hygyrchedd gwasanaethau allweddol yng Nghymru

Mae gwefan brototeip sy’n ymchwilio i hygyrchedd gwasanaethau allweddol yng Nghymru wedi’i datblygu gan ymchwilwyr WISERD yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil Systemau Gwybodaeth Ddaearyddol Prifysgol De Cymru. Mae hyn yn rhan o raglen ymchwil barhaus sy’n ymchwilio i hygyrchedd daearyddol gwasanaethau yng Nghymru. Mae’r wefan yn galluogi defnyddwyr i weld pa mor hygyrch yw gwasanaethau allweddol, yn…

Tlodi yn yr ystafell ddosbarth: Mae disgyblion ysgol yng Nghymru yn ymwybodol iawn o’r caledi a brofir gan eu cyd-ddisgyblion

Ceir pryder eang a chynyddol y bydd costau byw sydd ar gynnydd yn effeithio’n ddifrifol ar y teuluoedd a’r cymunedau tlotaf y gaeaf hwn. Roedd pethau’n o ddrwg y gaeaf diwethaf. Datgelodd adroddiad gan Sefydliad Bevan fod yn agos i bedwar aelwyd o bob 10 yng Nghymru yn cael trafferth cael dau ben llinyn ynghyd….

Ymchwil newydd yn archwilio effaith datganoli ar lunio polisi cymdeithasol yng Nghymru

Mae llyfr newydd yn cynnwys ymchwil gan gyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD, yr AthroPaul Chaney ar effaith datganoli ar lunio polisi cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Mae “polisi cymdeithasol” yma yn cyfeirio at ymyriadau polisi’r llywodraeth i wella llesiant cymdeithasol. Mae’n cynnwys y rhan fwyaf o’r meysydd polisi a ddatganolwyd i Gymru o dan Ddeddfau datganoli olynol ers 1998, gan…

Mae adroddiad newydd yn rhoi argymhellion ar wneud gwell defnydd o ddata i lywio cyfarwyddyd gyrfaoedd yng Nghymru

Mae adroddiad diweddar a gyhoeddwyd gan Lywodraeth Cymru, yn amlygu manteision a chyfyngiadau gwell defnydd o ddata i ddarparu gwasanaethau gyrfaoedd yng Nghymru.   Comisiynodd Llywodraeth Cymru ymchwilwyr YDG Cymru i gynnal astudiaeth i archwilio’r cyd-destun polisi a deddfwriaethol y mae’r darparwr gyrfaoedd cenedlaethol, Gyrfa Cymru yn gweithredu ynddo, defnyddioldeb daliadau data Gyrfa Cymru a sefydliadau…

Cyfres Gweminar IDEAL 2022-2023

Mae IDEAL (Gwella’r profiad o ddementia a gwella bywyd egnïol: Byw’n dda gyda dementia) yn brosiect ymchwil dementia ar raddfa fawr a arweinir gan bartneriaid academaidd ym Mhrifysgol Caerwysg. Dechreuodd yn 2014 a bydd yn gorffen yn 2023. Mae WISERD wedi cyfrannu at astudiaeth IDEAL, gyda’r nod o ddeall y rhesymau pam mae ffactorau cymdeithasol…

Y bwlch cyflog rhwng y rhywiau yn y DU: ydy maint y cwmni o bwys?

Mae papur trafod newydd gan y Sefydliad Llafur Byd-eang (GLO) gan Melanie Jones a Chymrawd GLO, Ezgi Kaya, wedi’i gyhoeddi. Mae’r papur yn canfod bod gan gwmnïau mawr fylchau cyflog llai rhwng y rhywiau a bylchau cyflog anesboniadwy tebyg rhwng y rhywiau o gymharu â chwmnïau llai. Rhagor o wybodaeth a lawrlwytho’r papur ar wefan…

Rhyddhau ffilm ‘The World Turned Upside Down’

Mae ffilm ddogfen am ddementia a chyfathrebu o’r enw ‘The World Turned Upside Down’ yn cael ei lansio heddiw (23 Medi). Daw’r ffilm o brosiect ymchwil dementia ar raddfa fawr o’r enw IDEAL (Gwella’r profiad o ddementia a gwella bywyd egnïol: Byw’n dda gyda dementia), y mae WISERD wedi bod yn rhan ohono ers ei…

Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2022

Ar 6 a 7 Gorffennaf, daeth dros 140 o gynrychiolwyr, cyflwynwyr ac arddangoswyr o bum prifysgol bartner WISERD a thu hwnt ynghyd ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe i gynnal Cynhadledd Flynyddol gyntaf WISERD ers dechrau’r pandemig. Thema’r gynhadledd eleni oedd ‘Cymdeithas sifil a chyfranogiad: materion cydraddoldeb, hunaniaeth a chydlyniant mewn tirwedd gymdeithasol sy’n newid’, a denodd dros…

Ymgysylltu ag amgylchedd dysgu rhithwir Hwb yn ystod y cyfnodau cau ysgolion oherwydd Covid-19

Mae Dogfennaeth Deall Data newydd gan Dr Alexandra Sandu a Dr Jennifer May Hampton o Labordy Data Addysg WISERD ac a gynhyrchwyd gan dîm ymchwil addysg ADR Cymru bellach ar gael: Ymgysylltu ag amgylchedd dysgu rhithwir Hwb yn ystod y cyfnod cau ysgolion oherwydd Covid-19 . Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn nodi canfyddiadau cynnar ynghylch y…

New civil society research highlights state repression of human rights defenders in South Asia

New research by WISERD co-director, Professor Paul Chaney examines state and civil society organisation (CSO) perspectives on the contemporary situation of human rights defenders (HRDs) in South Asia using data submissions to the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the United Nations five-yearly monitoring process. “Human rights defender” refers to anyone acting to: address any human right on…

Cyhoeddi erthygl newydd ar fesur hygyrchedd gwasanaethau bancio

Mae erthygl newydd, mynediad agored mewn cyfnodolyn ar fesur hygyrchedd i wasanaethau bancio gan Dr Mitchel Langford, Andrew Price a’r Athro Gary Higgs o Brifysgol De Cymru, wedi’i chyhoeddi yn ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information. Mae’r erthygl yn dangos sut y gellir mesur hygyrchedd i ganghennau banc ar wahanol adegau o’r dydd a thrwy ddulliau…

Grŵp gwyddoniaeth drwy law dinasyddion yn croesawu’r cam nesaf wrth iddyn nhw ymchwilio i ansawdd aer lleol

Yn ddiweddar, bu ymchwilydd o Brifysgol Caerdydd, Dr Nick Hacking, ynghyd ag aelodau Grŵp Gwyddoniaeth Dinasyddion y Barri, yn goruchwylio’r gwaith o osod monitor llygredd aer o safon uchel gan Think Air Ltd. Dyna oedd cam newydd yn ymchwil y grŵp i ansawdd aer lleol. Yr ymchwil barhaus hon gan y grŵp cymunedol lleol yw…

Archwilio’r cysylltiadau rhwng gwahardd o’r ysgol a digartrefedd ieuenctid

  Nod y prosiect Bywydau wedi’u Gwahardd yw deall y prosesau cyd-destunol a sefydliadol sy’n arwain at wahanol fathau o wahardd ffurfiol ac anffurfiol o’r ysgol a’r canlyniadau i bobl ifanc a waharddwyd, eu teuluoedd, ysgolion a gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill ledled y DU. Ymunodd Jemma Bridgeman o’r tîm Bywydau wedi’u Gwahardd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd â…

O Dŷ’r Arglwyddi i Senedd y Cenhedloedd a’r Rhanbarthau?

Ar 4 Gorffennaf, adroddwyd ar wefan newyddion Nation.Cymru bod Anas Sarwar, arweinydd y Blaid Lafur yn yr Alban, ac aelod o Senedd yr Alban, wedi galw am Senedd newydd o’r Cenhedloedd a’r Rhanbarthau i gymryd lle Tŷ’r Arglwyddi. Wrth siarad â’r Gymdeithas Fabian yn San Steffan, dadleuodd Anas Sarwar: ‘nad oes lle i Dŷ’r Arglwyddi,…

ROBUST: Dychmygu dyfodol y Gymru wledig

Amlygodd pandemig Covid-19 a Brexit, gyda’i gilydd, lawer o’r heriau sy’n wynebu cefn gwlad Cymru, o fynediad gwael at wasanaethau a phobl ifanc yn symud i ffwrdd, i or-ganolbwyntio ar dwristiaeth a dibyniaeth ar farchnadoedd allforio Ewropeaidd. Ar yr un pryd, wrth i Gymru lywio’r adferiad ôl-bandemig a pharatoi polisïau a rhaglenni ôl-Brexit, ceir cyfleoedd…

Ddegawd ar ôl tân Ali Enterprises, mae diffyg arswydus o ran allanfeydd tân, yn ôl gweithwyr dillad Pacistan

Mae ymchwil newydd gan yr Ymgyrch Dillad Glân a WISERD ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn dangos bod angen dybryd i ehangu’r Cytundeb Rhyngwladol ym Mhacistan, cytundeb diogelwch sy’n gyfreithiol rwymol er mwyn diogelu gweithwyr. Mae 2022 yn nodi 10 mlynedd ers y tân erchyll Ali Enterprises a laddodd dros 250 o weithwyr dillad ym Mhacistan ond…

Covid a’r meysydd glo: agweddau at frechu yng Nghymru ac Appalachia

Ymunais a thîm o ymchwilwyr o Brifysgol Bangor, Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd, Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru a Phrifysgol Kentucky i ymchwilio i agweddau at frechlynnau Covid-19 mewn cymunedau glofaol yng Nghymru a’r Unol Daleithiau. Cyhoeddir ein canfyddiadau mewn adroddiad newydd i’r Academi Brydeinig, Covid and the coalfield: Vaccine hesitance in Wales and Appalachia. Mae pandemig Covid-19 yn…

IMAJINE: Ailystyried anghydraddoldebau tiriogaethol drwy gyfiawnder gofodol

Mae’r parhad yn yr anghydraddoldebau rhwng rhanbarthau, er gwaethaf dros dri degawd o ymyriadau o dan Bolisi Cydlyniant yr UE, yn broblem o bwys i Ewrop ac mae awydd cynyddol i ailystyried dulliau gweithredu. Dros y chwe blynedd diwethaf, mae WISERD ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth wedi ceisio gwneud hynny drwy arwain prosiect mawr o’r enw IMAJINE…

Gallai’r ymateb i Covid-19 yng Nghymru fod wedi helpu i gyfyngu heintiau ymhlith pobl sy’n profi digartrefedd

Mae ymchwilwyr yn gysylltiedig â WISERD yn gweithio yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil Data Gweinyddol Cymru wedi bod yn edrych ar gyfraddau heintio coronafeirws ymhlith pobl sy’n profi digartrefedd yng Nghymru. Roedd yr ymchwil yn ymateb i bryderon ers dechrau pandemig Covid-19 o gyfraddau uchel posibl o heintiau, arosiadau ysbyty a marwolaeth ymhlith poblogaethau digartref. Gall profi…

Alan Felstead yn rhoi tystiolaeth i’r Senedd

Ar 11 Gorffennaf 2022, rhoddodd yr Athro Alan Felstead dystiolaeth i’r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol am ddeddfwriaeth sydd gerbron y Senedd ar hyn o bryd. Mae’r ddeddfwriaeth yn rhoi partneriaethau cymdeithasol wrth wraidd dull gweithredu Llywodraeth Cymru o ran sut y mae hi, a chyrff cyhoeddus y mae’n eu cefnogi, yn hyrwyddo llesiant ei…

Lansiad sbarc|spark yn dathlu arloesedd

Daeth ffigyrau amlwg o fyd ymchwil y gwyddorau cymdeithasol, y llywodraeth, byd diwydiant a’r sector gwirfoddol ynghyd i ddathlu dyfodiad sbarc|spark – Cartref Arloesedd Prifysgol Caerdydd. Mae’r adeilad, sydd wedi cael ei ddisgrifio’n ‘uwch-labordy’r gymdeithas’, yn gartref i grwpiau ymchwil a phartneriaid allanol SBARC – parc ymchwil gwyddorau cymdeithasol cyntaf y byd – ochr yn…

Understanding Geographical Variation in Union membership: a patchwork quilt or a regional divide?

Today (25th May), the Department of Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) released its latest figures for trade union membership. The long-term downward trend in union membership in the UK is well known.  Based on union records, trade union membership within the UK peaked in 1979 at approximately 13.2 million. Since then, there has been…

Yr Athro Sally Power ar raglen Sunday Supplement BBC Radio Wales

Ymunodd yr Athro Sally Power â Vaughan Roderick ar 15 Mai 2022 ar gyfer rhaglen Sunday Supplement BBC Radio Wales. Mae’r rhaglen yn cynnwys newyddion gwleidyddol, trafodaethau a dadansoddiadau, yn ogystal â chrynodeb o’r papurau Sul. Yn rôl adolygydd gwadd y papurau, trafododd yr Athro Power amrywiaeth o faterion cyfoes, gan gynnwys tegwch mewn addysg….

Ymchwil newydd yn datgelu safbwyntiau cymdeithas sifil ar drais ar hawliau LHDT+ yng ngwledydd y Gymuned Garibïaidd

Fel rhan o’r prosiect Ymddiriedaeth, Hawliau Dynol a Chymdeithas Sifil yn rhaglen ymchwil cymdeithas sifil WISERD, rwyf wedi bod yn dadansoddi sefyllfa hawliau dynol pobl LHDT+ yng ngwledydd y Gymuned Garibïaidd – a elwir hefyd yn CARICOM. Fe’i sefydlwyd ym 1973, ac mae’n sefydliad o bymtheg o wladwriaethau a dibyniaethau sydd wedi’i gynllunio i hyrwyddo…

The more types of special education needs a pupil has, the more at risk of exclusion they are

The presence of special education needs (SEN) and variations in school-level provision can cause disruptions in a pupil’s educational journey, especially when that child’s needs change as they progress through key stages. This may especially be the case when pupils have multiple needs, including mental health and communication difficulties. Furthermore, gaps between the time of…

‘Cynnal ein Dynoliaeth Gyffredin’

Mae’r Athro John Morgan yn eiriol dros ‘gynnal ein dynoliaeth gyffredin’ yn ei ychwanegiad diweddaraf i’r cyfnodolyn rhyngwladol, Weiterbildung. Mae’r erthygl yn ystyried enghreifftiau o ddelfrydiaeth a realaeth mewn achosion o gydweithio deallusol rhyngwladol a chyfnewidiadau addysgol. Bydd yr Athro John Morgan hefyd yn rhoi cyflwyniad ar y pwnc hwn, ar 7 Mehefin 2022, yn…

Dyfarniad Ysgoloriaeth Preswyl Fulbright i Dr Igor Calzada

Dyfarnwyd Ysgoloriaeth Preswyl Fulbright (SIR) i Dr Igor Calzada ym Mhrifysgol Talaith Califfornia, Bakersfield (CSUB) ar gyfer blwyddyn academaidd 2022-2023 gan Adran y Wladwriaeth. Cafodd y wobr ei chydlynu gan Gomisiwn Fulbright UDA-DU. Mae pwyllgor adolygu Rhaglen SIR Fulbright a gynullwyd gan Gyngor Cyfnewid Rhyngwladol Ysgolheigion (CIES) IIE a Bwrdd Ysgoloriaeth Dramor Fulbright (FFSB) wedi…

Social policy, law and civil society: Examining the European Union response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis

This latest blog post in WISERD’S series on the Ukraine crisis examines the response of the European Union. Specifically, it explores the legal and social policy response and the role of civil society. The Russian invasion of Ukraine that began on 24th February has created one of the most serious humanitarian crises in Europe’s post-war…

Deprived areas hit hardest by changes in access to bus services during the pandemic

Public transport was severely impacted during COVID-19 as people’s daily mobility patterns changed. This led to a substantial drop in demand as many workers were instructed to work from home and social distancing measures were introduced on existing services. Department for Transport statistics show a decline from 91 to 26 million passenger journeys on local…

I Remember Mariupol: A civil society destroyed

I remember Mariupol. I visited the Russian-speaking port of around 500,000 people in the summer of 1983. It was then Zhdanov, a city of the Soviet Union on the Sea of Azov, adjacent to the Black Sea. Named, as were many Soviet cities and towns, after a prominent Communist: Andrei Zhdanov, a close associate of…

Examining the Welsh third sector response to the Ukrainian refugee crisis

This latest blog post in WISERD’S series on the Ukraine crisis examines what we know so far about the response of the third sector in Wales. The prevailing Welsh policy framework and emerging actions of the third sector matter – foremost for the welfare of Ukrainian refugees arriving in Wales – and allied to this,…

How the Ukraine crisis is laying bare the consequences of the proposed new rights regime in the UK

The situation in Ukraine is changing hourly but the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, the brutality of laying sieges to cities and the recklessness of attacks on nuclear facilities are likely to continue, as will the untold suffering and mass population movements among the Ukrainian people. Responses by Western governments, in terms of economic sanctions,…

In Russia, the opposition to Putin may come from civil society

The murderous onslaught on sovereign Ukraine by Putin and his ruling clique of siloviki, or former members of the security services, has made the world aware of the enormities characterising his regime. We already had plenty of evidence of ruthlessness: Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, fomenting ethnic division in Donbass, and the Crimea. Putin, a KGB foreign intelligence…

Ymchwilio i anghydraddoldebau daearyddol o ran mynediad at gartrefi gofal a phreswyl

Mae papur newydd gan WISERD yn tynnu sylw at sut y gall dulliau daearyddol gyfrannu at ddealltwriaeth o anghydraddoldebau o ran mynediad at gartrefi gofal a phreswyl yng Nghymru. Cynhaliwyd yr ymchwil gan gyd-gyfarwyddwyr WISERD, yr Athro Gary Higgs a Dr Mitchel Langford, ynghyd â Chysylltydd WISERD, yr Athro Mark Llewellyn, Cyfarwyddwr Sefydliad Iechyd a…

Pŵer Partneriaeth

Bydd canolfan newydd sbarc|spark Caerdydd yn dod ag ymchwilwyr at ei gilydd i gysylltu â’i gilydd ar draws disgyblaethau ymchwil yn y gwyddorau cymdeithasol i greu ffyrdd newydd o weithio. Yn ddiweddar, cyhoeddodd yr Athro Sally Power WISERD, bapur sy’n ystyried y galwadau am ‘ecosystem ar sail tystiolaeth’ i fynd i’r afael â’r diffyg cysylltiad…

Smart Citizen kits provide residents with the opportunity to investigate local air quality

Since February 2021, we have been working with a community group in South Wales who are concerned about the air quality in their local area. We have adopted a participatory approach that facilitates the group’s work, but which also recognises the expertise of individual members and tracks how the group develops, shares and uses this…

Adroddiad ‘Towards Justice’ yn galw am gydweithio er mwyn cefnogi dioddefwyr niwed yn y gorffennol

Mae adroddiad gan yr elusen addysgiadol Cumberland Lodge yn galw ar heddlu, gwleidyddion a gwneuthurwyr polisi i gydweithio’n agosach er mwyn ymateb i niweidiau o’r gorffennol – a rhoi anghenion dioddefwyr, goroeswyr a’u teuluoedd wrth galon hyn. Un o’r argymhellion allweddol a geir yn Towards Justice: Law Enforcement & Reconciliation gan Martina Feilzer (cyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD), Athro mewn…

Complex special education needs – type and timing are important factors

Characteristics closely linked to educational outcomes can vary by individual pupils’ situations and can be the result of a complex interplay between a number of risk factors. For example, being classified as having a disability such as communication difficulties, and experiencing behavioural and mental health problems can increase the risk of losing school days, which…

Safbwyntiau Newydd ar Ymfudo: Symposiwm Rhithiwr ar gyfer Ymchwilwyr ar Ddechrau eu Gyrfa a Myfyrwyr Ôl-raddedig

Cynhaliodd Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Ymfudo Cymru symposiwm ar-lein ar 19 Ionawr ar gyfer ôl-raddedigion ac ymchwilwyr ar ddechrau eu gyrfa sy’n gweithio ar faterion sy’n ymwneud ag agweddau o ymfudo yng Nghymru neu sydd wedi’u lleoli mewn sefydliadau yng Nghymru. Thema’r symposiwm oedd ‘Safbwyntiau Newydd ar Ymfudo’. Roedd y cyflwyniadau’n ymdrin â meysydd ymchwil yn amrywio o Eidalwyr…

COVID-19 and the labour market outcomes of disabled people in the UK

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted and exacerbated inequalities in society. In doing so, it has reinforced the importance of the government’s ‘levelling up’ policy agenda. In terms of protected characteristics, attention focused most immediately on ethnicity given the differences in health risk posed by COVID-19 and was subsequently concerned with gender as a result of…

Charting the Impact and Legacy of the Great Homeworking Experiment

In this blog post Alan Felstead of Cardiff University discusses the publication of his new book Remote Working: A Research Overview.  The book provides an accessible overview of the history of remote working and the impact of the massive shifts in the location of work that have occurred because of the global pandemic. One of the…

Dr Igor Calzada ar restr o 100 o’r Academyddion Mwyaf Dylanwadol yn y Llywodraeth

Mae Dr Igor Calzada yn ymddangos ar restr Apolitical o 100 o’r Academyddion Mwyaf Dylanwadol yn y Llywodraeth. Gwahoddwyd gweision sifil i enwebu’r academyddion sydd fwyaf dylanwadol i waith y llywodraeth. Mae gwaith Dr Calzada yn plethu trawsnewidiadau digidol, trefol a gwleidyddol, gan roi sylw arbennig i lywodraethau rhanbarthol ar 1. dinasyddiaeth dinas glyfar, 2. meincnodi…

Llyfr newydd ar weithio o bell

Bydd llyfr yr Athro Alan Felstead ar leoliadau gwaith sy’n newid, yn cael ei gyhoeddi ar 21 Ionawr. Mae gweithio gartref wedi dod yn gwbl amlwg yn fyd-eang dros y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf, wrth i wleidyddion gynghori ac weithiau roi cyfarwyddyd, y dylai’r rheini sy’n gallu, weithio gartref, er mwyn lleihau lledaeniad coronafeirws. Mae Gweithio…

Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2022 – Galwad am Bapurau

Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi bod y galwad am bapurau nawr AR AGOR ar gyfer Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2022. Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2022 Prifysgol Abertawe   Dydd Mercher 6 Gorffennaf a dydd Iau 7 Gorffennaf 2022 Thema ein Cynhadledd Flynyddol yw ‘Cymdeithas sifil a chymryd rhan: materion cydraddoldeb, hunaniaeth a chydlyniant mewn tirwedd gymdeithasol sy’n newid‘….

Lansio adnodd newydd i helpu pobl i gael y bywyd gorau posibl gyda dementia

Mae profiadau miloedd o bobl y mae dementia yn effeithio arnynt wedi cael eu defnyddio i greu adnodd newydd sydd â’r nod o fod yn ganllaw cynhwysfawr i gefnogi pobl i gael y bywyd gorau posibl gyda’r cyflwr. Mae ystod eang o gyngor, adnoddau a phrofiadau pobl wedi’u cynnwys ym Mhecyn Cymorth Byw gyda Dementia,…

Galwad am Bapurau – Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Mudo Cymru: Symposiwm Ymchwilydd Gyrfa Cynnar ac Ôl-raddedig

Mae Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Mudo Cymru yn falch o gyhoeddi symposiwm undydd (19eg Ionawr 2022) ar gyfer ôlraddedigion ac ymchwilwyr gyrfa ynnar (hunan-ddiffiniedig) sy’n gweithio ar agweddau ar fudo yng N ghymru neu wedi’u lleoli mewn sefydliadau yng Nghymru. Nod y symposiwm ar-lein yw darparu awyrgylch cefnogol i ymchwilwyr rannu eu syniadau ar waith drafft a derbyn sylwadau adeiladol….

Trafodaeth Genedlaethol am Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru

Yn y rhifyn diweddaraf o The Welsh Agenda mae Dr Anwen Alias, cyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD, Matthew Jarvis,  aelod o Fwrdd Gweithredol CWPS, a Mike Corcoran a Noreen Blanluet yn trafod ar ba ffurf y dylid cynnal trafodaeth genedlaethol ynglŷn â dyfodol cyfansoddiadol Cymru. Mae’r drafodaeth yn seiliedig ar y prosiect ‘Dyfodol Cyfansoddiadol’ sydd wedi’i leoli ym Mhrifysgol…

Un o gyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD wedi’i phenodi’n aelod o’r Comisiwn Annibynnol ar Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru

Mae Dr Anwen Elias, cyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD ac arbenigwr ar wleidyddiaeth diriogaethol a chyfansoddiadol o Brifysgol Aberystwyth, wedi’i phenodi’n Gomisiynydd i’r Comisiwn Annibynnol newydd ar Ddyfodol Cyfansoddiadol Cymru. Roedd y Dr Elias, Darllenydd mewn Gwleidyddiaeth yn yr Adran Gwleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol, ymhlith y naw unigolyn a benodwyd yn y cyhoeddiad a wnaed yn y Senedd heddiw gan…

Ar eich beic: archwilio daearyddiaeth a hamdden gwaith cludwr ar feic

Mae Dr Wil Chivers, a benodwyd yn ddiweddar yn ddarlithydd gwyddorau gymdeithasol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, wedi cyflwyno canfyddiadau o’i ymchwil WISERD sy’n archwilio natur gwaith fel cludwr ar feic yn yr economi gig/platfformau, yng Nghynhadledd Gwaith, Cyflogaeth a Chymdeithas 2021. Mae’r papur, On Your Bike: Exploring the geography and leisure of work as a cycle…

New research reveals civil society perspectives on widespread children’s rights violations in Cambodia

As part of the project Trust, Human Rights and Civil Society in WISERD’s civil society research programme, I’ve been analysing the human rights situation of children in Cambodia. This is an appropriate, yet hitherto neglected area of enquiry because it is almost three decades since the country ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights…

New research exploring global civil society views on the Rohingya crisis

I’ve been analysing civil society organisations’ (CSOs’) perspectives on the crisis facing an estimated one million Rohingya people, members of a Muslim minority group (a variation of the Sunni religion), that have fled persecution in the western state of Rakhine, Myanmar. This work is part of the project Trust, Human Rights and Civil Society in…

Gŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol ESRC 2021

  Mae ymchwilwyr WISERD yn cynnal tair Gŵyl Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a fydd yn rhoi sylw i ddiweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc a chymdeithas sifil yng nghyd-destun datganoli, systemau bwyd cymunedol lleol a phrosiect gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion sy’n archwilio monitro ansawdd aer. Diweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc a chymdeithas sifil yng nghyd-destun datganoli: cymhariaeth is-wladwriaeth 11 Tachwedd 2021 Mae’r…

Gender, age, economic position and education affect attitudes to climate change

In my previous blog post, I discussed regional variations in attitudes towards climate change, with people living in Wales appearing more sceptical in comparison to those in other parts of Britain. However, attitudes to climate change also differ according to people’s characteristics such as gender, age and educational level, and these will affect regional differences…

Does neb yn Ynys ar Adeg Pandemig

Mae’r Athro John Morgan, ynghyd â Dr Ana Zimmermann o Brifysgol São Paulo, Brasil, wedi cyhoeddi ‘No One is a Island at a Time of Pandemic’ mewn rhifyn arbennig o Peace Review: Cyfnodolyn Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol ar effaith gymdeithasol a diwylliannol COVID-19. Mae’r erthygl yn ystyried y cwestiwn moesegol sylfaenol ynghylch sut y caiff y cyfrifoldeb…

Understanding Welsh Places: Filling the evidence gap for places in Wales

A shortage of robust, nationally consistent evidence at a town level has been a longstanding problem in the UK. Without evidence it is difficult for town stakeholders, such as planners, town councils, third sector organisations and community groups, to determine local needs, evaluate the effectiveness of town management strategies and to learn from past success….

Yr Athro Jean Jenkins i arwain Comisiwn Dyfodol Datganoli a Gwaith TUC Cymru

  Yr Athro Jean Jenkins, Cyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD ac Athro Cysylltiadau Cyflogaeth yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, i arwain comisiwn annibynnol ar ddyfodol hawliau cyflogaeth a datganoli yng Nghymru. Bydd y Comisiwn Dyfodol Datganoli a Gwaith, a sefydlwyd gan TUC Cymru, yn gyfrifol am ystyried yr effaith y mae’r trefniadau datganoli presennol yn ei chael ar ymdrechion…

Anthropolegau Cymdeithasol Cymry – Gorffennol a’r Presennol

  Bydd Casgliad newydd o draethodau o’r enw Social Anthropologies of the Welsh: Past and Present, a olygwyd gan yr Athro W. John Morgan a Dr Fiona Bowie, yn cael eu cyhoeddi y  mis hwn yngNghyfres’Country Series’ y Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol.  Mae gwreiddiau’r llyfr mewn cyd-golocwiwm o’r Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol, WISERD, Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru, a…

Play 2021: The right to play and the child-friendly city

I recently attended Play 2021 (a new conference hosted by community interest company Playful Planet) which brought together researchers, policymakers and practitioners interested in ‘child-friendly’ urban design and children’s play. One of our interests as part of our WISERD research project has been the concept of the ‘child-friendly city’ and what an enabling environment for the…

Leverage campaigns and how they work

In this third and final part of my blog series exploring the recent election of new Unite leader, Sharon Graham, I’ll be focusing on leverage campaigns and how they work. As a highly contentious topic, they form a key part of Graham’s strategy for organising Unite into a union of “strike ready workplaces”, but are…

Unite’s shock election result

With both the TUC and Labour holding annual conferences one after the other, much attention was on the unions’ newest leader, Sharon Graham. Her election as general secretary of the UK and Ireland’s most important union, Unite, came as a shock to most of the commentariat. In this, the first part of a three-post blog…

Data from the EU Settlement Scheme Demonstrates the Challenge of Estimating the Population of EU Migrants Living in Wales

In this blog, Stephen Drinkwater, Professor of Economics at the Business School in the University of Roehampton and academic lead for the EU Settlement Scheme Data Linkage Project, looks at the latest data available on applications made to the Home Office for EU Settled Status and how this data is helping to shape the project…

Adnewyddu sylfaenol: Trawsnewid systemau dibyniaeth yn sgîl COVID-19

Bu trydedd gynhadledd WISERD am yr economi sylfaenol, a gynhaliwyd ar-lein yn gynharach y mis hwn, yn dod ag ymchwilwyr ac ymarferwyr o bob rhan o’r DU a’r tu hwnt ynghyd i drafod sut y gellir ailadeiladu, gwella a chynnal yr economi sylfaenol mewn ymateb i heriau newydd a hen sydd wedi’u gwaethygu gan y…

Yr Athro John Morgan yn cyflwyno darlith yng nghynhadledd Eidalaidd

Ddydd Sadwrn 4 Medi 2021, cyflwynodd yr Athro John Morgan ddarlith a gweithdy ar Ddelfrydiaeth a Realaeth mewn Cyfnewid Addysgol a Diwylliannol: Cydweithrediad deallusol rhyngwladol neu ‘bŵer meddal?‘, i’r gynhadledd: Cyd-fyw ag amwysedd – Diwylliannau gwahanol a gwerthoedd cyffredin?, a drefnir gan y Fondazione Intercultura Onus, Fflorens, yr Eidal (2–4 Medi). Mae’r Ddarlith yn ganlyniad…

Wales is having a rethink about its place in the UK – could it lead the way for everyone else?

Anwen Elias, Aberystwyth University and Matt Wall, Swansea University Can the United Kingdom survive Brexit? This remains one of the great unanswered questions of our time. Politically, two major narratives have dominated. The first is that the UK is on a break-up trajectory. Brexit has revived the Scottish independence movement and destabilised Northern Irish politics. Clashes between UK and…

Active citizenship through community supported agriculture networks

COVID-19 has exposed the vulnerabilities of global supply chains, including our food system. In the UK, the dual impact of the pandemic and Brexit have led to considerable losses in food and drink trade, closures of hospitality venues and growing food insecurity among the population. In front of this backdrop, the demand for more crisis-resilient…

Erthygl gan yr Athro John Morgan wedi’i chyhoeddi heddiw yn un o bapurau newydd dyddiol blaenllaw yr Eidal, Il Corriere Della Sera

    ‘Learning to live: An era poised between enlightenment and obscurantism’ gan yr Athro John Morgan wedi’i chyhoeddi heddiw yn un o bapurau newydd dyddiol blaenllaw yr Eidal, Il Corriere Della Sera.      

Roma civil society organisations in Europe: Navigating uncertainty in times of Brexit and COVID-19

Although European leaders have committed to creating more inclusive societies through the recently adopted 2020-2030 EU Roma Strategic Framework (October 2020), civil society organisations (CSOs) challenging Roma exclusion are facing a series of new uncertainties: the withdrawal of the UK from the EU (Brexit) and the COVID-19 pandemic. Across Europe, the exclusion of Roma is…

New civil society research confirms children’s human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories

New research by WISERD Co-director Professor Paul Chaney examines civil society perspectives on children’s rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The study confirms widespread violations of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since 1967 Israel has occupied the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. In 1980, Israel officially annexed East Jerusalem…

Is there a geography of volunteering in Wales?

In Wales as elsewhere, the role of volunteers has been brought to the fore during the COVID-19 pandemic as people offered their services to help address the needs of vulnerable groups within their communities. Concerns surrounding the sustainability of such volunteering efforts have drawn attention to the types of infrastructure that could help facilitate and…

The pit closures of the 1980s – part of Mrs Thatcher’s green eco-strategy?

The 1984-85 miners’ strike has once again hit the headlines, despite ending 36 years ago. This time what has grabbed the media’s attention is a claim by Prime Minister Boris Johnson that Margaret Thatcher’s closure of the pits after the strike was part of a green, eco-strategy of the Conservative government. On a visit to…

Special education needs of excluded children in Wales

Pupils differ significantly in terms of their individual characteristics and needs. It’s therefore important for schools to be able to identify and assess the level of need/disability, and provide for pupils with learning difficulties that call for special education provision, described as special education needs (SEN). Under the Additional Learning Needs and Education Tribunal (Wales)…

Is anyone ‘too small’ to make a difference?

During the recent G7 summit in St Ives, hundreds of protesters gathered to participate in demonstrations and activities about environmental issues. One of the most prominent images in media reports of these protests is of two children on the beach, with a colourful sign reading ‘no one is too small to make a difference’. The…

Cyfres Haf WISERD 2021

Oherwydd cyfyngiadau Covid-19, roedd Cyfres Haf WISERD yn cynnwys pedwar digwyddiad ar-lein yn lle ein Cynhadledd Flynyddol arferol. Roedd y digwyddiadau hyn yn trin a thrafod rhai o feysydd ymchwil sefydledig a’r rheini sy’n datblygu o hyd yn WISERD, a lansiwyd dau rwydwaith ymchwil newydd, sef Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Ymfudo Cymru a’r Rhwydwaith Lles. I lansio…

New book on Civil Society and Citizenship in India and Bangladesh

A new book entitled ‘Civil Society and Citizenship in India and Bangladesh’ by WISERD Co-director Professor Paul Chaney and Dr Sarbeswar Sahoo of the Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, presents multidisciplinary research exploring the opportunities and challenges facing civil society in today’s India and Bangladesh. It informs contemporary understanding of citizenship, gender rights and social identities…

Cystadleuaeth Poster PhD WISERD 2021

Mae’n bleser gennym gyhoeddi enillydd ein Cystadleuaeth Poster PhD WISERD 2021 flynyddol. Muhao Du o Brifysgol Caerdydd sydd wedi ennill y wobr am ei boster – ‘Finding Harmony in Hardship: experiences of expatriates in subsidiaries of Chinese MNCs in the high technology sector’. Mae Emma Reardon o Brifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant wedi ennill…

New Research on Adult Social Care during the Pandemic Presented at International Conference

  WISERD Co-director Professor Paul Chaney has presented new findings on adult social care delivery during the pandemic at “Transnational and Transdisciplinary Lessons from the Covid-19 Pandemic – An International Symposium”. The conference was organised by Hong Kong Baptist University’s Department of Government and International Studies in association with the David C. Lam Institute for East-West…

A all cwmnïau cydweithredol/busnesau sy’n eiddo i’r gweithwyr wella ‘swyddi gwael’?

Cyflwynodd Dr Wil Chivers ei ymchwil i ansawdd swyddi mewn sectorau tâl isel i Ganolfan Gydweithredol Cymru mewn seminar. Roedd ei gyflwyniad, a roddwyd ar y cyd â Dr Sarah Jenkins o Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd, yn gofyn: “A all cwmnïau cydweithredol/busnesau sy’n eiddo i’r gweithwyr wella ‘swyddi gwael’?” Mae ansawdd swyddi wedi cael mwyfwy o…

Area level variations of school exclusions across Wales

School practices on discipline and punishment of disruptive behaviour can affect the exclusion rates being recorded and they have been shown to vary across different jurisdictions of the UK. These practices could be closely linked to and shaped by pupil-level characteristics and needs, including free school meals (FSM) eligibility and special education needs (SEN) provision…

Dangos gwir liwiau: gwleidyddiaeth newidiol cydraddoldeb hiliol yng Nghymru

Cydraddoldeb hiliol yng Nghymru oedd ffocws Darlith Flynyddol Canolfan Gwleidyddiaeth a Chymdeithas Cymru 2021 y bu dros 200 o bobl yn ei gwylio’n fyw ar Zoom wythnos diwethaf. Cyflwynwyd y ddarlith, Dangos gwir liwiau: gwleidyddiaeth newidiol cydraddoldeb hiliol yng Nghymru, gan yr Athro Charlotte Williams OBE, Cadeirydd Gweithgor diweddar Llywodraeth Cymru, ‘Cymunedau, Cyfraniadau a Chynefin:…

Cyfarwyddwr WISERD wedi’i hethol i Gyngor BERA

Mae Cyfarwyddwr WISERD, yr Athro Sally Power, wedi’i hethol i fod yn rhan o Gyngor Cymdeithas Ymchwil Addysg Prydain (BERA). Mae BERA yn gymdeithas aelodaeth a dysgedig sydd wedi ymrwymo i hyrwyddo ansawdd ymchwil, datblygu gallu ymchwil a meithrin ymgysylltiad ag ymchwil. Eu nod yw llywio datblygiad polisïau ac ymarfer trwy hyrwyddo’r dystiolaeth o’r ansawdd…

Lansiad Llyfr WISERD ac Economïau’r Dyfodol

  Ar 19 Mai, cynhaliodd WISERD a Chanolfan Ymchwil Prifysgol Economïau’r Dyfodol ym Mhrifysgol Fetropolitan Manceinion ddigwyddiad ar-lein i lansio dau lyfr: City Regions and Devolution in the UK a The Political Economy of Industrial Strategy in the UK. Roedd y digwyddiad yn cynnwys trafodaeth gan yr awduron, ochr yn ochr â sylwebaeth gan banel…

Tackling air quality monitoring with a citizen science group

Popular conceptions of science as ‘objective’ and ‘neutral’ suggest it sits outside the problems of rights and justice that often characterise the discourse around civil society. Developments in social science and community activism since at least the 1960s – eg, the Love Canal scandal in the US – show that this view is deeply flawed….

Athro WISERD wedi’i ethol yn Gymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru

  Mae’r Athro Kevin Morgan ymhlith cymrodyr newydd eu hethol eleni i Gymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru. Sefydlwyd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru yn 2010 yn absenoldeb cymdeithas ddysgu genedlaethol yng Nghymru. Ei nodau yw cyfrannu at hyrwyddo rhagoriaeth ym mhob disgyblaeth ysgolheigaidd, sy’n cynnwys rhoi cyngor annibynnol ac arbenigol i’r Llywodraeth. Mae cael eich ethol yn Gymrawd yn…

Characteristics of excluded children in Wales

Annual official reports published by the Welsh Government primarily focus on exclusion instances; their yearly trends and variations by key characteristics, such as ethnicity and reason for exclusion. However, there is a need to expand this analysis by focusing on excluded individuals and the potential consequences of school exclusions on pupil outcomes. This would be…

What mass-support e-petitions on animal welfare tell us about new modes of civil society engagement with Westminster

In this second blog post, Professor Paul Chaney continues to share his research with Professors Ian Rees Jones and Ralph Fevre published by Oxford University Press and The Hansard Society, which analyses the significant rise in animal welfare petitions submitted to the UK parliament over the past decade. This analysis is part of the research project, New arenas for civic…

New modes of civic engagement – exploring Westminster public petitions on animal welfare

New research by WISERD Professors Paul Chaney, Ian Rees Jones and Ralph Fevre  published by Oxford University Press and The Hansard Society, analyses a significant rise in animal welfare petitions submitted to the UK parliament over the past decade. This analysis is part of the research project,  New arenas for civic expansion: humans, animals, and…

School exclusions in Wales on the rise

There is evidence to suggest that school exclusions can have negative effects on children’s lives. Exclusions have been associated with poor educational outcomes, and long-term physical and mental health problems. We need to investigate how patterns of exclusions and characteristics of excluded pupils differ across time and can help to inform current understanding of possible…

Yr Athro W. John Morgan yn cyflwyno i Gymdeithas Anrhydeddus y Cymmrodorion

Ar 20 Ebrill, cafodd yr Athro W. John Morgan, Cymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme yn WISERD, ei wahodd i gyflwyno darlith drwy Zoom i Gymdeithas Anrhydeddus y Cymmrodorion, cymdeithas ddysgedig Cymry Llundain a sefydlwyd ym 1751. Thema ei ddarlith oedd Ben Bowen Thomas, Cymru, ac UNESCO. Ffocws ymchwil Leverhulme yr Athro Morgan yw defnyddio’r Cenhedloedd Unedig a’u…

Athro WISERD yn ymuno â Bwrdd Golygyddol Cyfnodolyn Addysg i Oedolion India

Mae’r Athro W. John Morgan, Athro Anrhydeddus a Chymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd wedi ymuno â Bwrdd Golygyddol newydd yr Indian Journal of Adult Education. Sefydlwyd y cyfnodolyn ym 1939 gan Gymdeithas Addysg i Oedolion India. Mae’r Indian Journal of Adult Education yn gyfnodolyn a adolygir gan gymheiriaid sy’n cyhoeddi papurau ymchwil, erthyglau ar…

New research examines the electoral politics of adult social care following devolution in the UK

A global demographic shift means that an ageing population creates an unprecedent demand for adult social care. We live in an era when, for the first time, the number of older people (60+ years) will exceed younger people1. In the UK this challenge is magnified by the effects of austerity and welfare state capacity. New…

Monitoring inequalities in physical activity opportunities in a post-COVID Wales

Local authorities in Wales have had to make difficult decisions to close or rationalise a wide range of services in response to changes in the incidence of COVID-19. This has had major impacts for those sectors of the community most dependent on various forms of service provision.  Where there have been partial closures involving changes…

New research on civil society, welfare and the rights of persons with disabilities in the former Soviet Union

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney, analyses civil society organisations’ perspectives on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in nine former Soviet republics, latterly renamed the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Namely, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russian Federation, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Over the past…

Localities and histories: Why census data is important to understanding Trade Union membership

Within England and Wales, March 21st, 2021 is census day. Taking place every 10 years, the census provides the most accurate estimate of the population and a detailed account about people and the households in which they live. The data is vital to understanding our society and in providing information that is necessary to support the…

Gwir effaith y coronafeirws ar genhedlaeth o blant o Gymru

Ar gyfweliad Ar-lein Cymru, dywedodd Dr Catherine Foster fod bywyd wedi “newid yn ddramatig” i lawer o bobl ifanc a ddioddefodd effeithiau fel unigrwydd a cholli trefn arferol. Dywedodd: “Er bod rhai plant wedi gallu parhau i fynd i’r ysgol o leiaf rhan o’r amser, mae’r mwyafrif wedi colli’r drefn a’r strwythur y mae presenoldeb…

COVID: Mae pobl ifanc di-waith yng Nghymru yn ‘wynebu cael eu creithio’

Mae Dr Sioned Pearce yn tynnu sylw at effaith COVID-19 ar ddiweithdra ymhlith pobl ifanc. Mewn cyfweliad â BBC Cymru, dywedodd fod y pandemig wedi “gwaethygu materion ansicrwydd” i bobl ifanc sydd â chontractau sero awr, gwaith rhan-amser a swyddi â chyflog isel.  

Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil y Senedd yn mapio mynediad at wasanaethau bancio yng Nghymru

Dros y degawd diwethaf mae cylchoedd olynol o gau banciau a thueddiadau cynyddol i ddarparu peiriannau codi arian â ffi wedi denu sylw helaeth yn y cyfryngau ac yn wleidyddol. Mae ymchwilydd WISERD, Mitchel Langford, Athro Cysylltiol ym Mhrifysgol De Cymru, wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad ar fynediad at wasanaethau bancio o ganlyniad i’w Gymrodoriaeth Academaidd ddiweddar…

New study explores civil society perspectives on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in India

New research by WISERD Co-Director Professor Paul Chaney analyses civil society organisations’ perspectives on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) that was ratified by India in 2008. This is a benchmark study; the first to systematically examine the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights…

Mae WISERD yn lansio cyfres lyfrau Policy Press Civil Society

Ar 5 Tachwedd 2020, lansiwyd ein cyfres lyfrau Cymdeithas Sifil newydd gyda Policy Press. Mae’r gyfres newydd hon yn darparu safbwyntiau cymharol a rhyngddisgyblaethol ar natur cymdeithas sifil sy’n newid yn gyflym ar raddfeydd lleol, rhanbarthol, cenedlaethol a byd-eang.   Mae’r pedwar llyfr cyntaf yn tynnu ar ganfyddiadau ymchwil o Ganolfan Ymchwil y Gymdeithas Sifil ESRC flaenorol:…

Gwyliwch Gyfres Ar-lein 2020 WISERD am yr Economi Sylfaenol

Ym mis Medi 2020, cynhaliodd WISERD Gyfres Ar-lein 2020 am yr Economi Sylfaenol. Aeth y gyfres hon o ddigwyddiadau ar-lein i’r afael â chwestiynau allweddol sy’n codi o’r argyfwng COVID-19 presennol ac edrychodd ar ffyrdd y gall meddylfryd sylfaenol gyfrannu at adfer cymdeithasol ac economaidd. Roedd y gyfres yn cynnwys tair sesiwn ar-lein:   Economi…

Exploring the issues facing third sector adult social care providers before and during the COVID-19 pandemic: evidence from Wales and Northern Ireland

  Research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney, Dr Christala Sophocleous, and Professor Daniel Wincott, provides new insights into the issues facing third sector community-based adult care services in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic in Wales and Northern Ireland. The findings come from two ESRC-funded studies that are part of WISERD’S civil society research programme. The first…

Electoral politics study reveals how devolution provides new political spaces to advance animal welfare

Research by WISERD Professors Paul Chaney, Ian Rees Jones and Ralph Fevre analyses over 1,300 pledges on animal welfare in party manifestos for Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish elections from 1998 to 2017. It reveals the nature of political parties’ competition over the issue, as well as a significant increase in attention to this topic…

New study on the electoral politics of refugees and asylum seekers reveals distinctive approaches to welfare in the different countries of the UK

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney analyses political parties’ policy record on refugees and asylum seekers in party manifestos for post-war Westminster, and post-1998 Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish elections. A refugee is someone who is outside her or his country of nationality due to a well-founded fear of persecution and who is…

Hanes y Sector Gwirfoddol yn dod yn fyw mewn archif ddigidol newydd

Mae WISERD wedi bod yn gweithio gyda Chyngor Sefydliadau Gwirfoddol Cymru (WCVA) a Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru i greu archif ddigidol ag arwyddocâd hanesyddol o Adroddiadau Blynyddol y WCVA a’r sefydliadau a’i rhagflaenodd. Rydym yn hynod o falch i allu cyflwyno’r adnodd hwn yn gyhoeddus am ddim i haneswyr cymdeithasol, ymchwilwyr a phobl gyffredinol chwilfrydig. Mae…

Civil Society and the Family

This book explores the relationship between civil society and the family. Given how important family life is in the routines and responsibilities of individuals around the world, it is surprising that links between family and civic and political engagement have not received more attention until now. Ideas about family life colour our decisions about where…

The Foundational Economy and Citizenship

The Foundational Economy has been described as those everyday goods and services that provide the basis for a civilized life. But this begs numerous questions including: What does the Foundational Economy consist of? Why should we be concerned about it? And how can ordinary people get involved in developing it? In a new edited collection…

Civil Society through the Lifecourse

This book focuses on how people’s engagement with civil society changes over the lifecourse. There has been growing concern in recent decades about the health of civil society. A lot of evidence points to an overall decline in civic participation – and in particular a lack of engagement by young people. It is generally the…

Crafting civil society during COVID-19

On 10th August 2020 a group of women volunteers gathered at Lark craft studio at Cardiff MADE to make re-useable face-masks for members of the local community on low incomes. The initial idea for this event came from Sarah May, who posted an appeal on her local Mutual Aid Group, and was joined by local…

Cymwysterau ac asesu

Gorfodwyd Llywodraeth Cymru i fynd yn eu holau ynghylch y dull graddio y cytunwyd arno gyda’r rheoleiddiwr Cymwysterau Cymru, ar ôl i wrthdystiad dros fyfyrwyr yn cael graddau is arwain at dro pedol yn yr Alban a newidiadau yn Lloegr. Cynhaliwyd adolygiad yr unfed awr ar ddeg i wneud yn siŵr nad oedd disgyblion ar…

Mae adroddiad diweddar gan Lab Data Addysg WISERD yn dadansoddi effaith Prosiect Sbectrwm Hafan Cymru

Mae’r Prosiect Sbectrwm yn rhaglen addysgol arbenigol ar gyfer codi ymwybyddiaeth, ataliol a dwyieithog, sy’n cyflwyno sesiynau ar bob agwedd ar Berthnasoedd Iach a VAWDASV (Trais yn erbyn Menywod, Cam-drin Domestig a Thrais Rhywiol) i ddisgyblion a staff mewn ysgolion ledled Cymru. Mae’n cysylltu â blaenoriaethau Atal, Amddiffyn a Chefnogaeth a amlinellir yn Neddf a…

Mae ymchwil yn dangos pwysigrwydd Gyrfa Cymru yn ysgolion Cymru

Mae adroddiad newydd ADR-UK, Data Insight, gan Gyd-Gyfarwyddwr WISERD, Rhys Davies, yn datgelu rôl bwysig Gyrfa Cymru wrth gefnogi’r plant hynny sydd fwyaf angen arweiniad gyrfaoedd yn Ysgolion Cymru. Ar ôl tynnu cyllid ar gyfer y Connexions Network yn ôl yn 2010 – gwasanaeth arweiniad gyrfaoedd pwrpasol i bobl ifanc – mynegwyd pryderon yn Lloegr…

Bwlch cyrhaeddiad – “Arbenigwyr yn rhybuddio am ‘ddifrod hirdymor’ i addysg yn sgîl cau ysgolion”

Mae Cyfarwyddwr Addysg WISERD, Sally Power, wedi cael ei chyfweld a’i dyfynnu ar ITV Cymru mewn perthynas â’r effeithiau hirdymor y gallai mesurau COVID-19 mewn Ysgolion eu cael ar ddisgyblion. “Mae’r Athro Sally Power o Brifysgol Caerdydd wedi rhybuddio y bydd y bwlch cyrhaeddiad rhwng disgyblion wedi lledu o ganlyniad i’r pandemig”. Gweler yr erthygl…

COVID-19 lockdown and the needs of garment workers in Bangalore, India

Since October 2018, researchers from WISERD and Cardiff Business School have been working in partnership with NGO, Cividep-India. We have been analysing data on whether and how garment workers in Bangalore are able to gain access to remedy (that is, the steps that are taken to prevent, investigate, punish and redress business-related human rights abuses)…

Ymchwilwyr yn datblygu model newydd i ddadansoddi darpariaeth lles cymdeithas sifil mewn gwledydd datganoledig

Mae astudiaeth ymchwil empirig gan Gyd-Gyfarwyddwr WISERD, yr Athro Professor Paul Chaney, Dr Christala Sophocleous a Daniel Wincott,yn cyflwyno model damcaniaethol newydd ar gyfer dadansoddi’r ffordd y mae cymdeithas sifil yn rhoi cymorth lles i ddinasyddion mewn gwledydd datganoledig. Yn rhyngwladol, systemau lles datganoledig yw’r drefn fel arfer. Mae’r ymchwil newydd hon yn ceisio archwilio ehangder y ffactorau…

Civil society approaches to tackling youth unemployment: an analysis of the UK nations

UK unemployment has risen to its highest in two years this month, from 3.9% in March to 4.1% in September. Young people aged 16-24 have been hit hardest and, to date, one-third of 18-24 year olds (excluding students) are unemployed or furloughed as a result of COVID-19, compared to one in six of 25-40 year…

Gellid gwella cynhyrchiant y DU trwy symud yn barhaol i weithio o bell, dengys ymchwil

Hoffai naw o bob deg gweithiwr sydd wedi gweithio gartref yn ystod y cyfnod clo barhau i wneud hynny i ryw raddau, mae ymchwil yn awgrymu. Mae’r adroddiad, gan academyddion ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd a Phrifysgol Southampton, yn cyflwyno’r dadansoddiad cyntaf o ddata arolwg gweithwyr sy’n canolbwyntio ar weithio gartref, a gasglwyd ar gyfer Understanding Society Covid-19…

Mae astudiaeth ryngwladol yn datgelu lefelau isel o les ymysg plant yng Nghymru

Mae arolwg o 128,000 o blant ar draws 35 o wledydd yn codi cwestiynau ynghylch lefelau lles a brofir ar draws gwahanol feysydd o fywydau plant yng Nghymru. Yn ôl tîm o ymchwilwyr WISERD mae gan blant yng Nghymru rai o’r lefelau isaf o les ymysg plant ar draws 35 o wledydd. Holodd y tîm…

Well-being of school children in Wales: European comparisons

Recent results from the Children’s Worlds study revealed that children in Wales have some of the lowest levels of well-being amongst children surveyed in 35 countries. Children’s Worlds is an international study of children’s subjective well-being, with the third and most recent survey including over 128,000 children, surveyed between 2016 – 2019. This is the…

Well-being of school children in Wales: bullying

As the start of another school year approaches, amongst the many challenges that providing a COVID-safe educational environment poses, reintegrating learners into a safe and secure learning environment will be key. Concerns have rightly been raised about young people’s mental health and welfare during these unprecedented times. Our research with children and young people as…

A level results day 2020

In the shadow of the fallout from the qualifications results announced for young people in Scotland earlier this month, and last-minute amendments made by the Welsh and English governments to the awarding of grades, this blog reflects on the steps taken to calculate grades, necessitated by these unprecedented times. Detailed information is now publicly available…

Ymchwil yn tynnu sylw at atal cymdeithas sifil a thorri hawliau dynol pobl LGBT+ ym Mangladesh

Mae ymchwil newydd gan Gyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD, yr Athro Paul Chaney, Dr Sarbeswar Sahoo (Sefydliad Technoleg Indiaidd, Delhi) a Dr Seuty Sabur (Prifysgol BRAC, Dhaka) yn dadansoddi safbwyntiau sefydliadau cymdeithas sifil ar y sefyllfa gyfoes sy’n wynebu pobl LGBT+ ym Mangladesh. Er iddo gael ei anwybyddu i raddau helaeth mewn gwaith academaidd hyd yn hyn, mae’n fater sydd…

Are banks doing enough to model the impact of branch closures on communities?

We have long become accustomed to the concerns expressed in the letter pages of local newspapers or on various online forums from those members of the public forced (if fortunate to have access to a car) to drive greater distances, or to make alternative and more costly arrangements, to access services such as health, educational,…

What do differences in civil society across the UK nations mean for the looming youth unemployment crisis?

Early data suggests 15% of people in the UK have now lost their jobs due to Covid-19. Hidden within this figure is the disproportionate impact on already marginalised and disadvantaged groups, including black and minority ethnic people, women and those without a degree. Young people are also at the sharp end this surge in unemployment, as…

The rural dilemma: how to restart tourism and reassure residents

As Wales seeks to navigate a safe path out of the coronavirus lockdown, one of the biggest challenges for the Welsh Government is how to re-open the rural economy whilst avoiding a surge of new cases in the countryside and panicking an anxious rural population. First Minister Mark Drakeford has signaled that restrictions on the…

‘Cymdeithas Sifil, Newid Cymdeithasol ac Addysg Boblogaidd Newydd yn Rwsia’ wedi’i enwebu ar gyfer gwobr Alexander Nove Cyhoeddwyd

Mae llyfr diweddar yr Athro John Morgan, Cymdeithas Sifil, Newid Cymdeithasol ac Addysg Boblogaidd yn Rwsia wedi’i enwebu gan y cyhoeddwyr Routledge ar gyfer Gwobr Alexander Nove 2020, Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Slafonic a Dwyrain Ewrop Prydain. Roedd yr Athro Nove yn hanesydd economaidd enwog o Rwsia a’r Undeb Sofietaidd. Mae’r llyfr ar gael ar ffurf clawr…

New research reveals civil society perspectives on human rights and social welfare across UK jurisdictions

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney analyses civil society organisations’ perspectives on how the UK, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland governments are responding to their international human rights treaty obligations in the formulation and delivery of social policy. This socio-legal study is the first that examines human rights and the territorialisation of social welfare…

Gwefan hwb PrOPEL yn lansio

Yr wythnos hon lansiodd y Ganolfan Deilliannau Cynhyrchedd Ymarfer, Ymgysylltu a Dysgu yn y Gweithle (PrOPEL) ei gwefan, yn cynnwys cyfraniadau gan staff WISERD. Mae’r Athro Alan Felstead a Rhys Davies yn rhan o’r Ganolfan Deilliannau Cynhyrchedd Ymarfer, Ymgysylltu a Dysgu yn y Gweithle (ProPEL), prosiect £1.95 miliwn, a gefnogir gan y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd…

Adroddiad blynyddol WISERD Cipolwg 2020 ar gael nawr

      Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn rhoi trosolwg o’n gweithgareddau ymchwil yn 2019 – blwyddyn sydd wedi dynodi diwedd un bennod a dechrau pennod newydd, ac wedi cryfhau sefyllfa WISERD fel canolfan ymchwil genedlaethol bwysig. Darllenwch ragor am ein proffil incwm diweddaraf, y gwaith sydd ar y gweill i gryfhau ein cysylltiadau rhyngwladol, ein…

COVID-19: the role of trade unions

The impact of Covid-19 on the economy and the world of work is unprecedented: full or partial lockdown measures are affecting approximately 80 per cent of the global workforce, with the harshest effects falling disproportionately on unprotected workers and those working in the informal economy[1]. For trade unions, the Covid-19 pandemic has cast light on…

Professor Chris Taylor quoted in WalesOnline article about Year Six students in lockdown

WalesOnline, 7th June 2020 Read the full article. Professor Chris Taylor is quoted in the article: “Much of the research on transitions says that it is the familiarisation with high school that is important – knowing where to go, who the teachers are, how work is organised, how much homework there will be, will they get…

Pum neges allweddol i’r rheiny â dementia a’u gofalwyr yn ystod cyfnod COVID-19

Mae’n debygol bod pobl sydd â dementia ac yn byw yn y gymuned yn debygol o gael eu heffeithio’n anghymesur gan fesurau cadw pellter cymdeithasol, ymneilltuo a chyfyngiadau’r cyfnod clo. Mae Cyfarwyddwr Canolfan Cymdeithas Sifil WISERD, yr Athro Ian Rees Jones, yn rhan o raglen ymchwil ‘Gwella profiadau o Dementia a Gwella Byw’n Actif’ (prosiect…

New Research reveals civil society perspectives on the contemporary threat to religious freedom in Bangladesh

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney and Dr Sarbeswar Sahoo (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi) analyses civil society organisations’ (CSOs’) perspectives on religious freedom violations in Bangladesh. These have been recently thrown into stark relief following the Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution in 2011 that confirmed Islam as the State religion of the…

Cyfarwyddwr WISERD yn derbyn medal Hugh Owen am ymchwil addysg

Mae’r Athro Sally Power, Cyfarwyddwr WISERD, wedi derbyn Medal Hugh Owen 2020 Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru am ei hymchwil addysgol ragorol. Mae’r Athro Power yn ymchwilydd addysg blaenllaw, gyda ffocws eang ar bolisi ac anghydraddoldeb. Mae hi’n chwarae rhan sylweddol wrth gefnogi ymchwil addysg ledled Cymru. Mae Astudiaeth Aml-garfan Addysg WISERD (WMCS), a gyfarwyddwyd gan Power…

COVID-19 and pupil assessment

GCSE exams were due to take place over the next few weeks in Wales, but have been cancelled due to COVID-19. In the second of our blogs about the impact of the pandemic on young people’s education I look at the replacement of formal examinations with teacher assessments. As qualifications bodies will be relying more…

COVID-19 and school closures

Those of us in WISERD engaged in education research have real worries about the impact of the Coronavirus on the welfare and progress of children and young people. Some are rightly concerned about the impact on young people’s physical and mental health. But here we want to concentrate on the potential effect of the response…

Adroddiad COVID-19 gan yr Economi Sylfaenol Gyfunol

  Mae’r tîm o ymchwilwyr sy’n arwain gwaith economi sylfaenol WISERD wedi cyfrannu at adroddiad COVID-19, sy’n cyflwyno achos ar gyfer adnewyddu’r economi sylfaenol ar ôl i’r argyfwng o ran iechyd y cyhoedd ddod i ben. Mae’r argyfwng yn dangos pwysigrwydd yr economi sylfaenol, sef y rhan honno o’r economi sy’n cynhyrchu nwyddau a gwasanaethau…

Are there differences in volunteering in health and social care and responses to the Coronavirus in England and Wales?

This week, hundreds of thousands of volunteers reported for duty and have started helping the NHS in its fight against coronavirus. The public’s response in volunteering to assist the NHS has been one of the most positive reactions to the current coronavirus crisis. In particular, over 250,000 people living in England signed up to volunteer to provide help for…

COVID-19: ymatebion mewn cymdeithas sy’n newid yn gyflym

  Mae firws COVID-19 yn newid y ffordd rydym ni’n byw ein bywydau, ac mae ein cymdeithas a’n heconomi’n gorfod addasu. O gau ysgolion a’r newidiadau o ran asesu i rôl cymdeithas sifil a’r effaith ar weithwyr, gall ein hymchwil helpu i wneud synnwyr o rai o’r newidiadau hyn. Dros yr wythnosau nesaf, er mwyn…

Lansio menter newydd i ddatrys problem cynhyrchedd y DU

Mae ymchwilwyr WISERD ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd wedi ymuno â rhwydwaith sy’n ceisio gwella cynhyrchedd yn y DU. Mae’r Athro Alan Felstead a Rhys Davies yn rhan o Ganolfan Deilliannau Cynhyrchedd Ymarfer, Ymgysylltu a Dysgu yn y Gweithle (PrOPEL), prosiect £1.95 miliwn, a gefnogir gan y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol (ESRC). Mae’r fenter dair blynedd,…

Why is understanding trade union membership from survey data harder than it might first seem?

Rhys Davies explores how he uncovered problems with official UK government figures on trade union presence and coverage – and how the government recognised and corrected the error.  In a time when trade union membership is decreasing in both the UK and the USA, The decline in union membership has been well documented for many…

Dathlu Ymchwil I’r Gymdeithas Sifil: Pennod Newydd

Yr wythnos hon lansiwyd ein cynllun pum mlynedd ar gyfer ymchwil i’r gymdeithas sifil mewn digwyddiad i randdeiliaid yn y Senedd. Bydd ein hymchwil newydd yn edrych ar anghydraddoldeb cymdeithasol ac economaidd, mudo ac amlddiwylliannaeth, yr economi sylfaenol, deinameg newidiol gwaith, a hawliau anifeiliaid a deallusrwydd artiffisial. Mynychodd dros 70 o bobl Dathlu ymchwil i’r…

WISERD’s civil society research the subject of a major new book series

The Series entitled ‘Civil Society and Social Change’ is published by Policy Press and edited by Professors Ian Rees Jones,  Mike Woods  and Paul Chaney.  This timely landmark will extend the field of knowledge, offering new criticality and providing an original set of perspectives on the challenges facing civil society in the twenty-first century. It…

New research reveals rights violations of disabled people in the Commonwealth of Independent States

New research by WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney, analyses civil society organisations’ (CSOs’)  perspectives on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Over the past decade, the majority of CIS countries have finally ratified the CRPD, offering new rights for the region’s…

Professor John Morgan’s book published in Portuguese

Professor John Morgan’s 2019 book Philosophy, Dialogue, and Education: Nine modern European philosophers (with A. A. Guilherme), Routledge, London and New York, has been translated into Portuguese and published in Brazil by the UNESCO Chair of Youth, Education, and Society, the Catholic University of Brazilia, DF, 2020.

Gender Pay Gap Transparency Legislation in the UK: How have employers responded?

The Equality Act Regulations 2017 required all firms with over 250 employees in the UK to publish their gender pay gap (GPG) annually. This paved the way for employers to focus on causes of and solutions to gender-related wage discrimination. Mandatory GPG reporting was designed to be the first step in helping firms identify their…

Sefydliad Ymchwil Gymdeithasol ac Economaidd, Data a Dulliau Cymru (WISERD) yn cynnal cynhadledd ar y cyd â Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Astudiaethau’r Sector Gwirfoddol

Yn ystod mis Tachwedd, cynhaliodd WISERD gynhadledd ar y cyd â Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Astudiaethau’r Sector Gwirfoddol, o dan y teitl ‘Cymdeithas sifil ym mhedair gwlad y Deyrnas Unedig: heriau’r gorffennol, y presennol a’r dyfodol.’ Roedd y diwrnod yn cynnwys ystod eang o bapurau gan academyddion a sefydliadau’r trydydd sector. Cyflwynwyd canfyddiadau ymchwil am gymdeithas sifil…

Michael Gove and the Miners’ Gala: Not so wide of the mark

“Just think about it, next year, both the Durham Miners’ Gala and the Notting Hill Carnival will take place in seats represented by Conservative MPs” Michael Gove, December 2019. The Durham Miners’ Gala, established in 1871, is the largest annual gathering of trade unionists in the UK. Despite the last coal mine in County Durham…

Yr Athro John Morgan yn mynd i symposiwm ar Rwsia gyfoes

Cafodd yr Athro John Morgan ei wahodd i symposiwm ar ‘Ugain Mlynedd o Putin: Sut mae Rwsia wedi newid’ a gynhaliwyd yng Nghanolfan Rwsia a Dwyrain Ewrop yng Ngholeg St Antony, Prifysgol Rydychen, ar 7 Rhagfyr 2019. Fe ddenodd y symposiwm arbenigwyr materion Rwsieg yn ogystal â chynrychiolwyr rhyngwladol eraill o feysydd academaidd, diplomyddiaeth a…

Is there a future for Welsh-Breton town twinning?

Town twinning grew after the Second World War, forging new friendships between old enemies as civil society crossed borders. Today, though, post-war memory has faded, while Brexit and Eurosceptic politics sow new divisions. Here in Wales, will town twinning stay relevant – or be relegated to the past? “I can’t see a future for twinning…

Tyfu i Fyny yng Nghymru: safbwyntiau a phrofiadau myfyrwyr ysgol

Roedd ein digwyddiad diweddar, Tyfu i Fyny yng Nghymru: safbwyntiau a phrofiadau myfyrwyr ysgol, wedi archwilio canfyddiadau diweddaraf data arolwg Astudiaeth Aml-garfan Addysg WISERD (WMCS). Dros y saith mlynedd ddiwethaf, mae’r WMCS wedi gwneud cyfraniad pwysig i ddeall bywydau pobl ifanc yng Nghymru, drwy gynnal arolwg blynyddol o dros 1,000 o bobl ifanc wrth iddyn…

Yr Athro John Morgan yn cyflwyno seminarau ym Moscow

Cyflwynodd yr Athro John Morgan, Cymrawd Emeritws Leverhulme, ddau seminar ym Moscow yn ystod mis Hydref. Roedd yr Athro Morgan ar ymweliad ymchwil â Llyfrgell Wladwriaeth Rwsia yn rhan o’i brosiect Leverhulme am UNESCO ac Asiantaethau Arbenigol eraill y Cenhedloedd Unedig a’r Rhyfel Oer Diwylliannol. Siaradodd yn gyntaf yn y Sefydliad Cymdeithaseg yn Academi Gwyddorau…

Cyflwyno canfyddiadau ‘Dyfodol Llwyddiannus i Bawb’ yn y Senedd

Yr wythnos hon, cyflwynodd Dr Nigel Newton ganfyddiadau o’n prosiect ‘Dyfodol Llwyddiannus i Bawb’ i aelodau Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru. Mae’r prosiect yn archwilio’r ffordd y mae’r cwricwlwm newydd yn cael ei ddatblygu mewn Ysgolion Arloesi a’r effaith bosibl ar blant o gefndiroedd difreintiedig. Mae Cwricwlwm i Gymru yn cynnig…

Gwell werthuso a chyllido i gynorthwyo ymdrechion i hyrwyddo ieithoedd lleiafrifol

Fe fyddai ymdrechion i hyrwyddo ieithoedd lleiafrifol ymysg plant a phobl ifanc yn elwa o wella’r ffordd y mae prosiectau yn cael eu gwerthuso, ac o gyllid digonol. Dyna rai o gasgliadau allweddol ymchwil i weithgareddau hyrwyddo iaith yn y gwledydd Celtaidd. Fe gynhaliodd academyddion o brifysgolion Aberystwyth a Chaeredin ymchwil ar weithgareddau mudiadau yn…

Appetite for Change

In October 2019 WISERD co-hosted a collaborative workshop with the Sustainable Places Research Institute and the Wales Governance Centre to discuss the environmental and social justice considerations of food systems in Wales. The event brought together a range of experts – including policy makers, civil society activists and other stakeholders to assess the major challenges…

Urgent Appeals: Data and Shared Learning

WISERD researchers will continue to support the development of data repositories for strategic use within NGOs, having successfully obtained funding from the ESRC under the NGO Secondary Data Analysis Call. Dr. Jean Jenkins and Dr. Katy Huxley will build on previous work with partners the Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC), who campaign for decent work and…

WISERD yn cyhoeddi ymchwil newydd ar gymdeithas sifil, lles a llywodraethu yn Tsieina

  Dros y tair blynedd ddiwethaf, mae WISERD wedi bod yn rhan o’r cynllun rhyngwladol llwyddiannus Uwch Gymrodoriaeth Newton gydag Academi’r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Tsieina (CASS)  a ariannwyd gan yr Academi Brydeinig. Arweiniwyd y cynllun gan yr Athro Sin Yi Cheung (Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd), Dr Xiao Lin (Academi’r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol Tsieina, Beijing), yr…

WISERD Civil Society goes to Canada: comparisons from Wales, Manitoba and Québec

In September, we returned from a research exchange trip to Canada. The aim of the visit was to locate recent Civil Society project findings in an international context and develop greater insights through comparative reflection going forward. Canada, as a Federal state, develops and delivers much of its social policy at a Provincial level. This sub-state…

What maps reveal about the impacts of austerity

Following nearly a decade of austerity, local authorities face funding challenges that are having major impacts on the ways public services are delivered. Financial pressures, combined with increasing demand and expectations from the public for accessible and timely services, are having a detrimental effect on those social groups most reliant on essential facilities. In our…

Trefi Cymru’n derbyn hwb i gynllunio ar lawr gwlad

Bydd pobl sy’n gweithio ac yn gwirfoddoli mewn trefi a chymunedau ar draws Cymru’n elwa ar adnodd newydd i’w helpu i ddod o hyd i gyfleoedd yn eu hardaloedd.  Mae Deall Lleoedd Cymru yn wefan ddwyieithog a grëwyd gan dîm o ymchwilwyr yn WISERD ac a gydlynir gan Sefydliad Materion Cymru. Mae’n cyflwyno gwybodaeth am…

Hwb ariannol o £2.55 miliwn ar gyfer ymchwil i effaith eithriadau o’r ysgol yn y DU

Bydd grant newydd gan ESRC yn galluogi ymchwil amlddisgyblaethol i gael ei gynnal am y tro cyntaf i oblygiadau eithriadau o’r ysgol ar draws y DU, o dan arweiniad yr Adran Addysg ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen. Mae’r Athro Sally Power a Chris Taylor yn rhan o dîm o ymchwilwyr sy’n gweithredu ar draws Rhydychen, Caerdydd, Caeredin,…

Penodi cyd-gyfarwyddwr WISERD yn gyfarwyddwr academaidd newydd Parc Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (SPARK) Prifysgol Caerdydd

Mae’r Athro Chris Taylor wedi’i benodi’n gyfarwyddwr academaidd newydd Parc Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (SPARK) Prifysgol Caerdydd. WISERD yw un o 10 canolfan ymchwil fydd yn adleoli i SPARK pan fydd yr adeilad newydd 12,000 metr sgwâr yn agor ei ddrysau yng ngwanwyn 2021. Fel un o’r datblygiadau mwyaf cyffrous ym maes gwyddorau cymdeithasol y…

Gwobr papur gorau am ymchwil ar bobl ifanc ac Ewrosgeptigaeth

Mae ymchwilwyr WISERD, Dr Stuart Fox (Prifysgol Brunel Llundain) a Dr Sioned Pearce (Prifysgol Caerdydd), wedi cael gwobr am ‘y papur gorau a gyhoeddwyd yn 2018’ gan Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, sef cyfnodolyn rhyngwladol a adolygir gan gymheiriaid sy’n cyhoeddi ymchwil wreiddiol o ansawdd uchel. Mae’r papur, “The generational decay of Euroscepticism…

WISERD yng Nghynhadledd Ymchwil Flynyddol Cyngor Cenedlaethol y Sefydliadau Gwirfoddol (NCVO)

Denodd stondin WISERD gryn ddiddordeb gan y cynadleddwyr Cafodd canfyddiadau ymchwil WISERD i gymdeithas sifil sylw amlwg yng Nghynhadledd Flynyddol Cyngor Cenedlaethol y Sefydliadau Gwirfoddol (NCVO) ym Mhrifysgol Aston yr wythnos ddiwethaf (10-11 Medi).  Cyflwynodd ymchwilwyr WISERD nifer o bapurau. Bu’r myfyriwr PhD Amy Sanders yn eu mysg, a rhannodd ganfyddiadau cychwynnol ei hymchwil ynghylch…

WISERD yn lansio gwasanaeth UnionMaps rhyngweithiol

Heddiw, mae WISERD yn cyflwyno gwasanaeth rhyngweithiol newydd sy’n galluogi defnyddwyr i weld data am aelodau undebau yn ardaloedd dros 400 o awdurdodau unedol a lleol Prydain. Mae UnionMaps yn galluogi defnyddwyr i gynhyrchu adroddiadau ardal o aelodaeth undebau ar gyfer lleoliad penodol neu edrych ar sut mae mesurau gwahanol o aelodaeth undebau yn amrywio…

Cyflwyniad WISERD yng Nghyngres 2019 y TUC

Ddydd Llun 9fed Medi, bydd rhai o ymchwilwyr WISERD Prifysgol Caerdydd, Steve Davies, Rhys Davies, Helen Blakely, Katy Huxley a Wil Chivers, yn cyflwyno gerbron Cyngres y TUC ganfyddiadau diweddaraf ein hymchwil i aelodau undebau llafur y deyrnas. Bydd 151ain gynhadledd flynyddol y gyngres yng Nghanolfan Brighton a bydd yno gannoedd o gynadleddwyr i gynrychioli…

WISERD holds joint international conference on the Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh

  In cooperation with the Department of Anthropology at the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh, WISERD recently held a conference attended by 250 delegates on citizenship rights and the Rohingya crisis. This was part of a series of events stemming from a Global Challenge Research Fund project led by Professor Paul Chaney and Professor Nasir Uddin….

Cynnal 10fed Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD

Cynhaliwyd 10fed Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD ar 3 a 4 Gorffennaf yng Nghanolfan Gynadledda Medrus ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Thema’r gynhadledd eleni oedd Cymdeithas Sifil a Chymryd Rhan, a denodd y digwyddiad, sef cynhadledd y gwyddorau cymdeithasol fwyaf Cymru, dros 100 o gynadleddwyr o’r sectorau academaidd, polisi, cyhoeddus, preifat a’r trydydd sector. Dechreuodd y gynhadledd gyda dwy…

Penodwyd yr Athro John Morgan i fyrddau golygyddol cyfnodolion academaidd Rwseg

Mae’r Athro John Morgan wedi’i benodi’n aelod o fyrddau golygyddol dau gyfnodolyn academaidd blaenllaw yn Rwsia. Mae’n ymuno â Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniia (Astudiaethau Cymdeithasegol), cyfnodolyn y Sefydliad Cymdeithaseg, Academi Gwyddorau Rwsia, a Filosofi Zhurnal (Journal of Philosophy), sy’n cael ei gyhoeddi gan RUDN- Prifysgol Cyfeillgarwch Pobl Rwsia (RUDN-Russia People’s Friendship University). Yn gynharach eleni cyhoeddodd yr…

Dr Nigel Newton talks about closing the attainment gap on BBC Radio Wales

Following on from the previous Eye On Wales programme last month, when Dr Nigel Newton was involved in a discussion which introduced the new education system, Dr Newton now discusses whether or not the new curriculum will help to close the attainment gap. Almost two-thirds of teachers at schools that have trialled Wales’ new curriculum feel it will…

Youth volunteering is good for British democracy

Social Action as a Route to the Ballot Box is a project intended to determine whether schemes that promote youth volunteering can reduce age-inequalities in turnout. As previous posts have shown, it has found that such schemes can be powerful tools in improving the political representation of young people. Young people who volunteer are more…

Cymrawd Gwadd o Sefydliad Technoleg India, Delhi, yn cyflwyno seminar WISERD ar Gymdeithas Sifil, Ffydd a Thrawsnewidiad Cymdeithasol yng nghefn gwlad India

Ar 25 Gorffennaf, daeth y Cymrawd Gwadd enwog, Dr Sarbeswar Sahoo o Sefydliad Technoleg India, Delhi, i gyflwyno seminar llawn gwybodaeth o dan y teitl: ‘“The Lord Always Shows the Way!” Women’s Narratives on Conversion and Social Transformation in Rural India’. Yn y cyflwyniad, dadansoddodd Dr Sahoo pam mae nifer fawr o fenywod llwythol yn…

If your sexual orientation is accepted by society you will be happier and more satisfied with your life

In recent years LGBT+ rights have improved dramatically. Same-sex marriage is now legally performed and recognised in 28 countries. Equality laws protect LGBT+ people at work and increased media coverage is improving knowledge and awareness of sexual orientations. More is to be done, however, to ensure equality for all, and researchers have been looking into…

Cynhadledd Flynyddol WISERD 2019 i’w chynnal ar 3ydd-4ydd Gorffennaf

Ymhen pythefnos, bydd WISERD yn cynnal ei Gynhadledd Flynyddol yng Nghanolfan Gynadledda Medrus ym Mhrifysgol Aberystwyth. Thema eleni yw Cymdeithas Sifil a Chyfranogiad. Bydd cyfle i’r cynadleddwyr drafod ymchwil arloesol, rhyngddisgyblaethol o Gymru a thu hwnt, gan ganolbwyntio ar ymagweddau at gymdeithas sifil a chyfranogiad sydd wedi’u mabwysiadu mewn ystod eang o feysydd polisi. Bydd…

Cyflwyniad economi sylfaenol yn nigwyddiad Comisiwn UK2070

  Cyflwynodd yr Athro Kevin Morgan o’r Ysgol Daearyddiaeth a Chynllunio ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ymchwil ar yr Economi Sylfaenol yng Nghomisiwn UK2070: Digwyddiad Rhanddeiliaid Cymru, a gynhaliwyd yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd ddoe. Mae Comisiwn UK2070 yn archwiliad annibynnol i anghydraddoldebau ar draws dinasoedd a rhanbarthau’r DU. Yr Arglwydd Kerslake sy’n ei gadeirio, ac fe’i sefydlwyd…

Cyflwyniad gan WISERD yng Ngŵyl y Gelli 2019

Ddydd Mawrth 28 Mai, cyflwynodd Dr Jean Jenkins ei gwaith ymchwil ar hawliau cyflogaeth yn un o wyliau llenyddiaeth enwocaf y byd. Roedd ei hanerchiad, ‘Fashion – an Industry of Gross Exploitation’, yn archwilio hanes diwydiant a ddisgrifiwyd amser maith yn ôl fel ‘diwydiant parasitig’ oherwydd bod ei weithwyr yn dioddef camdriniaeth arswydus.  Mae maes…

How youth volunteering increases young voter turnout: the impact on citizenship

The previous post outlined the central finding of Social Action as a Route to the Ballot Box: youth volunteering increases turnout among young people by increasing their interest in political issues and so raising their motivation to vote. This effect is only apparent, however, for young people whose parents have little or no interest in…

WISERD yng Nghynhadledd Rhwydwaith Cyd-gynhyrchu Cymru

Denodd stondin arddangos WISERD lawer o ddiddordeb yng nghynhadledd flynyddol Rhwydwaith Cyd-gynhyrchu Cymru yn Wrecsam heddiw. Gallwn Gyda’n Gilydd: Cynigiodd Dathliad o Gyd-gynhyrchu a Chynhwysiant yng Nghymru gyfleoedd allweddol i rwydweithio a chysylltu ein gwaith â sefydliadau o’r trydydd sector a’r sector cyhoeddus. Nod y diwrnod oedd ystyried llunio polisïau a gwasanaethau ar y cyd,…

Social action IS a route to the ballot box – but only for a minority of young people

As previous posts in this series have shown, one of the major challenges facing British democracy is the declining tendency of successive generations of young citizens to vote, leaving them under-represented in policy-making and potentially raising questions about the legitimacy of our democratic institutions in the future, as this low turnout becomes a lifelong habit….

Ymchwilydd WISERD yn ennill medal Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru

Mae Dr Stuart Fox wedi ennill medal Dillwyn ar gyfer y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol gan Gymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru. Maen un o dri ymchwilydd o Brifysgol Caerdydd i dderbyn gwobr am gydnabyddiaeth o waith ymchwil rhagorol ar ddechrau gyrfa. Dyfarnwyd y medalau mewn seremoni i ddathlu llwyddiannau’r byd academaidd ar 22 Mai yng Ngholeg Brenhinol Cerdd a…

Welsh Policy and Politics in Unprecedented Times

  Austerity, the further devolution of powers, and issues such as an ageing population, climate change, and Brexit are all important conditions and events leading to uncertainty, instability and an unprecedented situation in Welsh policy and politics. These issues affect how and why policy is made and services are delivered. Held in partnership with the…

How well is Wales monitoring its fulfilment of the Convention on the Rights of the Child? A view from Dr Rhian Barrance and Sally Holland, Children’s Commissioner for Wales

Sally Holland, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and Dr Rhian Barrance, WISERD Research Associate, discuss how Wales has gone further than any other UK country in implementing the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) by introducing the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure in 2011. This requires that ministers…

Why are primary school children in Wales so worried about tests?

WISERD recently conducted a survey of almost 10,000 children aged between 7 and 18-years-old in Wales for the Children’s Commissioner for Wales. The aim of the survey was to identify the most significant issues facing children in Wales in order to guide the Commissioner’s 3 year workplan for children and young people. The 11-18 year…

Live on BBC Radio Wales – Dr Rhian Barrance discusses the impact of national tests on children in Wales

Dr Rhian Barrance talks on BBC Radio Cymru and BBC Radio Wales about new research findings from her work with the Children’s Commissioner for Wales on the impact of national tests on children in Wales. BBC Radio Cymru, ‘Post Cyntaf’, 8am, 09/05/19: BBC Radio Wales, ‘Good Evening Wales’, 5pm, 09/05/19:

Childhood in Wales is changing, Wales’ services must change too

New data from over 10,000 children and young people in Wales reveal the impact pressures of modern life are placing on their mental health. WISERD Research Associate, Dr Rhian Barrance carried out the Beth Nawr, 2019 survey for the Children’s Commissioner for Wales, which collected data to help shape the Commissioner’s new three-year work plan….

WISERD yn cynnal Anthropolegau Cymdeithasol y Cymry: Y Gorffennol a’r Presennol

Cynhaliodd WISERD ddarlith gyda’r nos a symposiwm undydd ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yr wythnos hon. Trefnwyd y digwyddiad ar y cyd gyda’r Sefydliad Anthropolegol Brenhinol, Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru a Chymdeithas Anrhydeddus y Cymmrodorion. Roedd Anthropolegau Cymdeithasol y Cymry: Y Gorffennol a’r Presennol yn edrych ar ddatblygiad anthropoleg gymdeithasol yng Nghymru o safbwyntiau ysgolheictod cenedlaethol ac ymgysylltu…

New international research project announced

      WISERD has been successful in gaining funding for new international research. Led by Professor Paul Chaney, the project is entitled: ‘Civil Society Advocacy and the Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh: Challenges and Resolutions’. Co-investigator of the new study is Professor Nasir Uddin of the University of Chittagong, a leading international scholar on the…

Llywodraeth Cymru yn Cyhoeddi Tystiolaeth Newydd am Waith yng Nghymru

Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cyhoeddi adroddiad heddiw, a ysgrifennwyd gan Alan Felstead a Rhys Davies, sy’n cynnig tystiolaeth newydd am natur cyflogadwyedd yng Nghymru.  Mae Gweithio yng Nghymru 2006-2017:  Tystiolaeth o’r Arolwg Sgiliau a Chyflogaeth yn cynnig cipolwg gwerthfawr – o safbwynt gweithwyr – ar nifer o faterion gan gynnwys hyrwyddo gwaith teg; gwella’r defnydd…

Hopes and fears: The development of a new curriculum in Wales

Since 2015, ‘pioneer’ schools across Wales have been contributing to the development of a new national curriculum based on Professor Graham Donaldson’s (2015) report, Successful Futures. As part of a Welsh government-funded research project being conducted through the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD),*  over 30 teachers involved in this…

Beth sy’n dylanwadu ar ymgysylltiad cymunedol a lleol ag ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru?

Mae adroddiad newydd gan y Sefydliad Materion Cymreig yn seiliedig ar ymchwil WISERD wedi’i gyhoeddi gan yr Athro Judith Marquand, Kate O’Sullivan a Dr Sioned Pearce o Brifysgol Caerdydd. Mae ‘Ffactorau sy’n dylanwadu ar ymgysylltiad cymunedol a lleol ag ynni adnewyddadwy yng Nghymru’yn seiliedig ar sgyrsiau gyda phobl sy’n cymryd rhan yn uniongyrchol mewn prosiectau…

WISERD visits University of Paris 1, Panthéon-La Sorbonne

Professor W. John Morgan visited the University of Paris 1, Panthéon-La Sorbonne this week, at the personal invitation of Professor Georges Haddad, the University’s President, to discuss his Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship research on ‘UNESCO and the Cultural Cold War: International Intellectual Co-operation or Soft Power?’ Professor Haddad was formerly Director of the Division of Higher…

WISERD i gyflwyno yng Ngŵyl y Gelli 2019

  Jean Jenkins, Darllenydd mewn Cysylltiadau Cyflogaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, i gyflwyno yng Ngŵyl y Gelli eleni ddydd Mawrth 28 Mai. Mae Jean yn gweithio ar brosiect Cronfa Ymchwil Heriau Byd-eang a ariennir gan Lywodraeth y DU gyda WISERD, sy’n ymchwilio i’r posibilrwydd o gael gafael ar ddatrysiad ar gyfer gweithwyr dillad yn y gadwyn…

My Erasmus placement at WISERD

  I am a PhD student in Sociology at the University of Brasilia. Through the Erasmus+ programme, I spent six months on a research placement at the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University. I have been based in the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). At WISERD I had…

Are Millennials a generation of volunteers?

When we talk about the benefits of volunteering this is usually in relation to young people. Most organisations promote volunteering opportunities to young people; ‘good news’ stories in the media about volunteering focus on the activities of young citizens; and government interventions to increase participation are usually focused on school initiatives (such as the Welsh…

WISERD researchers secure places at the 2019 GW4 Crucible

Three WISERD researchers – Constantino Dumangane, Wil Chivers and Ian Thomas – have successfully secured places on the 2019 GW4 Crucible. The GW4 Crucible is a competitive annual programme that seeks to promote interdisciplinary collaboration between early career researchers from Cardiff, Bristol, Bath and Exeter universities. This year’s programme comprises three two-day residential labs. 30…

WISERD presents latest research on curriculum reform in Wales

    WISERD Co-Director, Professor Chris Taylor and Dr Nigel Newton presented at an education event sponsored by WISERD and the Learned Society of Wales this week, where a new report by the Institute of Welsh Affairs on implications of curriculum reform was launched. Following a review undertaken by Professor Graham Donaldson in 2015, the…

Volunteering in the UK: How can we compare across nations?

A long-standing challenge for charities, policy-makers, think tanks and academics interested in volunteering in the UK has been identifying how and why rates of volunteering might vary across the four countries within it. This matters not only for those interested in how the distinct histories, communities and cultures of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland…

WISERD and Indian partner deliver workshop on civil society and good governance in New Delhi

    Leading academics presented as part of a two-day workshop held by WISERD and the Indian Institute of Technology, in New Delhi on 24 and 25th January. The event, ‘Civil Society and Good Governance’, was part of a project funded by the Academy of Medical Sciences, the Global Challenges Research Fund and led by…

Praying on Brexit: Christianity and Euroscepticism in Britain

On 23rd June 2016, UK voters delivered one of the greatest shocks to British politics by voting 52% to 48% in favour of Brexit. The closeness of the result masked the depth of difference between the moral, political and social values held by those on each side. These differences continue to be a source of…

Growing up in Wales: Evidence from the WISERD Education Multi-Cohort Study

Over the past six years, the WISERD Education Multi Cohort Study (WMCS) has made an important contribution to understanding the lives of young people in Wales, by conducting an annual survey of over 1,000 young people, aged eight to 18-years-old. A key part of the data we’ve been gathering is around our young people’s educational…

The ‘Youthquake’ plot thickens…

Earlier this month we saw an interesting development in the study of young people’s engagement with politics in the form of Professor Will Jennings and Professor Patrick Sturgis’ excellent analysis of Understanding Society data, which led them to argue that there was, in fact, a youthquake in the 2017 general election. As soon as the…

The Shared Prosperity Fund should give Wales a future – not just a cheque

Wales faces an imminent funding hole. After Brexit, we will lose access to the net benefit we gain from EU funds. These include the so-called ‘structural funds’, which support regional development and social initiatives. For 2012-20 alone, Wales has been allocated some £2 billion worth of structural funding. That’s a lot of money to miss…

WISERD symposium on the family and civil society: across the generations

On the 20th November, researchers from universities and third sector organisations came together at the London offices of the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) for a symposium on the relationship between the family and civil society. Chaired by WISERD co-director, Professor Sally Power, the event provided an opportunity to share updates on WISERD Civil…

Young people value diversity, humour and honesty in their friendships – new research

Friendships made in school play a special part in young people’s development. They are more than just moral support, friends help them learn key social skills, and serve as a source of social support. Close school friends also help young people develop a sense of importance, trust, acceptance and belonging within their school. Young people…

ESRC Festival of Social Science 2018

From sharing our latest research findings and hosting expert panel discussions, to providing practical workshops and networking opportunities, WISERD ran four events as part of this year’s Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Festival of Social Sciences. We began the week by visiting a local secondary school and sharing some of the latest findings from…

New WISERD Working Paper: Trust-transparency paradoxes: proceedings of an international conference

WISERD’s latest working paper outlines the  main  proceedings  of  an  international  conference  held  at Sciences Po Lyon, France, on 4 May 2018.  The symposium and subsequent working paper was led by Professor Alistair Cole (Professeur de Science Politique, Directeur du pôle Stratégie et partenariats internationaux, Sciences Po, Lyon and WISERD). The new publication pulls together…

Do volunteers vote, or voters volunteer? The Causality Conundrum

When researchers look at the people who are more likely to vote in elections, or to volunteer in their community, they regularly find themselves describing the same group: those who are highly educated, come from middle class backgrounds and households, who believe that interacting with their community is what a ‘good citizen’ does, and who…

Causes of falling youth turnout: declining political interest

The fact that younger generations are less likely to be interested in politics, and that this is related to the generational decline of turnout in the UK, is often treated as something of a slur; a claim that is not only unfair to young people but lets politicians off the hook. Instead, centre stage is…

WISERD at 10

This year WISERD celebrates a decade of influencing policy and debate. To mark this important anniversary, a variety of external stakeholders were invited to join WISERD colleagues, old and new, for WISERD at 10, at the Senedd in Cardiff Bay. The event marked the launch of Changing Wales: WISERD at 10, a new publication showcasing…

Falling between the gaps: findings of an evidence review

  There are significant gaps in evidence about our most disadvantaged children, reveals an evidence review carried out to assess the state of children’s rights in Wales. Dr Rhian Barrance, Research Associate at WISERD, carried out the review for the Children’s Commissioner for Wales to inform the Commissioner’s strategic priorities. The review identified key evidence…

WISERD Keynote Address at H.M. Treasury, Government Economic Service and Government Social Research Annual Conference

    On Friday 21 September 2018, WISERD Co-Director Professor Paul Chaney gave a keynote address at H.M. Treasury, Government Economic Service and Government Social Research Annual Conference in Aldersgate, London. The conference theme was ‘Better Analysis through Diversity of Thought, Place and People’. Professor Chaney presented the findings from WISERD research into international progress…

Causes of Falling Youth Turnout: Changing Conceptions of Citizenship

In a previous post we saw how the turnout of younger voters has fallen substantially over the past fifty years, and that the turnout gap between young people and the wider electorate has trebled since 18 year olds were first allowed to vote. There is an extensive – and sometimes heated – debate amongst academics,…

WISERD Civil Society awarded transition funding

    WISERD Civil Society is one of nine research centres to have been awarded follow-on ‘centres transition funding’. This will enable us to continue our research and activities, and work towards increasing the use of our research in policy and practice. WISERD Civil Society is an ESRC-funded social science research centre undertaking multi-disciplinary, policy-relevant…

WISERD holds joint research workshop on civil society, human rights and social justice in Bangladesh

Following the recent violence and civil unrest in Bangladesh over the summer some of the country’s leading human rights activists attended a one-day civil society research workshop organised by WISERD and BRAC University in Dhaka on August 30. It was held as part of the project ‘Exploring Effective Practice in Civil Society Organisations: Promotion of Human…

WISERD welcomes Gwyther Rees – Honorary Research Fellow

Earlier this month Cardiff University announced they are conferring an honorary title upon Gwyther Rees. Gwyther is an internationally renowned expert on children’s subjective wellbeing, he has been researching children’s wellbeing in the UK and internationally for nearly thirty years. Gwyther has considerable experience of working in the third sector with various organisations such as…

Female Foeticide and Bride Trafficking in India: New Perspectives from Civil Society

  Constitutionally a secular state, India is a diverse country with marked religious divides. Recent years have seen growing international and domestic concerns over multiple forms of discrimination affecting persons belonging to religious and linguistic minorities, and a growing trend of violence against members of religious minorities. There are similar worries over discrimination and oppression…

Strong WISERD presence at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Annual Research Conference

Work from WISERD’s Civil Society Research Programme features prominently at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Annual Conference in London, taking place today and tomorrow September 6-7. The WISERD stand (pictured) is doing brisk business with high levels of interest from conference-goers.     WISERD researchers will be presenting a raft of papers. For…

Inequalities in Youth Turnout: it’s not only age that matters

Our previous blog showed the challenge facing British democracy stemming from the sharp age-based differences in electoral turnout: while younger people have always been less likely to vote, since 1970 the difference between them and their elders has trebled. Since 2001, it has been fair to say that the average British young person does not…

WISERD- IIT Delhi – joint Civil Society and Citizenship Research Workshop held in New Delhi

India’s leading human rights NGOs attended the two-day WISERD- Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi joint civil society Research Workshop held in New Delhi on August 17-18. It was held as part of the project ‘Exploring Effective Practice in Civil Society Organisations: Promotion of Human Rights, Good Governance and Social Justice in India and Bangladesh’ project…

Social Action as a Route to the Ballot Box: Can Volunteering Help Reverse Declining Youth Turnout?

In the 1970 General Election (the first following the reduction of the voting age to 18), 65% of eligible 18-24 year olds voted – roughly 7% lower than the turnout for the whole electorate.  By the 2017 election (despite claims of a so-called ‘youthquake’), this difference had trebled: fewer than half of eligible 18-24 year…

Huge variance found in aspirations of school-leavers, depending on where they study

Schools can be hugely influential in students’ choices about higher education, irrespective of the grades they achieve, research has found. The Study led by WISERD’s Professor Chris Taylor followed the educational pathways of all Year 11 pupils across Wales between 2005 and 2007. When the only variable factor was the school they went to, the…

Trams, canals and international perspectives on third sector research

Earlier this month WISERD colleagues from Cardiff and Bangor attended the International Society for Third Sector Research (ISTR) Conference in Amsterdam. This bi-annual gathering of academics and practitioners from over 80 countries across the world, aims to promote the study of civil society and the non-profit sector. Hosted by Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam, the conference saw…

Global trade union organisation recognises WISERD’s research impact

The importance of a new report Trade Union Responses to the Changing World of Work, written by Dr Helen Blakely and Dr Steve Davies, which looks at the trade union responses to the changing world of work around the world, has been recognised by UNI Global Union. In a letter from UNI Global Union’s General Secretary,…

Gender pay gaps in the UK: statutory reporting and wage transparency at the BBC

The gender pay gap has narrowed since it was first measured in the UK in the early 1970s, however since 2010 this trend has stalled and the gap currently remains at about 25%. With the recent implementation of new legislation requiring UK companies with more than 250 employees to publish their gender pay gaps this…

Sheffield Needs a Payrise

The Sheffield Needs A Payrise (SNAP) research project follows the campaign of the same name and builds on the WISERD Spaces of New Localism Civil Society research project. It looks primarily into forms of grassroots, civil society and trade union working together to address issues of low pay and precariousness in work in Sheffield. SNAP…

WISERD Civil Society research on family arguments presented at childhood studies conference

Professor Sally Power, Director of WISERD Education, will today present new research on family arguments at an international childhood studies conference. This research is from the ESRC Civil Society centre research project ‘The intergenerational transmission of ‘civic virtues’: the role of the family in civil society engagement’. Professor Power’s presentation, entitled ‘Family Arguments: about what…

WISERD housing network lead takes part in Westminster Expert Panel

Dr Peter Mackie, the Chair of WISERD’s housing research network, will today share findings from his research at an event on homelessness at Westminster. The panel discussion, ‘How can we tackle the homelessness crisis?’ is part of the Social Market Foundation and the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)’s ‘Ask the Expert series’.  This event…

Young people are leading a growing movement against low pay and precarious work

Strikes have taken place at McDonald’s and TGI Friday’s restaurants across the UK in recent months. These strikes are the first of their kind in the UK, instigated by a new generation of trade union members fighting for better pay and fairer working conditions.  At the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and…

Pioneers voice their hopes and fears for the new Curriculum for Wales

Wales is in the process of developing a curriculum that is designed to transform the nature of teaching and learning in primary and secondary schools. The ‘Curriculum for wales’ – sometimes referred to simply as ‘Donaldson’ after the person who developed the proposals – is based on ‘ a brand new way of developing a…

WISERD in Paris: Bringing lessons to bear from the UK’s experience for the French constitutional reform

Last Thursday I was invited to the French Senate, the second chamber, to contribute my thoughts on introducing territorial diversity into the French constitution, with a focus on drawing lessons from comparable European experiences.  The specific brief was to discuss how the UK government had managed to introduce Devolution almost two years ago. As with…

Organ transplants: knowing more about where donors live could save lives

In 2017-18, a record number of people (1,575 in total) in the UK donated their organs after death, resulting in more than 5,000 life-saving or life-improving transplants. These figures, released by NHS Blood and Transplant, show numbers of deceased donors continue to rise in the UK. The 2017-18 figure was an 11% increase on the…

UK Government Revises National Statistics on Trade Union Membership in Response to WISERD Research

Rhys Davies reveals how official figures have under-estimated the presence of trade unions within UK workplaces over many years. This morning, the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) published its latest estimates for trade union membership in the UK based upon data from the Labour Force Survey.  Today’s figures reveal that 6.2 million…

Trade Union responses to the changing world of work

WISERD researcher Dr Helen Blakely is working with UNI Global Union to identify trade unions’ responses to the changing world of work from around the world. This work is being presented at UNI Global Union’s World Congress in June 2018, the largest single global union gathering in the UK in 2018. Here they outline some…

TGI Friday’s staff go on strike for fair pay and fair tips

Continuing with research into current trade union activity, WISERD researcher Wil Chivers reports from a day spent in London last Friday, as TGI Friday’s staff go on strike for the first time in Covent Garden and Milton Keynes. Another week, another strike. There is definitely something growing here. Hot on the heels of the UK’s…

Ageing, intergenerational relations, and barriers to social participation

In ageing societies, promoting active ageing and intergenerational solidarity has been a key aim of policy at national as well as European level. Governments have promoted these policies as a response to concerns over the social exclusion of older people; critics have suggested that such policies merely serve to ease the economic and financial burden…

Sharing research and extending learning

Christala Sophocleous reflects on the experience of co-writing with WISERD colleagues. What did we learn from the Communities First programme? This question was at the heart of many conversations and (often fierce) debates that took place in the months following the announcement in February 2017 that the programme would end in 2018. Across Wales, in…

How does disability affect life satisfaction?

Disability, that is, the presence of a long-term limiting health condition, is associated with substantial economic disadvantage, as illustrated by the low rates of employment and high rates of poverty among disabled people. Yet becoming disabled during the life course, which is experienced by more than 80% of disabled people of working age, can potentially…

Understanding Policy Fellowship funding awarded to Dr Stuart Fox

Dr Fox’s funding is for an Understanding Society Policy Fellowship, which will fund a one year research project called ‘Social action as a route to the ballot box: can volunteering reduce inequalities in turnout?’ The funding is for an Understanding Society Policy Fellowship, which will fund a one year research project called ‘Social action as…

Dr Sioned Pearce awarded ESRC New Investigator funding

Dr Pearce’s successful research grant will fund the WISERD-based research project ‘Youth unemployment and civil society under devolution: a comparative analysis of sub-state welfare regimes’.  The £211,000 grant from the Economic and Social Research Council will fund a two-year project examining divergences in civil society responses to youth unemployment (policy) in the four, devolved nations…

WISERD collaborates with Welsh Government to revolutionise the homelessness data infrastructure in Wales

Dr Ian Thomas, an Administrative Data Research Centre Wales Research Officer based at WISERD, will work with Welsh Government on a part-time basis for a year, introducing new expertise and capacity, with the primary focus of exploring the feasibility of introducing an individual level data collection, reporting and analysis in relation to homelessness in Wales….

WISERD conference in Lyon marks next step in European collaboration

Today’s conference ‘Trust-Transparency Paradoxes’ marks the beginning of a formal collaborative agreement between WISERD and TRIANGLE in Lyon, France. The memorandum of Understanding, signed on the eve of the conference, will support the development of exciting joint research projects, future academic exchanges and collaborative publications. TRIANGLE and WISERD are both cross-institutional, multi-disciplinary centres of research…

McDonald’s workers strike for the second time on International Workers’ Day

Following last week’s WISERD blog post about the 2017 McDonald’s strike, Wil Chivers and Helen Blakely report from the picket lines in London at the UK’s second McStrike. Until now our research on the McStrike has been at a distance. We’ve followed the Twitter conversation and although we’ve got a good sense of what’s been…

How the UK’s first #McStrike was tweeted

In September 2017, McDonald’s workers went on strike for the first time in the UK. Researchers at WISERD analysed the social media conversation that surrounded the ‘McStrike’ at the time. With a second McStrike scheduled for the 1st May Wil Chivers, Helen Blakely and Steve Davies outline key findings from this research. Young workers unite…

Student talent network to be expanded after WISERD review

The Welsh Government have announced plans to expand their pilot network for high achieving school pupils. WISERD and ADRC-Wales researchers Rhys Davies and Dr Suhaer Yunus contributed to the OB3 Research evaluation of the Seren Network, which helps Wales’ brightest sixth formers gain access to top universities across the world. .@wgcs_education has announced the @Seren_Network…

Charities are playing a growing role in schools – but is that a good thing?

WISERD Education Director, Professor Sally Power, explores the situation in this blog post. While there have been growing concerns about the permeation of business in education, relatively little attention has been paid to how schools are increasingly engaged in the “business” of fundraising for charities. At WISERD Education, we have been examining the increasingly close…

Tracking progress on the government’s disability and employment commitments

  WISERD’s Professor Melanie Jones blogs for The Conversation with Professor Victoria Wass, Cardiff University. Disability affects the lives of millions of people in the UK. With about one in six working-age people currently reporting some kind of disability, around 70% are either working, looking for work or want to work. Good quality work is…

Does community cohesion matter when it comes to library accessibility?

From realms of fantasy to political intrigue, libraries are places where people of all ages can immerse themselves in fiction and non-fiction alike. Sadly, ever-tightening local government budgets have necessitated changing levels of provision for many of our beloved local public services. For some libraries this means reduced opening hours or even forced closures when…

Engaging with the voluntary sector at gofod3

‘Have you done any research on how to recruit volunteers?’; ‘Can I use the WISERD DataPortal to map my members?’. These were just some of the questions we were asked when WISERD returned to this year’s gofod3, the WCVA’s annual gathering of the third sector. We had a stand in the exhibition hall, along with 60 other organisations…

A space for the voices of young, BME women in the Brexit process

To mark International Women’s Day, we want to create a space for the voices of young, ethnic minority women in the current Brexit process. With EU-UK exit negotiations well underway, this study is an extension of both WISERD’s ‘Young People and Brexit’ study and Welsh Crucible-funded ‘Migration, Moral Panic and Meaning’, exploring representations of EU migrants…

New book on modern European philosophers launched

A new book by WISERD academic Professor W. John Morgan examining nine modern European philosophers was discussed at a recent lunchtime seminar. Philosophy, Dialogue, and Education: Nine Modern European Philosophers, by Prof Morgan and Alexandre Guilherme, is intended for academics and students in philosophy or the philosophy of education and in educational, cultural, and social studies. It considers…

What do young people in Wales think about their school environments?

For the past 30 years there has been substantial focus in the UK on the issues related to the physical size and condition of schools, and how it may affect pupils’ academic progress, achievement and overall school experience. Young people’s perspectives of their environments are reflected through cultures and organisation, as well as physical structures…

New WISERD civil society research in India and Bangladesh

A new WISERD international partnership project examining civil society in India and Bangladesh has been announced. The project, entitled “Exploring effective practice in civil society organisations’ promotion of human rights, good governance and social justice in India and Bangladesh” is led by Professor Paul Chaney (Cardiff University) and Sahoo Sarbeswar (Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi). Funded by the…

WISERD housing expert gives evidence at Senedd

An enquiry into rough sleeping by the National Assembly’s Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee this morning heard evidence from Dr Peter Mackie, Chair of WISERD’s Housing Research Network. Dr Mackie told the Committee that recent changes in Welsh housing laws with the Housing Act 2014, while effective on a wider basis, haven’t worked as…

Transparency – a commitment to greater accountability or an overpriced pint?

The seemingly unending decline of trust in politicians and the political process has been a recurring story within the media in recent years. In January, the annual Edelman Trust Barometer reported a “global implosion of trust”, with levels of trust in government falling across half of the countries surveyed, from South Africa to Spain. Politicians…

The ‘youthquake’ myth & Britain’s Millennials

Dr Stuart Fox suggests there was no real increase in youth turnout at last year’s election After the polls closed in the 2017 general election, the ‘youthquake’ quickly became one of the hottest talking points amongst academics, politicians and journalists alike. Driven on by photographs on social media of young people queuing outside polling stations,…

The perils and pitfalls of feeding back on local field studies

In 2014 we embarked on a comparative study of two villages in North East Wales. Our research focused on how people come together in local areas – in clubs, societies and groups – and observed how such association is changing. We spent two years interviewing local people, listening to their life histories and experiences, observing…

Should levels of access to essential services be measured by travel time alone?

According to available estimates, residents living in more rural areas of Wales generally need to travel farthest to access a number of key services. Take access to GP surgeries, for instance. A two-way journey by car to a local GP surgery is considered to take, on average, between 10-14 minutes for those living in smaller…

Dr Scott Orford talks empty shops in Wales on Radio 4

WISERD’s Dr Scott Orford from Cardiff University was featured in two parts of a three part series on BBC Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ programme, exploring why rates of empty shops are higher in Wales than they are in other parts of the UK.   Image credit: Gwydion M. Williams (CC BY 2.0)

Wales’s schools urgently need political participation lessons

Dr Dan Evans uses WISERD research to examine young people’s apathy with the Welsh political process This article was originally published on The Conversation. Click to read the original article. After 20 years of devolved politics, one would assume that Wales’s government and parliament would have solidified its place in the country, and the people of…

WISERD takes civil society research to Indonesia

WISERD has been sharing research on civil society at the International Society for Third Sector Research’s tenth Asia Pacific Regional Conference hosted by CECT Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia. The WISERD stall at the conference did brisk business, attracting interest from many senior academics, students, policy-makers and members of third sector organisations attending the event. Presentations…

WISERD wins at Social Research Awards

Cardiff WISERD Co-Director Professor Chris Taylor won a prestigious Welsh Social Research Association award from an all-WISERD shortlist last night. Prof Taylor was awarded the Research Impact Award for leading a team evaluating the Welsh Government’s Foundation Phase, the school curriculum for 3-7 year olds. As well as direct changes to education policy, @profchristaylor’s research on…

Chris Taylor yn traddodi’r Ddarlith Medal Hugh Owen gyntaf

Mae academydd blaenllaw WISERD wedi rhybuddio cynulleidfa o’r sector addysg am y sialensau’n wynebu’r rheiny sy’n gweithredu cwricwlwm newydd Cymru. Cymerodd Gyd-Gyfarwyddwr WISERD yr Athro Chris Taylor fantais o’r oedi i weithrediant y cwricwlwm newydd i amlinellu beth oedd yn ol ef yn gwestiynau hollbwysig i sichrau ei lwyddiant. Derbyniodd yr Athro Taylor y Fedal Hugh…

Going the extra mile: women, migrants, and civil society in austere times

Hardly a day goes by without discussion of immigration in the media. Recently, the leaking of a Home Office document outlined plans to limit immigration from the EU after Brexit, and once again, the report and surrounding discussion focused on the perceived shortcomings of immigration. We have interviewed 40 key stakeholders representing 25 organisations run…

Remembering in Aberystwyth: Memorialisation, civil society and the importance of place

Dr Sophie Yarker on the unique shared Remembrance Day practices in Aberystwyth Remembrance Sunday and its parades, wreath-laying and fundraising provides perhaps one of the clearest examples of the coming together of civil society through a shared practice of memorialisation. Although dominated nationally by the Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal, at a community level there…

WISERD analysis helps determine whether Welsh Government can fulfill childcare commitment

WISERD’s bespoke analytical tools were used in a Welsh Government research project to assess whether the existing supply of childcare in Wales can cope with the increased demand due from a change in Government policy. The research and analysis was conducted by WISERD Co-Director Prof Gary Higgs and Dr Mitchel Langford of the University of…

Rediscovering passion: how my placement at WISERD has helped my future

Josie Phillips has recently graduated from her third year of a sociology degree at Cardiff University. This summer, Josie undertook a research placement at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD), assisting Dr Esther Muddiman with a project about the passing on of values between family members. As my third year of…

Developing ‘inheritance’ mapping

Louise Taylor is in the second year of her sociology degree at Cardiff University. This summer she took part in a Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP) placement at the Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD). Louise has been working with Dr Esther Muddiman on a project about intergenerational values….

Cardiff hub helps UK-wide effort to shape housing policy

Welsh housing experts, including WISERD academics, are set to take a leading role in a new UK-wide effort designed to shape UK policy and tackle chronic housing problems. The Glasgow-based UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE) is a joint collaboration between ten universities and three non-higher education organisations. Staff are located at hubs across…

‘Handbook of Education in China’ book launch

Cardiff Confucius Institute welcomed Honorary Professor and Leverhulme Emeritus Professor W. John Morgan and Professor of Education at University of Nottingham, Qing Gu, to introduce their new book, theHandbook of Education in China. The launch event was well attended by Cardiff University staff and students representing a range of academic schools, demonstrating the wide interest…

Civil Society research presented to leading Chinese institution

Findings from the WISERD Civil Society project, ‘Territoriality and Third Sector Engagement in Policy-making and Welfare Provision’, were recently presented to two of China’s leading institutions. WISERD Co-Director, Professor Paul Chaney, gave a presentation to the leading Chinese Government Research body, the Beijing-based Institute of Economic Reform. He outlined research findings on the impact of…

What does the future hold for languages in a post-Brexit UK?

As the debates and scrutiny of the EU Withdrawal Bill continue, Aberystwyth University is hosting a conference tomorrow (21 September) on the implications of Brexit for language policy. The event is organised and sponsored by the Language, Culture and Identity Research Network of the Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods (WISERD)…

Strong WISERD presence at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Annual Research Conference

Work from WISERD’s Civil Society Research Programme featured prominently at the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) Annual Conference in Nottingham, September 7-8. The WISERD stand (pictured) did brisk business with high levels of interest from conference-goers. Dr David Dalimore (WISERD, Bangor University) gave a paper on ‘Place, Belonging and the Determinants of Volunteering’. This presented…